Ms. Sema Deniz Ercan

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  •   Department of Turkish Studies
  •   2085

Ms. Sema Deniz Ercan

Visiting Lecturer






Turkish Language and Literature

Dicle University TURKEY


 Master Degree

Turkish Language and Literature

Trakya University TURKEY



Turkish Language and Literature

Trakya University TURKEY


II.Master Degree

Bosnia Literature

Univerzitet u Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA



Master Thesis


Comparative Textual Analysis of Azbi Baba’s Divan (Collected poems)

Turkey University 2016


PhD Thesis


Changing Women Image in the Turkish Novel (1980-2000)

Trakya University 2014









Name of Institute




Sarajevo University




Duzce University




Numl University



Articles Published in International Refereed Scientific Research Journals


  1. Dr. Sibel Bayram, DR. Safeer Awan, Ask and Inkılap in The Poetry of Nazım Hikmet and Faiz Ahmad Faiz",  january 2021 14((76-1)):22-3  


  1. Turkish Press in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Tarik, The Journal of International Social Research, vol.9 issue, 45, August 2016, ISSN 1307-9581. p.112-119.
  2. Turkish Press in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Muallim, A.U. Journal of Turkish Research Institute, (TAED) Vol, 57 Erzurum 2016, P.1791-1808. ISNN 1300-9052, Doi Number :


  1. Reading Mesa Selimovic’s Novel ‘The Castle’ as Bildungsroman, Hikmet, Journal of Scientific Research, Year XII, Issue 23. DOI 821.163.4(497.6)-31.09   P152-160   YEAR 2014


  1. Istanbul in Bosnian Poetry, Modern Turkish Literature Researches, Year 2011, Issue 5. ISSN 2548-0472, P.53-68


  1.  The Projection of the Discourse ‘I am a Woman’ on 1980’s Turkish Novel, Turkish Studies International Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume, 11/20, Fall 2016, p.41-66. ISSN 1308-2140, DOI: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.9872



  1. View of the Ottoman and Muslim world from the Travnik diary and Kadi Kose novel, Turkish Studies İnternational Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/16 2015, p.341-354 ISSN: 1308-2140 Ankara Turkey. DOI Number:
  2. Lover and Love Perception In Sevdalinka and Folk Songs The Journal of International Social Research VOL 8, ISSUE,41, 2015 ISSN 1307-9581. p.112-119.
  3. The importance of environmental factors in the stories of Sait Faik and Mljenko Jergoviç Turkish Studies İnternational Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic, volume 9/3, Winter 2014, Ankara TURKEY. P.271-277  ISSN 1308-2140, DOI :


  1. In The Light Of ‘Bridge Of Drina’ By Ivo Andriç, Bridges Reaching To Lives: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkish Studies İnternational Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic, volume 9/4, Summer 2014, Ankara TURKEY.p..271-282. DOI :  ISSN1308-2140
  2. The Geography of Women in Ayse Kulin's Sevdalinka, The Journal of International Social Research, İstanbul, Güz 2012, VOL 5 ISSUE, 23,  p.103-107 TURKEY ISSN 1307-9581
  3. From The Same Land to Different Literatures How To Be A Child in Füruzan’s And Ivo Andriç’s Tales, Hikmet, VOL 27, May, 2016. P.104-121.
  4. Tracing of Migration Theories in Gurbet Kuşları (Abroad Birds), Turkish Journal of Social Research, The Journal of Turkish Social Research, VOL, 23 Issue 1, April, 2019.  ISSN 1301-370X, P 113-122.


  1. Structure and Theme in the Necati Cumalı’s Susuz Yaz (Dry Summer), The Journal of Social Science,  (TJSS) V.1 I.4 October,  2018, p. 160-175. DOI: 10.30520/tjsosci.454367


  1.  A Psychoanalytic Reading: Murtaza, The Journal of Academic Social Science, December, 2018,  DOI :, P192-201,  ISSN2148-2489,


  1. Different Aspects Of Love in Nabizade Nazim’s Stories, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2019,  p. 1051-1065 DOI: 10.29228/TurkishStudies.36843 ISSN: 2667-5641 Skopje/MACEDONIA-Ankara/TURKEY.


  1. Falling house:Korkuyu Beklerken, The Journal of Academic History and Thought, Volume 6/ISSUE 3 P.1309-1322 September 2019.  ISSN2148-2292


  1. A sociopolitic View Of The Tutunamayanlar Novel, International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 5(41): 4343-4348, 2019.


  1. Sense Of Spacelessness in Sisler Bulvari, The Journal of International Social Research,     Volume: 12   Issue: 65   August 2019.


  1. Istanbul And Istanbul Issues From The Point Of View Of Yakup Kadri, The Journal of Academic Social Science Year7/ 95, Avgust 2019, s. 253-266.


  1. Bosnia Women Should Be Warning From The World, Journal Of Turkish Language and Literature Studies in Balkans BALTED, Volume 1/Issue 2/Summer 2019 pp: 13-22









Turkish Language and Literature

Dicle University TURKEY


 Master Degree

Turkish Language and Literature

Trakya University TURKEY



Turkish Language and Literature

Trakya University TURKEY


II.Master Degree

Bosnia Literature

Univerzitet u Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA



Master Thesis


Comparative Textual Analysis of Azbi Baba’s Divan (Collected poems)

Turkey University 2016


PhD Thesis


Changing Women Image in the Turkish Novel (1980-2000)

Trakya University 2014










Name of Institute




Sarajevo University




Duzce University




Numl University




Articles Published in International Refereed Scientific Research Journals


  1. Dr. Sibel Bayram, DR. Safeer Awan, Ask and Inkılap in The Poetry of Nazım Hikmet and Faiz Ahmad Faiz",  january 2021 14((76-1)):22-3  


  1. Turkish Press in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Tarik, The Journal of International Social Research, vol.9 issue, 45, August 2016, ISSN 1307-9581. p.112-119.
  2. Turkish Press in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Muallim, A.U. Journal of Turkish Research Institute, (TAED) Vol, 57 Erzurum 2016, P.1791-1808. ISNN 1300-9052, Doi Number :


  1. Reading Mesa Selimovic’s Novel ‘The Castle’ as Bildungsroman, Hikmet, Journal of Scientific Research, Year XII, Issue 23. DOI 821.163.4(497.6)-31.09   P152-160   YEAR 2014


  1. Istanbul in Bosnian Poetry, Modern Turkish Literature Researches, Year 2011, Issue 5. ISSN 2548-0472, P.53-68


  1.  The Projection of the Discourse ‘I am a Woman’ on 1980’s Turkish Novel, Turkish Studies International Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume, 11/20, Fall 2016, p.41-66. ISSN 1308-2140, DOI: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.9872



  1. View of the Ottoman and Muslim world from the Travnik diary and Kadi Kose novel, Turkish Studies İnternational Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/16 2015, p.341-354 ISSN: 1308-2140 Ankara Turkey. DOI Number:
  2. Lover and Love Perception In Sevdalinka and Folk Songs The Journal of International Social Research VOL 8, ISSUE,41, 2015 ISSN 1307-9581. p.112-119.
  3. The importance of environmental factors in the stories of Sait Faik and Mljenko Jergoviç Turkish Studies İnternational Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic, volume 9/3, Winter 2014, Ankara TURKEY. P.271-277  ISSN 1308-2140, DOI :


  1. In The Light Of ‘Bridge Of Drina’ By Ivo Andriç, Bridges Reaching To Lives: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkish Studies İnternational Periodical For The Languages Literatura and History of Turkish or Turkic, volume 9/4, Summer 2014, Ankara TURKEY.p..271-282. DOI :  ISSN1308-2140
  2. The Geography of Women in Ayse Kulin's Sevdalinka, The Journal of International Social Research, İstanbul, Güz 2012, VOL 5 ISSUE, 23,  p.103-107 TURKEY ISSN 1307-9581
  3. From The Same Land to Different Literatures How To Be A Child in Füruzan’s And Ivo Andriç’s Tales, Hikmet, VOL 27, May, 2016. P.104-121.
  4. Tracing of Migration Theories in Gurbet Kuşları (Abroad Birds), Turkish Journal of Social Research, The Journal of Turkish Social Research, VOL, 23 Issue 1, April, 2019.  ISSN 1301-370X, P 113-122.


  1. Structure and Theme in the Necati Cumalı’s Susuz Yaz (Dry Summer), The Journal of Social Science,  (TJSS) V.1 I.4 October,  2018, p. 160-175. DOI: 10.30520/tjsosci.454367


  1.  A Psychoanalytic Reading: Murtaza, The Journal of Academic Social Science, December, 2018,  DOI :, P192-201,  ISSN2148-2489,


  1. Different Aspects Of Love in Nabizade Nazim’s Stories, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2019,  p. 1051-1065 DOI: 10.29228/TurkishStudies.36843 ISSN: 2667-5641 Skopje/MACEDONIA-Ankara/TURKEY.


  1. Falling house:Korkuyu Beklerken, The Journal of Academic History and Thought, Volume 6/ISSUE 3 P.1309-1322 September 2019.  ISSN2148-2292


  1. A sociopolitic View Of The Tutunamayanlar Novel, International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 5(41): 4343-4348, 2019.


  1. Sense Of Spacelessness in Sisler Bulvari, The Journal of International Social Research,     Volume: 12   Issue: 65   August 2019.


  1. Istanbul And Istanbul Issues From The Point Of View Of Yakup Kadri, The Journal of Academic Social Science Year7/ 95, Avgust 2019, s. 253-266.


  1. Bosnia Women Should Be Warning From The World, Journal Of Turkish Language and Literature Studies in Balkans BALTED, Volume 1/Issue 2/Summer 2019 pp: 13-22


