Multimodal Interaction

13 Aug, 2020
Description of Research:


The Multimodal Interaction Group studies interaction in current and future computing environments, spanning workplaces, homes, public spaces, and beyond. The research is primarily concerned with concepts, models and software tools / artifacts for interaction techniques and interactive systems. The core scientific activity focuses on the theoretical and technical foundations of multimodal interaction. We are keen to explore the interaction of humans with digital devices around us. Interaction involves different psychological and software aspects depending on the nature of tasks to be performed and the devices used for this purpose. We are motivated to conduct research in all the related areas that affect this interaction.  Our research topics include following research lines but are not limited to the given research topics.

    • Context-aware computing
    •  Perceptual Interfaces
    • Collaboration and Learning
    • Interactive Data Exploration and Presentation

Research group is led by:

Dr. Muzafar Khan (HOD Software Engineering Department)