Game Development (Unity 3D)
Game Development (Unity 3D/2D) Outline
- Unity
Brief Contents
Class 1:
- Introduction
- Installation guide
- First Program
- Data types
- User Input/Type Casting
Class 2:
- Conditional Statements/Loops
- Arrays
- Methods
Class 3:
- OOP Basics
- Classes/Objects
- Pillars of OOP
Class 4:
Unity 3D
- Introduction
- Installation
- Basic Tools
- Environment setup
Class 5:
- Creating a 3D Project
- Unity interface
- Camera and Lighting
Class 6:
- C# Scripting
- Unity Functions/Properties
- Awake and Start
- Update and FixedUpdate
- Vector Maths
Class 7:
- Enabling and Disabling Components
- activating and deactivating gameobject
- Translate and Rotate
- Destroy
Class 8:
- Get Buton / Get Key / Get Axis
- OnMouseDown
- GetComponent
- Delta time and FixedDelta time
- Instantiate
- Invoke
- Enumeration
Class 9:
- 3D Physics
- Colliders and Triggers
- Collisions
- Rigidbody
- Materials
- Physics Material
- Raycast
Class 10:
- Animation
- Animator
- animation view
- properties
- curves and events
- states
Class 11:
- UI Stuff
- Text
- Button
- Onclick and Events
Class 12:
- Image
- Slider
- Anchors
- Canvas
- Rect transform
Class 13:
- Player prefs
- Audio Source
- Asset Store
- Import and Export
Class 14:
- Making a 3D Ball Game
- Building the game
- Finalizing your game
Class 15:
- Every student should create a 3D game by his own as his final project.
Class 16:
Unity 2D
- Introduction
- Installation guide
- Creating a 2D Project
- Unity Interface
- layers / Sorting
Class 17:
- Sprites
- Sprite flipping
- Sprite Sheet
- Sprite Editor
- 2D sprite animation
Class 18:
- 2D Effectors
- 2D Joints
- Canvas/ Camera settings
- 2D UI
Class 19:
- Unity 2D Functions/Properties
- 2D Physics / Colliders
- 2D Physics material
- 2d Shooting/Ray cast
Class 20:
- Making a 2D Platformer Game
- Building the game
- Finalizing your game
Class 21:
- Every student should create a 2D game by his own as his final project
Freelancing Guidelines:
Class 22:
- Introduction to Freelancing & Freelance Platforms
- How to Create your Portfolio on Behance
- Difference between Upwork and Fiverr
- Fiverr Account Creation & Gig Making
- Tips & Tricks on Fiverr
Class 23:
- Introduction to Upwork
- Upwork Account Creation
- Proposal Writing & Bidding Techniques on Upwork
- Mistakes to Avoid on Upwork as beginner
- Tips to win more Jobs on Upwork
Class 24:
- More Topics on Freelancing
Sessions 25 - 32
One Month Guided Project with Trainer’s Support (02 days per week):
Trainer will check the progress of assigned individual Project and guide about further work.
Training and Technical Support
Training by the experts working on latest tools in the industry
Daily tasks will be implemented in the Lab
Assignment of each class will be the extension of the lab task
A guided project is part of the training where the expert will visit as per schedule
Engage the candidates to learn freelancing activities
Appear in the international Certification with additional fee for Examination
Preferred Audience for Professional Track
Anyone with basic understanding of Computer Operations
Students of IT, CS, SE, AI and any other relevant basic knowledge of game design
Training Duration & Schedule
03 Months (03 sessions / week)
•Technical Content and - 07 weeks
•Free-lancing training - 01 week
•Guided Project Work (with Trainer) - 04 weeks (02 sessions / week)
National / International Certifications
National: Certificate of Training by NUML
International: Certificate by Unity 3d (if applied)