Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Software Engineering:

13 Aug, 2020
Description of Research:

How can techniques from artificial intelligence and machine learning be used to improve complex software development tasks?                                            

The goal of this research line is to explore how AI can help software engineers to produce better software. There are many tribes of AI, namely Symbolists, Evolutionists, Bayesians, Kernel Conservatives, Connectionists). Our research focuses on applying these tribes to solve SE problems. We divide our AI-related research topics in two main directions: machine learning and deep learning for software engineering, and search-based software engineering.

Research Topics

Our research topics include but not limited to

  1. Machine learning and Deep Learning for Software Engineering:
    1. Type inference
    2. Log engineering
    3. Bug detection
    4. Vulnerability detection
    5. Software refactoring
  2. Search-based software engineering:
    1. Test Case Generation
    2. Automated Program Repair


The Research group is led by:

Dr. M Javvad ur Rehman (Lecturer)