HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REACT (Front-End Web Development)
What is Front End Development?
06 Weeks Course Outline (Web Designing)
06 Weeks Course Outline (JavaScript)
06 Weeks Course Outline (React Js)
Brief Contents (03 Months Course Outline)
- Internet, Browsers, HTTP, Web Development in general, HTML, HTML5.
- IDE, tag concept, HTML Document structure, HTML universal attributes.
- HTML Tags: img, br, h1-h6, p, div, header, footer, blockquote.
- Lists: Order & unordered and table.
- Form and Form tags: button, input, label, select, textarea.
- Styling of HTML components using CSS: CSS selectors, CSS syntax and generic formula of CSS, CSS Units: Relative and Absolute
- CSS Element Positioning using: height, width, margin, padding, position, display, flexbox, grid, z-index etc.
- CSS Element Styling using: opacity, border, visibility, background etc.
- CSS Text Styling using: text-align, line-height, font-size, font, font-family, text-decoration, font-style, text-overflow, word-break, color etc.
- Responsive Design using CSS Media queries.
- Bootstrap introduction, bootstrap 4 vs 5.
- Bootstrap Grid system and Layout design basics according to the screen sizes.
- Bootstrap Components: Buttons, Cards and Panels, Typography, Responsive images, Spacing, Tables, Alerts and Toasts, Carousel and sliders, scroll spy, Navigation bar and tabs, Forms etc.
- Version control system: Git and GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab
- JavaScript basic syntax: variables, data types, arrays, object literals, methods for strings and arrays, loops, conditions, functions etc.
- JavaScript ES6+ and OOP concepts along with arrow methods.
- Document Object Model (DOM) selection and manipulation using events.
- Form validation using JavaScript.
- Promises and Callbacks, Fetch, Then and Catch, JavaScript Object Notations (JSON) and its application
- Consuming RESTful APIs using Fetch
- DOM selection and manipulation, events handling using JQuery.
- JQuery Ajax and Data tables
- Understanding Package manager and NPM, CLI tools
- JavaScript XML (JSX)
- Components: class base and function base, Props and states, Conditional Rendering
- Lifecycle, Lists and Keys, Composition vs Inheritance
- Hooks: useState, useEffect etc and Writing Custom Hooks
- Router, API Calling: Axios, Unfetch
- State Management
- Material UI
One Month Guided Project with Trainer’s Support (02 days per week):
Trainer will check the progress of assigned individual Project and guide about further work.
Training and Technical Support
Training by the experts working on latest tools in the industry
Daily tasks will be implemented in the Class
Assignment of each class will be the extension of the class task
A guided project is part of the training where the expert will visit as per schedule
Engage the candidates to learn freelancing activities
Appear in the international Certification with additional fee for Examination
Preferred Audience for the Course
Anyone with basic understanding of Computer Operations / marketing
Students of management science, economics, Masscom, IT/CS/SE/EE and any other relevant degree programs
Training Duration & Schedule
03 Months (03 sessions / week)
•Technical Content and - 07 weeks
•Free-lancing training - 01 week
•Guided Project Work (with Trainer) - 04 weeks (02 sessions / week)
National / International Certifications
International: IT Professional: Java Script
National: Certificate of Training by NUML