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For nearly 51 years before in 1969, National Institute of Modern Languages or commonly called as NIML, has been transformed from being purely a language training cradle to an institute of advance higher learning into National Institute of Modern Languages and Science or NUMLS. In line with 21st Century’s educational imperatives, it is gaining pre-eminence in the fields of Social and Management Sciences as well as Engineering and Computer Software disciplines. Specifically, it has become an epitome of teaching more than 21 multiple national and international languages. NUML has won laurels of sages and international community, producing copious alumnae by virtue of antiquity, erudite faculty and vivacious curriculum in producing self-assured graduates from within and outside Pakistan. In addition to the main campus at Islamabad, we deliver multilingual and interdisciplinary education at the door steps through the 9 Regional Precincts, mapping the entire geographical length and breadth of Pakistan starting from Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad, Karachi and Gawadar. The main campus at Islamabad has 9 academic blocks, an admin block, 6 hostels including for females, males and overseas students. The campus houses an opulent Auditorium, Gym, Cafeteria, a Mosque and a Central Library with over 152918 books, language and computer labs in addition to numerous magazines, journals and dailies. With a fleet of more than 27 buses and 6 wagons, NUML meets the growing commuting demands of the faculty, staff and its students in twin cities.

As an autonomous Higher Education Institution since 2000, NUML Chancellor; the President of Pakistan, is assisted by the Vice Chancellor/Rector, Board of Governors (BoG), Executive and Academic Boards. The professional staff and dedicated faculty draws inspiration from the Rector’s Vision, ascribing to turn NUML as an acme of excellence in providing higher education, research and innovation thus opening new vistas of knowledge for the national and international community. NUML offers equal learning opportunities to all genders, irrespective of their religion, race, class or creed, promoting interfaith harmony and tolerance. It distinguishes itself with higher ratio of female gender in teaching, administrative staff, 16589 students, 71970 alumnae, 1089 faculty members and around 789 administrative staff. NUML acts as a vigilante in protecting individual human rights, and resolutely safeguards its commitment to the principles of equity, fair play and justice. We help our community in promoting clean and green environments through sustainable schemes and an efficient management of solar energy, water and other natural endowments. NUML’s ability to upshot lasting positive change has been significantly enhanced through philanthropic spirit aimed at supporting the talented students, regardless of their background, ethnicity or faith/religion.

The Rector’s strategic foresight of becoming a leading institution in creating knowledge for inclusive development sets out a framework of priorities, underpinning main thrust lines by charting-out a cogent operational plan creating harmony among staff, students and alumnae. NUML graduates are equipped with cross-cutting domains scaling curricular and extra-curricular skills alike to benefit Pakistani and global citizenry. We encourage independent bursary with total academic freedom, while fostering a culture of Merit; Transparency; Inclusiveness; Social Responsibility; Creativity; Tolerance and Integrity. Thus the NUML’s collegiate structure comprising 3 main Divisions (Academic, Research & Strategic Initiative and Personnel & Resource; all headed by Pro-rectors). Every semester, we attract over 15000 applicants seeking admission to get admission in our 5 main faculties and over 21 language training programmes. Currently, over 100 faculty members are enrolled in various ongoing PhD courses. The outreach training programmes are linked to the regional and extra-regional universities via Video Conferencing, Web Page and Face Book, forming the core critical mass of an overall E-learning educational echo system. Owing to Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, we have undertaken a huge infrastructure up-gradation with main thrust on the IT (Campus Management System including a Learning Management System) due to which our students are linked with our E-Library resource.

To benefit our students and the faculty, NUML has signed approximately 50 MOUs with over 17 countries and have established 4 major International institutes including the Chinese Area Study Centre, Confucius Centre besides the prestigious Jean Montez Chair of the European Union. We also serve as an international test centre for Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French and German languages. NUML is also playing an active part in poverty alleviation and control of social evils through different Scholarship Programs. For sustainability, vibrancy and future dynamism, Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) together with Business Incubation Centre (BICON) are propelling the intellectual and social capital of NUML into globally competitive knowledge-based society. Resultantly, NUML’s shining alumnae include some of the best known Pakistan’s chief executives, diplomats, academicians, bureaucrats and entrepreneurs.

NUML Public Information Officer

Dr. Atif Faraz
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+92 51 9265 074
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