Reschedule of Mid-Term Paper
See Image below:
Entrepreneurship as Viable Career Option
Workshop Title: “Entrepreneurship as Viable Career Option”. Date & Time: Monday, 28 Oct, 2019 - 10:00 am 01:00 pm Venue: Idea La...
Inter Department Speech Contest in 'Urdu'
This is to Inform all students of CS Department, that a 'Inter Department Speech Contest' in 'Urdu' is going to be held in NUML on 27t...
"Inter Department Speech Contest" in 'English'
This is to Inform all students of CS Department, that a 'Inter Department Speech Contest' in 'English' is going to be held i...
"Proposal Defense" for 'Final Year Projects'
See image below:
Data Required from Hostel Students
It is informed to all hostel living students (Male/Female) who live in private hostels outside the NUML university in (Rawalpindi/Islamabad)...
List of Students for 'Semester Repeat'
'Semester Repat' cases of BSCS and MCS students are approved. Please check your name in the list. If there is any problem. Contact HoD CS...
Student 'Professional Development Workshop'
The Focal Person for 'Morning' students is: Ms. Farah Hanif (Room No. 05, Ghazali Block). The Focal Person for 'Evening' students i...
NCEAC Registration for CS Graduates
The NCEAC (National Computing Education Accreditation Council) is a statutory body, to regulate the Computer Science profession in the count...