Contact me
- Department of Islamic Thought and Culture
- 0331-51681887 0322-5129878
- ahayee@numl.edu.pk
Dr. Abdul Hayee
Marks Or % |
Year |
Degrees |
NO |
71% |
2019 |
PhD Islamic Studies |
76.62 % |
2009 |
MPhil Islamic Studies |
Punjab University, Lahore |
615/1000 61.5% |
2003 |
M.A Arabic |
78.77 % |
2004 |
B.A.Honours Islamic Studies |
Punjab University, Lahore |
466/800,58.25% |
2001 |
B.A |
Rawalpindi Board |
543/1100,49.36% |
1997 |
F.A Arts Group |
Federal Board, Islamabad |
598/850, 70.35% |
1994 |
Matric Science Group |
Wafaq Ul Madaris |
664/900, |
1997 |
Al-Sanwia Alaama |
Do |
615/900 |
1999 |
Al-Sanwia Alkhsa |
Do |
672/900 |
2002 |
Shahadat Ul Aalia |
Do |
466/800 |
2003 |
Shahadat Ul Aalmia |
- Teaching experience of 8 years & 6 months in a private University (Al-Jamia Al-Salafia).
- One Semester in IIUI as a Visiting faculty
- One year in AIOU as a Visiting faculty
- Quran Tutor experience of 15 years
- Lecturer NUML 6 years 9 months experience (11-03-2016 to Date)
S # |
Complete Name of Journal and Address with ISSN No. |
Title of Publication |
Vol. No. & Page No. |
HEC Category W/X/Y/Z |
Year Published |
AL-ILM Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot - Pakistan, ISSN- Online: 2618-1142 Print: 2618-1134 |
Ilm al-Qira’at and Muhaddith Tabi’n Qurra e keram علم قراءات اور محدث تابعينِ قرائے كرام (قرآن،حديث اور تاريخى تناظر ميں تجزياتى مطالعہ) |
Vol.1 Issue: 2, (Pages 01 to 30) |
Y |
July - December 2017 |
Al Basirah Department of Islamic Studies NUML, Islamabad, ISSN: 2520-7334 Print: 2222-4548 |
Exploring Methodology of Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn-e-Tammiyah in Moqaddima fi Usul al-Tafsir مقدمہ فى اصول تفسير از شيخ الاسلام ابن تيميہ كااسلوب اور منہج) تحقيقى جائزہ ( |
Vol.7 Issue: 2, 27 Pages 77 to 104
X |
December 2018 |
Rahatul Quloob Department of Islamic Studies Quetta, Baluchistan, ISSN(Print): 2520-5021, (online) 2521-2869 |
Status of Qurra-e-Thalathah and their Services in Discipline of Hadith محدثين كے ہاں قراء ثلاثہ كا مقام ومرتبہ اور علم حديث ميں ان كى خدمات |
Vol.3 Issue: 2 Pages 59 to 74 |
Y |
December 2019 |
Afkar Institute of Social Sciences & Development, RS 46, 3rd Floor, Govt. Teacher's Housing Society, Karachi, Pakistan, (ISSN: 2616-8588 Print: 2616-9223) |
An Analytical Study of Inadequacy of Business Ethics & Its Remedial Measures in the Context of Sīrah al Nabi ﷺ تجارتی اخلاقیات کا فُقدان اور اس کا سدباب: سیرت النبی ﷺ کے تناظر میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ |
VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1, Pages 41 to 54 |
Y |
January-June 2020 |
Al-Dalili Department of Islamic Studies Quetta, Baluchistan, ISSN(Print): 2788-4627, (Online)2788-4635 |
The position and status of Qura'a Saba among the narrators and their services in the Ilm-e-Hadith (In the context of Kutub-e-Satta and Musnad Ahmad محدثين كے ہاں قراء سبعہ كا مقام ومرتبہ اور علم حديث ميں ان كى خدمات (كتب ستہ اور مسند احمد كے تناظر ميں) |
Vol.3 Issue: 1 Pages 121 to 140 |
Y |
December 2021 |
Jahan e Tahqeeq ISSN (Print) 2709-7625 (Online) 2709-7617 |
Effects of materialism on the moral system |
Vol.4 Issue: 2 (386-405) |
Y |
April-June 2021 |
Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) |
The Concept of Recreation and Gender Equality in Islam: An Analytical Study in the Context of Sira-E-Taiba |
Volume 19, Number 3, Pages: 2872-2880 |
X |
2022 |
Alhamd Islamika |
The Sharia orders and Boundaries Regarding Latest Medical Treatments |
Vol. 10 Issue: 01 Pages: 38 to 58 |
Y |
2023 |
Hadeeth, Tafseer, Qiraat, Seert, Fiqh
Marks Or % |
Year |
Degrees |
NO |
71% |
2019 |
PhD Islamic Studies |
76.62 % |
2009 |
MPhil Islamic Studies |
Punjab University, Lahore |
615/1000 61.5% |
2003 |
M.A Arabic |
78.77 % |
2004 |
B.A.Honours Islamic Studies |
Punjab University, Lahore |
466/800,58.25% |
2001 |
B.A |
Rawalpindi Board |
543/1100,49.36% |
1997 |
F.A Arts Group |
Federal Board, Islamabad |
598/850, 70.35% |
1994 |
Matric Science Group |
Wafaq Ul Madaris |
664/900, |
1997 |
Al-Sanwia Alaama |
Do |
615/900 |
1999 |
Al-Sanwia Alkhsa |
Do |
672/900 |
2002 |
Shahadat Ul Aalia |
Do |
466/800 |
2003 |
Shahadat Ul Aalmia |
- Teaching experience of 8 years & 6 months in a private University (Al-Jamia Al-Salafia).
- One Semester in IIUI as a Visiting faculty
- One year in AIOU as a Visiting faculty
- Quran Tutor experience of 15 years
- Lecturer NUML 6 years 9 months experience (11-03-2016 to Date)
S # |
Complete Name of Journal and Address with ISSN No. |
Title of Publication |
Vol. No. & Page No. |
HEC Category W/X/Y/Z |
Year Published |
AL-ILM Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot - Pakistan, ISSN- Online: 2618-1142 Print: 2618-1134 |
Ilm al-Qira’at and Muhaddith Tabi’n Qurra e keram علم قراءات اور محدث تابعينِ قرائے كرام (قرآن،حديث اور تاريخى تناظر ميں تجزياتى مطالعہ) |
Vol.1 Issue: 2, (Pages 01 to 30) |
Y |
July - December 2017 |
Al Basirah Department of Islamic Studies NUML, Islamabad, ISSN: 2520-7334 Print: 2222-4548 |
Exploring Methodology of Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn-e-Tammiyah in Moqaddima fi Usul al-Tafsir مقدمہ فى اصول تفسير از شيخ الاسلام ابن تيميہ كااسلوب اور منہج) تحقيقى جائزہ ( |
Vol.7 Issue: 2, 27 Pages 77 to 104
X |
December 2018 |
Rahatul Quloob Department of Islamic Studies Quetta, Baluchistan, ISSN(Print): 2520-5021, (online) 2521-2869 |
Status of Qurra-e-Thalathah and their Services in Discipline of Hadith محدثين كے ہاں قراء ثلاثہ كا مقام ومرتبہ اور علم حديث ميں ان كى خدمات |
Vol.3 Issue: 2 Pages 59 to 74 |
Y |
December 2019 |
Afkar Institute of Social Sciences & Development, RS 46, 3rd Floor, Govt. Teacher's Housing Society, Karachi, Pakistan, (ISSN: 2616-8588 Print: 2616-9223) |
An Analytical Study of Inadequacy of Business Ethics & Its Remedial Measures in the Context of Sīrah al Nabi ﷺ تجارتی اخلاقیات کا فُقدان اور اس کا سدباب: سیرت النبی ﷺ کے تناظر میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ |
VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1, Pages 41 to 54 |
Y |
January-June 2020 |
Al-Dalili Department of Islamic Studies Quetta, Baluchistan, ISSN(Print): 2788-4627, (Online)2788-4635 |
The position and status of Qura'a Saba among the narrators and their services in the Ilm-e-Hadith (In the context of Kutub-e-Satta and Musnad Ahmad محدثين كے ہاں قراء سبعہ كا مقام ومرتبہ اور علم حديث ميں ان كى خدمات (كتب ستہ اور مسند احمد كے تناظر ميں) |
Vol.3 Issue: 1 Pages 121 to 140 |
Y |
December 2021 |
Jahan e Tahqeeq ISSN (Print) 2709-7625 (Online) 2709-7617 |
Effects of materialism on the moral system |
Vol.4 Issue: 2 (386-405) |
Y |
April-June 2021 |
Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) |
The Concept of Recreation and Gender Equality in Islam: An Analytical Study in the Context of Sira-E-Taiba |
Volume 19, Number 3, Pages: 2872-2880 |
X |
2022 |
Alhamd Islamika |
The Sharia orders and Boundaries Regarding Latest Medical Treatments |
Vol. 10 Issue: 01 Pages: 38 to 58 |
Y |
2023 |
Hadeeth, Tafseer, Qiraat, Seert, Fiqh