
Importance of php and Laravel

Brief Contents

PHP Environment and Language:

  1. Setting up the environment for PHP and IDE
  2. Introduction to PHP and basic syntax
  3. Data types, Loops, Arrays, Control statements, Functions
  4. Built in functions
  5. CURLs


  1. Version control system: Git and GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab

Web Application Development in PHP:

  1. Relation databases and PHP
  2. MySqli and PDO
  3. User authentication and authorization
  4. Debugging xDebug
  5. SQL vs NoSQL

Object Oriented Programming in PHP:

  1. Classes and Interfaces
  2. Inheritance, Polymorphism
  3. Abstraction, Interface and Trait
  4. Namespaces and PHP Standard Recommendation (PSR)


  1. Creating MVC based framework


  1. Postman
  2. APIs creation from scratch


  1. Require, install, update
  2. Package version control
  3. Packagist and autoload


  1. PHP Artisan CLI Commands
  2. Laravel Directory Structure
  3. Routing and Controller
  4. Migrations, Factories, Seeders and Models
  5. Eloquent ORM, Relationships, Collections, Mutators
  6. Blade templating engine
  7. Layout designing using blade templating engine
  8. Views, Forms, CSRF, Validation client side and server side
  9. Authentication and Authorization, Middleware
  10. RESTful APIs creation using Laravel
  11. Authentication and Authorization of API resources
  12. Mailing, Deployment of the Project

Training and Technical Support

Training by the experts working on latest tools in the industry

Daily tasks will be implemented in the Lab

Assignment of each class will be the extension of the lab task

A guided project is part of the training where the expert will visit as per schedule

Engage the candidates to learn freelancing activities

Appear in the international Certification


Preferred Audience for Specialist Track

Students of software engineering, computer science, IT and related degrees

Software developers who need to grow further in latest technologies

Training Duration & Schedule

03 Months

03 sessions / week (3 hrs each)

Total: 108 hours (Training: 72 hours, Guided Project: 36 hours)

•Technical Content - 06 weeks (54 hours)

•Free-lancing training - 02 weeks (18 hours)

•Guided Project Work - 04 weeks (36 hours)


International Certifications

IT Professional: Java Script

Certificate of Training by NUML