Al Basirah

ISSN: 2520-7334
Print: 2222-4548


Reproductive and Sexual Health: In the Light of Islamic Teachings

(Prof. Dr. Miraj-Ul-Islam Zia)

The Status of Tafsīr-e-Murādiyah Among Urdu Translations and Exegeses of the Qur’ān

(Dr. Sanaullah / Dr Noor Hayat Khan)

Nature of the Relationships between Federation and Provinces in an Islamic state for Internal Solidarity

(Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Adbul Rehman / Dr. Zia-Ur-Rehman)

Methodology of Imām Jalāl’uddīn Qāsimī in His Tafsīr “Maḥāsin Al-Tāwīl”

(Muhammad Tayyab Khan / Dr. Abdul hamid Khan Abbasi)

Muḍārabah in Islamic Banks: Principles and Compatibility: A Study in the Contemporary Perspective

(Dr. Hafiz Rao Farhan Ali)

Tafsīr al-Qur’ān by Sir Syed Aḥmed Khān An Analytical & Critical Study

(Dr. Muhammad Ilyas)


Moderation in Jurisprudence for Collective Affairs in the Light of the Examples of the Companions of the Prophet(S.A.W)

(Abdul Gafar Bukhari)

The Mother of Believers: ‘Ā’ishah, the Queen of Chastity

(Masod Ahmed-Ul-Sindi )

Abdul Reḥmān Kīlānī and His Book: ‘Mutarādifāt al-Qur’ān ma‘ al-Furūq al-Lughwiyah’ A Methodological and Analytical Study

(Muhammad Bashir)

The Unanimous Principles between the Major Islamic Sects

(Abdul Hamid Kharob)

Prevention: Its Meaning and Examples from the Contemporary Applications

(Ata-Ur-Rehman / Janas Khan)


Revelation in Hinduism: A Muslim Reading

( Muhammad Modassir Ali)

Comparative Analysis of the Controversies among the Orientalist about the Epilepsy Imputed to the Holy Prophet(S.A.W)

( Muḥammad Shahzad Azad)

Codification of Muslim Family Laws of Pakistan and Malaysia: An Evolutionary Comparative Study

( Dr. Niaz Muhammad / Dr. Fazle Omer)