Contact me
- Department of Computer Science
- +92 51 9265100
- mnauman@numl.edu.pk
Dr. Noman Malik (Dean)
Associate Professor (HEC Approved Supervisor) (Program Evaluator for NCEAC)- PhD (2015)
Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
- MS Engineering Management (2009)
(Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, CASE), University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Taxila, Pakistan
- MIT (2004)
National University of Modern Languages (N UML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- B.Sc Computer Science (2001)
Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan
- Head CS Department (May 2020 - Present)
Faculty of Computer Science
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- Assistant Professor (March 2016 - Present)
Faculty of Computer Science
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- Lecturer (August 2005 - March 2016)
Faculty of Computer Science
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Graduate Assistant (2012 to 2013)
Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Lecturer (2004 to Jan 2005)
Department of Computer Science
Rawalpindi College of Computer Science and Technology (RCST), Rawalpindi, Pakistan
- Visiting Lecturer (2004 to Jan 2005)
Department of Computer Sciences
NICON, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Year 2022
Journal Publication:
- Noman Malik et al.,“ Trust Issues in Crowdsourced Software Engineering: An Empirical Study” Vol. 38, Issue 4, Journal of Information Science & Engineering. 2022. (ISI IF 1.142).
- Noman Malik et al.,“ Blockchain technology for agricultural supply chains during the COVID19 pandemic: Benefits and cleaner solutions” Vol. 347: 131268, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022. (ISI IF 11.072).
- Maira Zulfiqar, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Microtasking Activities in Crowdsoruced Software Development: A systematic Literature Review” Published in IEEE Access, 2022 (ISI IF 3.36).
Year 2021
Journal Publication:
- Ghazala Rasheed, Muzafar Khan, Muhammad Noman Malik, Adnan AKhunzada, “Measuring Learnabilty through Virtual reality Laboratary Application: A user Study”, Sustainability 2021, 13(19), 10812; https://doi.org/10.3390/su131910812 (ISI IF 3.251)
- Youseef Alotaibi, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Anab Batool, “Suggestion Mining from Opinionated Text of Big Social Media Data ”, CMC- Computers, Material & Continua, 2021 Vol.68, No.3, 2021, pp.3323-3338, doi:10.32604/cmc.2021.016727 (ISI IF 4.58).
- Youseef Alotaibi, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Crowdsourced Requirements Engineering Challenges and Solutions: A Software Industry Perspective”, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 2021 Vol.39, No.2, 2021, pp.221-236, doi:10.32604/csse.2021.016510 (ISI IF 0.278).
- Youseef Alotaibi, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Trust issues in crowdsourced software engineering: An empirical study”, Published in Journal of Information Science and Engineering (ISI IF 0.541).
Year 2020
Journal Publication:
- Bakhtawar Komal, Uzair Iqbal Janjua, Muhammad Noman Malik, “The Impact of Scope Creep on Project Success: An Empirical Investigation”, IEEE Access 2020 (ISI IF 4.09).
- Huma Hayat Khan, Muhammad Noman Malik, Raheel Zafar, Feybi A. Goni, Abdoulmohammad G. Chofreh Jiří J. Klemeš Youseef Alotaibi, “Challenges for sustainable smart city development: A conceptual framework”, Sustainable Development, 2020 (ISI IF 4.082).
- Raheel Zafar, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Amir Saeed, “Decoding Brain Pattern for Colored and Grayscale Images using Multivariate Pattern Analysis”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS), Vol 14, No. 4, 2020. (ISI IF 0.711).
Year 2019
Journal Publication:
- Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh, Feybi Ariani Goni, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Development of guidelines for the implementation of sustainable enterprise resource planning systems”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 (IF- 6.395)
- Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh, Feybi Ariani Goni, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, “The imperative and research directions of sustainable project management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 (IF- 6.395)
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Gholamzadeh, Goni Feybi Ariani, Klemeš Jirí Jaromír, “Investigating Curriculum for Competence Development to Infuse Sustainability into Technology Education”, Sustainability 2019 11, 2651; doi:10.3390/su11092651 (ISI IF 2.075)
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Fazli Subhan, Zeeshan, Hussain, “Computational Tools Support for Human Health”, Journal of Medical Image and Health Informatics, 2019 (ISI IF 0.549)
- Gholamzadeh, Goni Feybi Ariani, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Klemeš Jirí Jaromír, “Evaluation of the Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation Steps”, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS - VOL.72, pp 445- 450, 2019
Year 2018
Journal Publication:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Investigating Software Standards: A Lens of Sustainability for Software Crowdsourcing”, IEEE Access in Special Issue of “Software Standards and Their Impact in Reducing Software Failures”, Vol 6, pp 5139 - 5150, 2018 (ISI IF 3.557)
- Fazli Subhan, Asfandyar Khan, Salman Ahmed, Muhammad Noman Malik, Sheikh Tahir Bakshah, and Sabeen Tahir, “Mobile Antenna’s and Its Impact on Human Health”, Journal of Medical Image and Health Informatics, Vol 8, Issue 6, pp 1121-1317, 2018 (ISI IF 0.621)
Year 2017
Journal Publication:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Fazli Subhan, “Sustainable Design of Mobile Icons: Investigating effect on Mentally Retarded User’s”, Journal of Medical Image and Health Informatics in special issue of Evolution of Social Media in Mobile Healthcare. Vol 7, Issue 6, pp 1419-1428, 2017 (ISI IF 0.621)
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Software Standards and Software Failures: A Review with the perspective of Varying Situational Contexts”, IEEE Access in Special Issue of “Software Standards and Their Impact in Reducing Software Failures”, Vol 5, pp 17501 - 17513, 2017 (ISI IF 3.557)
Year 2016
Journal Publication:
- Huma Hayat Khan, Mohd Naz’ri Bin Mahrin, Muhammad Noman Malik (2016), “Situational Requirement Engineering Framework for Global Software Development: Formulation and Design”, Bahria University Journal of information and communication technologies, Pakistan, Vol 9, Issue 1 (Y-category)
Year 2014
Journal Publication:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof, “Knowledge Management Framework of Human Values for Total Quality Management Implementation”, Journal of Sains Humanika,Vol 2, Issue 2, pp75-80, 2014.
Year 2013
Journal Publication:
Nisbat Ali Malik, Muhammad Noman Malik, Zia ur Rehman, “Investigating the Role of HR Focused TQM Practices in Employee Satisfaction & Loyalty: Financial Sector of Pakistan”, Academic Research International. AR Int., Vol.4 Number 5, 2013.
International Conferences:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof (2014) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM, 2014), Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. Entitiled: “Human Values for Implementation of Total Quality Management: Proposed Conceptual Framework of an Automated Tool”.
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof (2013) International Manufacturing Conference (iMEC, 2013). Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Entitled: “Human Values Identification and assessment for Implementation of Total Quality Management: A Research Preview”.
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof (2013) International Manufacturing Conference (iMEC, 2013). Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Entitled: “Human Values Identification and assessment for Implementation of Total Quality Management: A Research Preview”.
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Moiz Ghauri (2011) 2011 International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM 2011), Sydney Australia. Entitled: “Address Standardization using Supervised Machine Learning”.
- Huma Hayat Khan, Mohd Naveed Ikram, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Noman Malik (2011), 5th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference MYSEC 2011. Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering “MYSEC2011”, “Impact of Changing Communication Media on Conflict Resolution in Distributed Software Development Projects”
National Conferences:
- 6th International Conference on Language and Technology 16 (CLT16) organized by Society for Natural Language Processing (SNLP), Pakistan.
Book Chapters:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Online Shopping Inventory Issues and Its Impact on Shopping Behavior: Customer View”, submitted in 2nd International conference of reliable information and communication technology (IRICT 2017) published in Springer book series “Lecture Notes in data engineering and communication technologies LNDECT”
- Huma Hayat Khan, Muhammad Noman Malik, “Situational Requirement Engineering in Global Software Development”, submitted in 2nd International conference of reliable information and communication technology (IRICT 2017) published in Springer book series “Lecture Notes in data engineering and communication technologies LNDECT”
Workshops Attended:
- Faculty Development Workshop Organized by ORIC year 2016-2019
Trainings Attended:
- Pak-UK Education Gateway Project, Researcher Capacity Building Program by Higher
- Education Commission (HEC) August 2-5, 2022.
- Trainer for Programmer Development in Centre for Advance Research in Engineering
- (CARE) (Defence Projects), 2019.
- Trainer for International Project of BLTeae (Country Focal Person for European
- Commission Capacity Building) http://blteae.eu/, 2018.
- Trainer for faculty development program under ORIC NUML, 2018.
- Provide consultancy at YOAN Solutions Ltd., software House of SEPTA since 2016.
- International Training On “New competences for online learning and teaching: activities for online tutors” Organized under European Commission Project BLTeae (Blended Learning Courses for Teacher Educators between Asia and Europe) 10-13 December, 2018
- Resource Person (Trainer) on “Digital tools for online teaching ”
- Trainer for ORIC NUML
Member of Organization:
- IEEE Member
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)
Member No: 80337905
- Advisor NRFC (NUML Research Facilitation Center)
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Web Programming
- Knowledge Management
- Software Project Management
- Quality Management
- Technology Management
- Management Information System (MIS)
- PhD (2015)
Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia
- MS Engineering Management (2009)
(Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, CASE), University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Taxila, Pakistan
- MIT (2004)
National University of Modern Languages (N UML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- B.Sc Computer Science (2001)
Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan
- Head CS Department (May 2020 - Present)
Faculty of Computer Science
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- Assistant Professor (March 2016 - Present)
Faculty of Computer Science
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- Lecturer (August 2005 - March 2016)
Faculty of Computer Science
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Graduate Assistant (2012 to 2013)
Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Lecturer (2004 to Jan 2005)
Department of Computer Science
Rawalpindi College of Computer Science and Technology (RCST), Rawalpindi, Pakistan
- Visiting Lecturer (2004 to Jan 2005)
Department of Computer Sciences
NICON, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Year 2022
Journal Publication:
- Noman Malik et al.,“ Trust Issues in Crowdsourced Software Engineering: An Empirical Study” Vol. 38, Issue 4, Journal of Information Science & Engineering. 2022. (ISI IF 1.142).
- Noman Malik et al.,“ Blockchain technology for agricultural supply chains during the COVID19 pandemic: Benefits and cleaner solutions” Vol. 347: 131268, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022. (ISI IF 11.072).
- Maira Zulfiqar, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Microtasking Activities in Crowdsoruced Software Development: A systematic Literature Review” Published in IEEE Access, 2022 (ISI IF 3.36).
Year 2021
Journal Publication:
- Ghazala Rasheed, Muzafar Khan, Muhammad Noman Malik, Adnan AKhunzada, “Measuring Learnabilty through Virtual reality Laboratary Application: A user Study”, Sustainability 2021, 13(19), 10812; https://doi.org/10.3390/su131910812 (ISI IF 3.251)
- Youseef Alotaibi, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Anab Batool, “Suggestion Mining from Opinionated Text of Big Social Media Data ”, CMC- Computers, Material & Continua, 2021 Vol.68, No.3, 2021, pp.3323-3338, doi:10.32604/cmc.2021.016727 (ISI IF 4.58).
- Youseef Alotaibi, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Crowdsourced Requirements Engineering Challenges and Solutions: A Software Industry Perspective”, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 2021 Vol.39, No.2, 2021, pp.221-236, doi:10.32604/csse.2021.016510 (ISI IF 0.278).
- Youseef Alotaibi, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Trust issues in crowdsourced software engineering: An empirical study”, Published in Journal of Information Science and Engineering (ISI IF 0.541).
Year 2020
Journal Publication:
- Bakhtawar Komal, Uzair Iqbal Janjua, Muhammad Noman Malik, “The Impact of Scope Creep on Project Success: An Empirical Investigation”, IEEE Access 2020 (ISI IF 4.09).
- Huma Hayat Khan, Muhammad Noman Malik, Raheel Zafar, Feybi A. Goni, Abdoulmohammad G. Chofreh Jiří J. Klemeš Youseef Alotaibi, “Challenges for sustainable smart city development: A conceptual framework”, Sustainable Development, 2020 (ISI IF 4.082).
- Raheel Zafar, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Amir Saeed, “Decoding Brain Pattern for Colored and Grayscale Images using Multivariate Pattern Analysis”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS), Vol 14, No. 4, 2020. (ISI IF 0.711).
Year 2019
Journal Publication:
- Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh, Feybi Ariani Goni, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Development of guidelines for the implementation of sustainable enterprise resource planning systems”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 (IF- 6.395)
- Abdoulmohammad Gholamzadeh Chofreh, Feybi Ariani Goni, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, “The imperative and research directions of sustainable project management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019 (IF- 6.395)
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Gholamzadeh, Goni Feybi Ariani, Klemeš Jirí Jaromír, “Investigating Curriculum for Competence Development to Infuse Sustainability into Technology Education”, Sustainability 2019 11, 2651; doi:10.3390/su11092651 (ISI IF 2.075)
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Fazli Subhan, Zeeshan, Hussain, “Computational Tools Support for Human Health”, Journal of Medical Image and Health Informatics, 2019 (ISI IF 0.549)
- Gholamzadeh, Goni Feybi Ariani, Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Klemeš Jirí Jaromír, “Evaluation of the Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation Steps”, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS - VOL.72, pp 445- 450, 2019
Year 2018
Journal Publication:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Investigating Software Standards: A Lens of Sustainability for Software Crowdsourcing”, IEEE Access in Special Issue of “Software Standards and Their Impact in Reducing Software Failures”, Vol 6, pp 5139 - 5150, 2018 (ISI IF 3.557)
- Fazli Subhan, Asfandyar Khan, Salman Ahmed, Muhammad Noman Malik, Sheikh Tahir Bakshah, and Sabeen Tahir, “Mobile Antenna’s and Its Impact on Human Health”, Journal of Medical Image and Health Informatics, Vol 8, Issue 6, pp 1121-1317, 2018 (ISI IF 0.621)
Year 2017
Journal Publication:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, Fazli Subhan, “Sustainable Design of Mobile Icons: Investigating effect on Mentally Retarded User’s”, Journal of Medical Image and Health Informatics in special issue of Evolution of Social Media in Mobile Healthcare. Vol 7, Issue 6, pp 1419-1428, 2017 (ISI IF 0.621)
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Software Standards and Software Failures: A Review with the perspective of Varying Situational Contexts”, IEEE Access in Special Issue of “Software Standards and Their Impact in Reducing Software Failures”, Vol 5, pp 17501 - 17513, 2017 (ISI IF 3.557)
Year 2016
Journal Publication:
- Huma Hayat Khan, Mohd Naz’ri Bin Mahrin, Muhammad Noman Malik (2016), “Situational Requirement Engineering Framework for Global Software Development: Formulation and Design”, Bahria University Journal of information and communication technologies, Pakistan, Vol 9, Issue 1 (Y-category)
Year 2014
Journal Publication:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof, “Knowledge Management Framework of Human Values for Total Quality Management Implementation”, Journal of Sains Humanika,Vol 2, Issue 2, pp75-80, 2014.
Year 2013
Journal Publication:
Nisbat Ali Malik, Muhammad Noman Malik, Zia ur Rehman, “Investigating the Role of HR Focused TQM Practices in Employee Satisfaction & Loyalty: Financial Sector of Pakistan”, Academic Research International. AR Int., Vol.4 Number 5, 2013.
International Conferences:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof (2014) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM, 2014), Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. Entitiled: “Human Values for Implementation of Total Quality Management: Proposed Conceptual Framework of an Automated Tool”.
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof (2013) International Manufacturing Conference (iMEC, 2013). Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Entitled: “Human Values Identification and assessment for Implementation of Total Quality Management: A Research Preview”.
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Sha’ri Mohd. Yusof (2013) International Manufacturing Conference (iMEC, 2013). Bukit Gambang Resort City, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Entitled: “Human Values Identification and assessment for Implementation of Total Quality Management: A Research Preview”.
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Moiz Ghauri (2011) 2011 International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM 2011), Sydney Australia. Entitled: “Address Standardization using Supervised Machine Learning”.
- Huma Hayat Khan, Mohd Naveed Ikram, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Noman Malik (2011), 5th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference MYSEC 2011. Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering “MYSEC2011”, “Impact of Changing Communication Media on Conflict Resolution in Distributed Software Development Projects”
National Conferences:
- 6th International Conference on Language and Technology 16 (CLT16) organized by Society for Natural Language Processing (SNLP), Pakistan.
Book Chapters:
- Muhammad Noman Malik, Huma Hayat Khan, “Online Shopping Inventory Issues and Its Impact on Shopping Behavior: Customer View”, submitted in 2nd International conference of reliable information and communication technology (IRICT 2017) published in Springer book series “Lecture Notes in data engineering and communication technologies LNDECT”
- Huma Hayat Khan, Muhammad Noman Malik, “Situational Requirement Engineering in Global Software Development”, submitted in 2nd International conference of reliable information and communication technology (IRICT 2017) published in Springer book series “Lecture Notes in data engineering and communication technologies LNDECT”
Workshops Attended:
- Faculty Development Workshop Organized by ORIC year 2016-2019
Trainings Attended:
- Pak-UK Education Gateway Project, Researcher Capacity Building Program by Higher
- Education Commission (HEC) August 2-5, 2022.
- Trainer for Programmer Development in Centre for Advance Research in Engineering
- (CARE) (Defence Projects), 2019.
- Trainer for International Project of BLTeae (Country Focal Person for European
- Commission Capacity Building) http://blteae.eu/, 2018.
- Trainer for faculty development program under ORIC NUML, 2018.
- Provide consultancy at YOAN Solutions Ltd., software House of SEPTA since 2016.
- International Training On “New competences for online learning and teaching: activities for online tutors” Organized under European Commission Project BLTeae (Blended Learning Courses for Teacher Educators between Asia and Europe) 10-13 December, 2018
- Resource Person (Trainer) on “Digital tools for online teaching ”
- Trainer for ORIC NUML
Member of Organization:
- IEEE Member
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)
Member No: 80337905
- Advisor NRFC (NUML Research Facilitation Center)
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Web Programming
- Knowledge Management
- Software Project Management
- Quality Management
- Technology Management
- Management Information System (MIS)