Al Basirah

ISSN: 2520-7334
Print: 2222-4548


The Nomination of Young “Ṣaḥābā” as a Preceptor And their Role in Reformation of Society

(Dr.Abdul Gafar)

Responsibilities of Muslim Youth in Reformation of Society (In the light of Prophet’s Sīrah)

(Dr. Mamoona Tabasum /Prof.Dr. Abdul Rauf Zafar)

Pakistani Youth, Ideological deviation: causes and remedies In the light of Uswa-e-Ḥasana

(Dr. Abdul Hai Al-Madani)

Balanced Personality: As Principle of Prophetic Teachings for Character Building

(Dr. Hafiz Abdul Qayum)

Considering Special Tendencies and Interests in Grooming (In the Light of the Sīrah of the Prophet (PBUH)

(Ali Tariq)

Patience of Downtrodden Companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) as a guideline for youth

(Dr. Noor Hayat Khan / Dr. Ahmed Hassan)

Training of Youth and Prophetic Methods

(Dr. Hafiz Rao Farhan Ali)

Means of Communication in the Era of Holy Prophet (ﷺ) As a guideline for contemporary Youth

(Dr. Syed Abdul Ghaffar Bukhari)


Concept of youth in kitāb-o-Sunnah, in contemporary and future perspective

(Fateh-ur-Rehman Al-Qurashi)

Lack of education in upbringing and transformation of Muslim youngsters and its solution

(Amjad Hayat)

The Role of Youth in the Advancement of Nation and Prosperity of Civilizations on the basis of Religion, Science and Ethics in the light of Sīrah

(Ashraf Abdur Rafay)

The challenges faced by Muslim world and responsibilities of youth

(Hafiz Muhammad Farooq)

Teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) With Reference to Strengthening Social Responsibility of Youth

(Hamid Ashraf Hamdani)

Youth and way out to encounter the challenges of globalization in the light of Seerat-un-Nabi

(Abdul Hamid Kharob)

Training of Youth near Scholars and Thinkers (With a Special Reference to Imām Muhammad Bashīr Al Ibrāhīmī)

(Noor Muhammad Zavi)


Impact of Holy Qur’ān Recitation on Psychological Wellbeing among Muslim Youth

(Dr. Samia Wasif)

Youth Empowerment for the Development and Defence of Madīnah State

(Dr. Hafiz Masood Qasim)

The Role and Responsibilities of Youth in Islam

(Dr. Farhat Nisar)

Delaying and Ignoring Trends in Marriages A Critical Study in Hadīth Context

(Dr. Aftab Aalam)

Empowering Muslim Youth through Developing Argumentation Skills

(Dr Fayyaz Ahmad Faize)