Contact me
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- 051 9265100 Ext: 2061
- fsohail@numl.edu.pk
Dr. Farhan Sohail
Assistant Professor (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING)PhD Electrical Engineering UTM
MS Telecommunication Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia
BS Electronics Engineering, IIUI, Pakistan
Assistant Professor
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad,
2016-till Present
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad,
2009 to 2016
Paper Title | Journal/Conference | Year of Publication |
Impact Factor / Category |
A Method to Reduce Route Discovery Cost of UAV Ad Hoc Network | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | 2023 | W/1.938 |
Embedded Estimation Sequential Bayes Parameter Inference for the Ricker Dynamical System | Journal of Sensors | 2022 | W/2.137 |
Capacity Optimization of Next-Generation UAV Communication Involving Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access | Drones, MDPI | 2022 | W/5.532 |
Random Graph-Based M-QAM Classification for MIMO Systems URL: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/wcmc/2022/9419764/ |
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 2022 | (IF 2.336) W- Catagory |
A Cat Swarm Optimization based transmission power minimization for an aerial NOMA communication system | Vehicular Communications: Elsevier | 2022 | W ( 6.910) |
Energy efficient NOMA for UAV communication system | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 2019 | 5.379 |
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Assisted Communication | IEEE ACCESS | 2018 | 4.098 |
Classification of M-QAM & M-PSK signals using Genetic Programming (GP) | Neural Computing and Applications, Springer | 2018 | 4.774 |
Maximized fairness for NOMA based drone communication system |
IEEE Malaysian International Conference on Communication (MICC 2017) | 2017 | - |
Channel estimation in Massive MIMO using heuristic approach | Wireless Personal Communications, Springer | 2017 | 1.061 |
Multiuser detection: Comparative analysis of heuristic approach | International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences | 2017 | x |
Cognitive Radio based Smart Grid Communication Network | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ELSEVIER) |
2017 | 12.11 |
Channel estimation using evolutionary computing techniques | International Journal of Technology and Research (IJTNR) | 2016 | - |
KNN based classification of digitally modulated signal | International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal (IIUM EJ) | 2016 | X |
Implementation of OFDM and Channel Estimation using LS and MMSE Estimators | International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER), Volume 2, Issue 1. | 2013 | - |
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Network over Fading Channel | International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER), Volume 2, Issue 1. | 2013 | - |
System Identification using LMS, NLMS and RLS. | IEEE SCORED 2013, Malaysia. | 2013 | - |
Adaptive filter algorithms for noise and echo cancellation. | International Journal of computer and communication engineering (IJCCER) | 2013 | - |
Implementation of Convolutional Codes FPGA | IEEE Conference of Information Society, UK. | 2012 | - |
Performance of Space Time Trellis Code using Fading Channel | 8th IEEE Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communication, Spain, 2012. | 2012 | - |
Channel Shortening for doubly selective channels using TEQ, MMSE and LMS | International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER), Volume 1, Issue 4. | 2012 | - |
Non-orthogonal Multiple Access
UAV communication design Optimization techniques |
PhD Electrical Engineering UTM
MS Telecommunication Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia
BS Electronics Engineering, IIUI, Pakistan
Assistant Professor
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad,
2016-till Present
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad,
2009 to 2016
Paper Title | Journal/Conference | Year of Publication |
Impact Factor / Category |
A Method to Reduce Route Discovery Cost of UAV Ad Hoc Network | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | 2023 | W/1.938 |
Embedded Estimation Sequential Bayes Parameter Inference for the Ricker Dynamical System | Journal of Sensors | 2022 | W/2.137 |
Capacity Optimization of Next-Generation UAV Communication Involving Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access | Drones, MDPI | 2022 | W/5.532 |
Random Graph-Based M-QAM Classification for MIMO Systems URL: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/wcmc/2022/9419764/ |
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 2022 | (IF 2.336) W- Catagory |
A Cat Swarm Optimization based transmission power minimization for an aerial NOMA communication system | Vehicular Communications: Elsevier | 2022 | W ( 6.910) |
Energy efficient NOMA for UAV communication system | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 2019 | 5.379 |
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Assisted Communication | IEEE ACCESS | 2018 | 4.098 |
Classification of M-QAM & M-PSK signals using Genetic Programming (GP) | Neural Computing and Applications, Springer | 2018 | 4.774 |
Maximized fairness for NOMA based drone communication system |
IEEE Malaysian International Conference on Communication (MICC 2017) | 2017 | - |
Channel estimation in Massive MIMO using heuristic approach | Wireless Personal Communications, Springer | 2017 | 1.061 |
Multiuser detection: Comparative analysis of heuristic approach | International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences | 2017 | x |
Cognitive Radio based Smart Grid Communication Network | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (ELSEVIER) |
2017 | 12.11 |
Channel estimation using evolutionary computing techniques | International Journal of Technology and Research (IJTNR) | 2016 | - |
KNN based classification of digitally modulated signal | International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal (IIUM EJ) | 2016 | X |
Implementation of OFDM and Channel Estimation using LS and MMSE Estimators | International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER), Volume 2, Issue 1. | 2013 | - |
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Network over Fading Channel | International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER), Volume 2, Issue 1. | 2013 | - |
System Identification using LMS, NLMS and RLS. | IEEE SCORED 2013, Malaysia. | 2013 | - |
Adaptive filter algorithms for noise and echo cancellation. | International Journal of computer and communication engineering (IJCCER) | 2013 | - |
Implementation of Convolutional Codes FPGA | IEEE Conference of Information Society, UK. | 2012 | - |
Performance of Space Time Trellis Code using Fading Channel | 8th IEEE Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communication, Spain, 2012. | 2012 | - |
Channel Shortening for doubly selective channels using TEQ, MMSE and LMS | International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER), Volume 1, Issue 4. | 2012 | - |
Non-orthogonal Multiple Access
UAV communication design Optimization techniques |