Al Basirah

ISSN: 2520-7334
Print: 2222-4548


The Fundamental Principles and Measures for Peace and Serenity

(Dr. Noor Hayat Khan)

The Steps of Peacekeeping before the Period of the Prophethood

(Dr. Irum Sultana)

The Islāmic Teachings: A Foundation for the Establishment of Peace (In The Light of Seerah)

(Dr. Syed Abdul Gafar Bukhari)

The Role of Aṣḥāb al-Ṣuffah in the Maintenance of Peace

(Dr. Mursal Farman)

Establishment of Peace and the Life of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ) (An Ideal Era)

(Syeda Sadia)

The Ideal Initiatives for Peacekeeping during the Period of the Prophethood

(Prof. Dr. Hafiz Saeed Ahmed Chinyoti)

The Services of ‘Umar Fārūq  for the Establishment of Peace

(Khalid Usman)

The Role of Uthmān(R.A) in the Establishment of Peace

(Dr. Hafiz Rao Farhan Ali)

The Role of Religious Harmony in the Establishment Peace

(Dr. Muhammad Abdul Ali Achakzai)

The Role of the Educational Institutions in the Establishment of Peace (In the Light of the Prophetic Teachings)

(Mehbob-Ur-Rehman Shah)

Educational Centers of Peace: Problems & Solutions (In the light of Seerah)

(Dr. Muhammad Riyaz)

The Role of Seven Factors Starting with the Letter "" in Disruption of Peace.

(Prof. Dr. Miraj-Ul-Islam Zia)

An Overview of the Objections against Islām with Regard to Peace

(Prof. Dr. Abdul Rauf Zafar)


Islamic Perspective on Societal Peace & harmony andits fundamentals

(Hamid Ashraf Hamdani)

Peace in the Holy Qur’ān: An Objective Study

(Alzeef Natoor)

The Role of Islamic Attributes in the Maintenanceof Peace and Security


Islam: The Message of Peace and Tolerance (Some examples from the Biography of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W))

(Abdha Muhammad Ateen)

Peace and its practices in light of the biography of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

(Samiullah Alzubari)

Peace: The Foundation of Islām

(Ataullah Faizi)

Terrorism: Its Reasons and Remedy

(Tahir Mahmood)

The Characteristics of the Speakers and the Observance of theListeners to Secure Peacein Islamic societies

(Muhammad Ilyas)


The Prophet Muḥammad (S.A.W): A Universal Messenger of Peace (An Overview of the Prophet Muḥammad (SAW)’s Relations with the Non-Muslims)

(Dr. Farhat Nisar)

World Peace in the Light of Sīrah of the Prophet Muḥammad PBUH

( Dr. Muhammad Hafeez Arshad)

Mīthāq al-Madīnah: A Universal Charter of Peace (An Analytical Study in the Modern Socio-Political Context)

(Riaz Ahmed Saeed )

Terrorism and its Elimination (An Islamic perspective)

(Dr. Abdul Hai Al-Madani)

Muslim Religious Militancy (Causes and Cure)

( Dr Irfan Shahzad)