Critical Theory’s Guidebook Series in the Context of AI and POMO
Date : 15-Nov-2024

Principal Investigator

Arshad Mahmood Haadi

Lecturer Urdu (FOL)

The first step of project is about a Critical Theory’s Guidebook Series, which is based on (Artificial Intelligence) AI and (Postmodernism) POMO. For both artificial intelligence and postmodernism, humans have not only become insignificant, but their authority has also disappeared. In the same way, the authority of the language has also disappeared for both. In other words, the truth is gone. AI and POMO's analytical methodology will develop a comprehensive and authentic application framework for critique. This Book Series will be compiled in Urdu and English languages for MPhil, PhD Scholars, and Urdu Critics. The content of the guidebook will be collected from English and Urdu Critical books. The Guidebook Series may be used as syllabus resource by the relevant departments of universities and other academic intuitions, the basic purpose of the project is to create a smart Critical Theory’s Guidebook Series. First Critical Theory’s Guidebook of this series will be about Postmodern Criticism. The second step will lead us to a project on annual bases. In every academic Semester/year A Critical Theory’s Guidebook will be compiled for different School of Criticism.

Completed Activites

1- Project Intiation- The project is being intitated in order to specify its scope and objectives.

Ongoing Activities

2- Literature Review and Framework Development:

Description: Completion of a literature review and development of a conceptual framework that integrates Critical Theory, AI ethics, and

                      postmodern philosophy.

3- Guidebook Content Creation:

Description: Authoring and drafting content for the guidebook series, covering topics such as the impact of AI on society, ethical

                      considerations, and postmodern perspectives.

Future Activities

4- Review and Feedback Phase:

Description: Soliciting feedback from peers and experts to refine and improve the content of the guidebook series.

5- Design and Publication Preparation:

Description: Initiating the design phase for the guidebook series and preparing for publication.

Completion Status
