Prof. Dr. Khalid Sultan

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  •   Department of Media and Communication Studies
  •   051-92565100 (ext 2231)

Prof. Dr. Khalid Sultan


MA Journalism, University of Peshawar, 1995

M.Phil Mass Communication, University of the Punjab, 2000

PhD Mass Communication, University of the Punjab, 2008

January 01, 2019 - Present
Professor and Head of Mass Communication Department National University of Modern Languages (NUML) H-9 Islamabad

October 18, 2009 - December 02, 2018
Assistant Professor and Head of Mass Communication Department
College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa Ministry of Higher Education, Sultanate of Oman.

October 16, 2007 - 2009
Assistant Professor and Chairman (HOD), Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

1999 - 2007
Television Producer and Researcher
Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) and Researcher and Stringer with Nippon HosoKyokai (NHK) Japan Broadcasting Corporation.

2000 - 2004
Visiting Lecturer
Journalism and Mass Communication Department, University of Peshawar, Pakistan.

Researcher, Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Correspondent and Column Writer

Staff Reporter / Journalist

1.        The Cognitive and Co-Native Effects of Health Communication Campaign, KUST Med. J., Now known as: KMUJ: Khyber Medical University Journal ISSN 2305-26431 (1): 9-16 Y Jan-June 2009 Principal
2.        Covering the “War on Terror” Challenges for Journalists—The Case of FATA Journal of Media Studies. University of the Punjab, Lahore 25(1): 21-32 Y 2010 Principal
3.        The Anatomy of Media Strategy of Pakistan based Taliban Militants-Extremists and its Potential Effects Journal of Media Studies. University of the Punjab, Lahore 25(2): 154-163 Y 2010 Principal
4.        Reforming the Madrassah System of Education in Pakistan Contemporary Issues in Education Research. 3 (4):43-46 Y April 2010 co-author
5.        Mass Media and Family Planning: Understanding the Effects of Television in Innovation-Decision Process of health Communication in District Peshawar KUST Med. J., Now known as: KMUJ: Khyber Medical University Journal. ISSN 2305-2643 2(2): 58-63 Y July-Dec. 2010 Principal
6.        Role of Comm. in Diffusion and Adoption of Agricultural Innovations Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) 1019-8180 27(1): 111-118 Y 2011 co-author
7.        Dengue Campaign and the Youth Behavior: A Study of Fear Appeal Impacts.  Global Media Journal Pakistan Edition. ISSN 2070-2469. IX (I): 1-15 Y Spring 2016 co-author
8.        Linking Islam with Terrorism: A Review of the Media Framing since 9/11. Global Media Journal Pakistan Edition. ISSN 2070-2469. IX (II): Y Fall 2016 Principal
9.        Social Media Technologies and their Impact on Film making for Students of Digital Media Specialization in College of Applied Sciences Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (I): w8-17 Y June, 2016 Principal
10.        Views of English Learners’ regarding the use of Social Media for English Language Learning. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IISSN: 1019-8180.  Special Issue (I): 126-134 Y June, 2016 co-author
11.        Dominance of US officials: A case study of the media coverage of Osama bin Laden’s death in American, British and Pakistani media. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IIISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (II): 91-102 Y June, 2016 Principal
12.        Relationship between fear and the Students’ Academic Achievement in the context of War Hazards. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IIISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (II): 111-118 Y June, 2016 co-author
13.        Effects of Smartphones on Students: Understanding Uses and Gratification. Journal of Social Sciences Volume ISSN: 1812-0687 GC University Faisalabad 7 (2): 252-267 Y Dec. 2016 co-author
14.        Leadership Styles and Employees Commitment in the context of Higher Education. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IVISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (IV): 54-64 Y Dec, 2016 co-author
15.        Health Information-seeking Behavior of College Students in the Sultanate of Oman. KMUJ: Khyber Medical University Journal. ISSN 2305-2643 9 (1): 8-14 Y Jan-March, 2017 Principal
16.        FOBO: The Digital Epidemic—An effects study on Smartphone Usage by Undergraduates in Academic Institutions. PUTAJ-Humanities and Social Science, Peshawar University Research Journal ISSN: 2219-245X. 25 (1-2) Special Issue-Media Matter: 13-25 Y 2017 Principal
17.        Of Media Ethics and Responsibility: Analysis of Geo News and ARY News' Coverage on Hamid Mir's Issue. Journal of Social Sciences, Government College University, Faisalabad.ISSN: 1812-0687 8 (1): 225-250 Y June, 2017 Principal
18.        Alice in Oman: A study of object-first approaches in computer science education. Education and Information Technologies. The Official Journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education. Online ISSN 1573-7608. Print ISSN 1360-2357, DOI 10.1007/s 10639-016-9499-4. Springer. 22 (4): 1553-1569 W July, 2017 co-author
19.         BBC News Story on India funding of MQM: Understanding Expats Perception of Pakistani and Indian Nationalities in the Sultanate of Oman. Peshawar University Research Journal (PUTAJ). ISSN: 2219-245X. 24 (2): 141-158 Y Dec, 2017 Principal
20.        Relationship between attendance and Students' academic achievement at secondary level in NW Science International (Lahore) ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 29(6): 1301-1304 Y Dec, 2017 co-author


1.        Historical & Professionals Paradigm of Pakistan Penal Code Pertaining to the Press. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research. USA 1(5): 1-18 (2012). ISSN: 2226-8235. (Indexed in the Thomson Reuters Researcher ID, ORCID, Ulrichsweb, Index Copernicus (IC), Google Scholar, Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Globethics,net, Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF).

2.        Exploratory Study of Western Media Disheveling the Image of Islam, TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(3): 14-22 (2012).

3.         Expression for Virtue & Truth in Islam: Key Approaches to Modern Thoughts of Freedom of Expression. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(4): 36-42 (2012).

4.         Effects of Video Games on Students: Test of Uses and Gratification Theory. Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education (AJMSE). Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. Online ISSN: 2186-845X, Print ISSN: 2186-8441. Volume: 1 (2): 146-155 (2012).

5.        Media and Communication Technology: An Analytical Study of Internet Community in Pakistan. TIJ’s Research Journal of Science & IT Management. 1(10): 34-41 (2012).

6.        Modern Communication Technology Uses & Gratification with special reference to Compact Disc in Pakistan. TIJ’s Research Journal of Commerce and Behavioral Sciences. 1(10): 11-17 (2012).

7.        Cultivation Management of Pakistani TV Channels with Special Reference to Politics. International Journal of Human Resource Studies (IJHRS) 2(3): 106-118 (2012). ISSN 2162-3058. Doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v2i3.2260. URL: Published by Macrothink Institute USA. Indexed in the following databases, EZB-ElektronischeZeitschriftenbibliothek, Global Impact Factor, Australia: Impact Factor: 0.876, GenamicsJournalSeek, Google Scholar, JournalTOCs, LOCKSS, SciLit, Sherpa/Romeo , Standard Periodical Directory, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, WorldCat, ZBW - German National Library of Economics.

8.        Sensationalism in Pakistani Private Urdu News Channels: Audience Perception. International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA). 2(9): 539-553 (2012).

9.        Treatment of US Print Media Opinion Pages given to Egypt Revolution 2011 by ‘New York Times’ and ‘Washington Post’. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(5): 99-112 (2012).

10.        Information and Communication Explosion of Knowledge Economy with special reference to Cultural Imperialism. International Journal of Learning and Development (IJLD). 2(5): 163-174 (2012).

11.        Media as a Production and Distribution of Information: The Concept of Media Economy. International Journal of Human Resource Studies (IJHRS). 2(3): 151-161 (2012). ISSN 2162-3058. Doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v2i3.2295.URL: Published by Macrothink Institute USA. Indexed in the following databases, EZB-ElektronischeZeitschriftenbibliothek, Global Impact Factor, Australia: Impact Factor: 0.876, GenamicsJournalSeek, Google Scholar, JournalTOCs, LOCKSS, SciLit, Sherpa/Romeo , Standard Periodical Directory, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, WorldCat, ZBW - German National Library of Economics.

12.        Effects of Private News Channels: Measuring Political Awareness. TIJ’s Research Journal of Commerce and Behavioral Sciences. 1(12): 1-11 (2012).

13.        Treatment of the Press to Pak-US relation on War on Terror: Exploring the case after the death of Osama Bin Laden. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(6): 70-78 (2012).

14.        Comparative Coverage of Missing Persons in Pakistan: A  case study of The News and The Frontier Post. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & IT Management.1 (12): 42-51 (2012).

15.        Campus Radio as Process of Broadcast Communication: A Cross-Sectional Survey. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(6): 120-130 (2012).

16.        Inter & Cross-Cultural Communication—Journey Frame of Cultural Identity. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2 (7): 67-75(2012).

17.         Portrayal of War on Terrorism in Pakistan Print Media: Exploring Peace Framing in Daily Nation and Business Recorder. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (AJSSH) 1(4): 97-108 (2012). ISSN: 2186-8492, ISSN: 2186-8484 Print.

18.        The "ISIS" Online Media War: A Construction of ideology through Terrorism. Pakistan Journal Peace and Conflict Studies, Volume 1, No. 2. July-December 2016 pp. 1-14. ISSN 2521-2303 (Online), ISSN 2411-7218 (Print) University of Peshawar. (Case in HEC for recognition).

19.        A Normative Approach towards the training needs of Journalists in the Post-Conflict scenario in Swat, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal Peace and Conflict Studies, Volume 1, No. 2. July-December 2016 pp. 35-43. ISSN 2521-2303 (Online), ISSN 2411-7218 (Print) University of Peshawar. (Case in HEC for recognition).

20.        Pakistani Newspapers on Peace Talks with Tahrik e Taliban Pakistan. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies. Volume 1: Issue 1, June 30, 2015 pp. 47-60. ISSN (Online) 2519-0326 (Print) 2519-089X. DOI: http;// (Case in HEC for recognition in Y Category).






MA Journalism, University of Peshawar, 1995

M.Phil Mass Communication, University of the Punjab, 2000

PhD Mass Communication, University of the Punjab, 2008


January 01, 2019 - Present
Professor and Head of Mass Communication Department National University of Modern Languages (NUML) H-9 Islamabad

October 18, 2009 - December 02, 2018
Assistant Professor and Head of Mass Communication Department
College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa Ministry of Higher Education, Sultanate of Oman.

October 16, 2007 - 2009
Assistant Professor and Chairman (HOD), Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

1999 - 2007
Television Producer and Researcher
Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) and Researcher and Stringer with Nippon HosoKyokai (NHK) Japan Broadcasting Corporation.

2000 - 2004
Visiting Lecturer
Journalism and Mass Communication Department, University of Peshawar, Pakistan.

Researcher, Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Correspondent and Column Writer

Staff Reporter / Journalist


1.        The Cognitive and Co-Native Effects of Health Communication Campaign, KUST Med. J., Now known as: KMUJ: Khyber Medical University Journal ISSN 2305-26431 (1): 9-16 Y Jan-June 2009 Principal
2.        Covering the “War on Terror” Challenges for Journalists—The Case of FATA Journal of Media Studies. University of the Punjab, Lahore 25(1): 21-32 Y 2010 Principal
3.        The Anatomy of Media Strategy of Pakistan based Taliban Militants-Extremists and its Potential Effects Journal of Media Studies. University of the Punjab, Lahore 25(2): 154-163 Y 2010 Principal
4.        Reforming the Madrassah System of Education in Pakistan Contemporary Issues in Education Research. 3 (4):43-46 Y April 2010 co-author
5.        Mass Media and Family Planning: Understanding the Effects of Television in Innovation-Decision Process of health Communication in District Peshawar KUST Med. J., Now known as: KMUJ: Khyber Medical University Journal. ISSN 2305-2643 2(2): 58-63 Y July-Dec. 2010 Principal
6.        Role of Comm. in Diffusion and Adoption of Agricultural Innovations Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) 1019-8180 27(1): 111-118 Y 2011 co-author
7.        Dengue Campaign and the Youth Behavior: A Study of Fear Appeal Impacts.  Global Media Journal Pakistan Edition. ISSN 2070-2469. IX (I): 1-15 Y Spring 2016 co-author
8.        Linking Islam with Terrorism: A Review of the Media Framing since 9/11. Global Media Journal Pakistan Edition. ISSN 2070-2469. IX (II): Y Fall 2016 Principal
9.        Social Media Technologies and their Impact on Film making for Students of Digital Media Specialization in College of Applied Sciences Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (I): w8-17 Y June, 2016 Principal
10.        Views of English Learners’ regarding the use of Social Media for English Language Learning. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IISSN: 1019-8180.  Special Issue (I): 126-134 Y June, 2016 co-author
11.        Dominance of US officials: A case study of the media coverage of Osama bin Laden’s death in American, British and Pakistani media. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IIISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (II): 91-102 Y June, 2016 Principal
12.        Relationship between fear and the Students’ Academic Achievement in the context of War Hazards. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IIISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (II): 111-118 Y June, 2016 co-author
13.        Effects of Smartphones on Students: Understanding Uses and Gratification. Journal of Social Sciences Volume ISSN: 1812-0687 GC University Faisalabad 7 (2): 252-267 Y Dec. 2016 co-author
14.        Leadership Styles and Employees Commitment in the context of Higher Education. Gomal University Journal of Research. (GUJR) Special Issue IVISSN: 1019-8180. Special Issue (IV): 54-64 Y Dec, 2016 co-author
15.        Health Information-seeking Behavior of College Students in the Sultanate of Oman. KMUJ: Khyber Medical University Journal. ISSN 2305-2643 9 (1): 8-14 Y Jan-March, 2017 Principal
16.        FOBO: The Digital Epidemic—An effects study on Smartphone Usage by Undergraduates in Academic Institutions. PUTAJ-Humanities and Social Science, Peshawar University Research Journal ISSN: 2219-245X. 25 (1-2) Special Issue-Media Matter: 13-25 Y 2017 Principal
17.        Of Media Ethics and Responsibility: Analysis of Geo News and ARY News' Coverage on Hamid Mir's Issue. Journal of Social Sciences, Government College University, Faisalabad.ISSN: 1812-0687 8 (1): 225-250 Y June, 2017 Principal
18.        Alice in Oman: A study of object-first approaches in computer science education. Education and Information Technologies. The Official Journal of the IFIP Technical Committee on Education. Online ISSN 1573-7608. Print ISSN 1360-2357, DOI 10.1007/s 10639-016-9499-4. Springer. 22 (4): 1553-1569 W July, 2017 co-author
19.         BBC News Story on India funding of MQM: Understanding Expats Perception of Pakistani and Indian Nationalities in the Sultanate of Oman. Peshawar University Research Journal (PUTAJ). ISSN: 2219-245X. 24 (2): 141-158 Y Dec, 2017 Principal
20.        Relationship between attendance and Students' academic achievement at secondary level in NW Science International (Lahore) ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 29(6): 1301-1304 Y Dec, 2017 co-author


1.        Historical & Professionals Paradigm of Pakistan Penal Code Pertaining to the Press. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research. USA 1(5): 1-18 (2012). ISSN: 2226-8235. (Indexed in the Thomson Reuters Researcher ID, ORCID, Ulrichsweb, Index Copernicus (IC), Google Scholar, Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Globethics,net, Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF).

2.        Exploratory Study of Western Media Disheveling the Image of Islam, TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(3): 14-22 (2012).

3.         Expression for Virtue & Truth in Islam: Key Approaches to Modern Thoughts of Freedom of Expression. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(4): 36-42 (2012).

4.         Effects of Video Games on Students: Test of Uses and Gratification Theory. Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education (AJMSE). Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. Online ISSN: 2186-845X, Print ISSN: 2186-8441. Volume: 1 (2): 146-155 (2012).

5.        Media and Communication Technology: An Analytical Study of Internet Community in Pakistan. TIJ’s Research Journal of Science & IT Management. 1(10): 34-41 (2012).

6.        Modern Communication Technology Uses & Gratification with special reference to Compact Disc in Pakistan. TIJ’s Research Journal of Commerce and Behavioral Sciences. 1(10): 11-17 (2012).

7.        Cultivation Management of Pakistani TV Channels with Special Reference to Politics. International Journal of Human Resource Studies (IJHRS) 2(3): 106-118 (2012). ISSN 2162-3058. Doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v2i3.2260. URL: Published by Macrothink Institute USA. Indexed in the following databases, EZB-ElektronischeZeitschriftenbibliothek, Global Impact Factor, Australia: Impact Factor: 0.876, GenamicsJournalSeek, Google Scholar, JournalTOCs, LOCKSS, SciLit, Sherpa/Romeo , Standard Periodical Directory, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, WorldCat, ZBW - German National Library of Economics.

8.        Sensationalism in Pakistani Private Urdu News Channels: Audience Perception. International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy (IJMRA). 2(9): 539-553 (2012).

9.        Treatment of US Print Media Opinion Pages given to Egypt Revolution 2011 by ‘New York Times’ and ‘Washington Post’. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(5): 99-112 (2012).

10.        Information and Communication Explosion of Knowledge Economy with special reference to Cultural Imperialism. International Journal of Learning and Development (IJLD). 2(5): 163-174 (2012).

11.        Media as a Production and Distribution of Information: The Concept of Media Economy. International Journal of Human Resource Studies (IJHRS). 2(3): 151-161 (2012). ISSN 2162-3058. Doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v2i3.2295.URL: Published by Macrothink Institute USA. Indexed in the following databases, EZB-ElektronischeZeitschriftenbibliothek, Global Impact Factor, Australia: Impact Factor: 0.876, GenamicsJournalSeek, Google Scholar, JournalTOCs, LOCKSS, SciLit, Sherpa/Romeo , Standard Periodical Directory, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, WorldCat, ZBW - German National Library of Economics.

12.        Effects of Private News Channels: Measuring Political Awareness. TIJ’s Research Journal of Commerce and Behavioral Sciences. 1(12): 1-11 (2012).

13.        Treatment of the Press to Pak-US relation on War on Terror: Exploring the case after the death of Osama Bin Laden. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(6): 70-78 (2012).

14.        Comparative Coverage of Missing Persons in Pakistan: A  case study of The News and The Frontier Post. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & IT Management.1 (12): 42-51 (2012).

15.        Campus Radio as Process of Broadcast Communication: A Cross-Sectional Survey. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2(6): 120-130 (2012).

16.        Inter & Cross-Cultural Communication—Journey Frame of Cultural Identity. TIJ’s Research Journal of Social Sciences & Management. 2 (7): 67-75(2012).

17.         Portrayal of War on Terrorism in Pakistan Print Media: Exploring Peace Framing in Daily Nation and Business Recorder. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (AJSSH) 1(4): 97-108 (2012). ISSN: 2186-8492, ISSN: 2186-8484 Print.

18.        The "ISIS" Online Media War: A Construction of ideology through Terrorism. Pakistan Journal Peace and Conflict Studies, Volume 1, No. 2. July-December 2016 pp. 1-14. ISSN 2521-2303 (Online), ISSN 2411-7218 (Print) University of Peshawar. (Case in HEC for recognition).

19.        A Normative Approach towards the training needs of Journalists in the Post-Conflict scenario in Swat, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal Peace and Conflict Studies, Volume 1, No. 2. July-December 2016 pp. 35-43. ISSN 2521-2303 (Online), ISSN 2411-7218 (Print) University of Peshawar. (Case in HEC for recognition).

20.        Pakistani Newspapers on Peace Talks with Tahrik e Taliban Pakistan. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies. Volume 1: Issue 1, June 30, 2015 pp. 47-60. ISSN (Online) 2519-0326 (Print) 2519-089X. DOI: http;// (Case in HEC for recognition in Y Category).




