Orientation session for new students was arranged on 11,12 September 2023
National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE) Zero accreditation of the BS-HPE was arranged by the Department of Educational Sciences
Ministry of Human Rights and HelpAge International collaborated to celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on 15 June, 2023.Dr. Shakira Huma...
Faculty Board of Studies (FBS)
Department of IR and Jean Monnet Chair held a Guest Talk on the challenges and prospects of Pakistan’s GSP+ status in the European Uni...
Seminar conducted by the department on 31st May 2023 on the topic “India Pakistan Relations Past, Present & Future” The Guest speaker...
Event of "Role of Youth in promoting peace " was conducted by Department of Educational Sciences
Event about self-care was arranged by department of Educational Sciences
Seminar conducted by the department on the topic “Women empowerment as a socio-Political force phenomenon to counter Structural and cultural vio...
The Students of BS 6th semester (M), of Pakistan Studies, visited the shrine of Bari Imam and Chillahgah on 24-5-23 as part of their course Social Iss...
Department of Educational Sciences conducted seminar about social justuce education
Psychology Club, department of Applied Psychology conducted an interactive workshop for BS final semester students. Objective of this workshop was to...
The Department of Pakistan Studies organized a Study Trip for Tolee Peer. The students were informed about the tourism sector in Pakistan along with t...
Psychology Club, Department of Applied Psychology, conducted an Interactive workshop on " Qualitative Research Designs". resource person was...
Psychology club, Applied Psychology department arranged a workshop on "Qualitative Research designs". Resource person was Professor Dr Shazi...
On 17, May 2023 Department of Applied Psychology arranged an interactive Workshop on Qualitative Research Designs at Iqbal Hall, Ibn-E-Rushd blockfor...
'Efficacy of Western Economic Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine' organized by Department of IR and Jean Monnet Chair deba...
The Department of Pakistan Studies arranged a lecture titled: “Sikh - Afghan Relations during 19th Century: Shah Shuja at the Lahore Court of Ma...
A webinar on "Selection of Topic and Development of Research Proposal at Ph.D level"
Psychological Well-Being society,Department of Applied Psychology arranged an interactive workshop on Psychological int...