Dr Khurram Shehzad

Contact me

  •   Department of English UGS
  •   +92-51-9265100
  •   kshehzad@numl.edu.pk

Dr Khurram Shehzad

Assistant Professor

2013 - 2018 (March)           Ph D in English (linguistics) from International Islamic University

Thesis Title                           Analyzing English Language Teaching And Testing Praxis In Developing Discourse Competence In Essay Writing               

2009 -- 2011                          MS / M Phil (linguistics) from International Islamic University

Thesis Title                                                                 

2001-- 2003                           Masters in English language & literature from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad                        

Jan, 2004 - Dec, 2004           B. Ed from National University of Modern Languages    

August 2000-- 2000 December

Diploma in English Language from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad                                               

1998- 2000                            Bachelor’s degree from the Govt. Gordon College, Rawalpindi

1996- 1998                             Intermediate from BISE, Rawalpindi

1993- 1995                             Matric from BISE, Rawalpindi

2003 - 2004                          English language teacher at Pakistan Institute of Modern Languages

2003 - 2006                          English language teacher at Mr. Cabin Public High School

August 2006- January 2007

                                                English Language teacher at The City School

September 2010- January 2011

                                                English Language teacher at International Islamic University

January 2005 - 2015            Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages

June 2015 -- to date

                                                Assistant professor, National University of Modern Languages

  1. Khalid, M., Shahzad, K. (2019c). The Transcendental Signifier in The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 3 (2) ISSN:  2521-5078 
  2.                                                                                                                         [Y Category]

  3. Asghar, J., & Shahzad, K. (2020b). Muslim Theolinguistic Perspectives on Publishing Qur’anic Translation without the Original Arabic Text. Research Journal Al Basirah, 9 (1) ISSN: 2520-7334 (P) 2222-4548.                                                                [X Category]

  5. Asghar, J., & Shahzad, K. (2020a). Predicaments of Contemporary Art and Iqbal’s Aesthetic Metaphysics. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 8 (1) ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533.                                                                                                                                       
  6.                                                                                                              [Y Category]

  7. Asghar, J., Iqbal, M. & Shahzad, K. (2019b). The Challenge of Quranic Translation and the Question of Gender Accuracy. Pakistan Journal of Languages and Translation Studies, UOG, Issue 7, No. 2. ISSN: 2410-1230                                                  [Y Category]

  9. Shahzad, K., Asghar, J. & Janjua, F. (2018). Genre analysis of MA ELT theses: A case study of National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.  Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 21 (2). 93-106. ISSN: 1028-6640                                                                  
  10.                                                                                                              [X Category]

  11. Shahzad, K., Janjua, F., & Asghar, J.  (2019a). Assessing testing practices with reference to communicative competence in essay writing at undergraduate level in Pakistan. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 7 (1) ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533.                                                                                                     [Y Category]

  13. Asghar, J., & Shahzad, K. (2018d). Globalization and the sociolinguistic challenge of the 21st century critical pedagogy: A case for language/culture minority students. NUST Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4 (2). 222-239.                                                                                  
  14.                           [Z Category]


  15. Habib, A., Shahzad, K. & Uzair, M. (2018c). Coverage of pronunciation: An analytical study of English textbooks in Pakistan. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 6 (2). 47-63 ISSN: (E) 2306-112X              
  16.                            [Y Category]


  17. Shahzad, K. (2108b). Spoken language testing practices in National University of Modern Languages. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 6 (1). 291-314.       
  18.                            [Y Category]


  19. Jamil, A. & Shahzad, K. (2018a). Media portrayals of transgender people in Pakistan - A case of mis-gendering and marginalization. Journal of Education & Social Sciences - JESS, 6 (1). 23-39.                                                                                                      [Y Category]

    Shahzad, K. (2017). Designing a question paper: A critique of essay type questions constructed to assess written discourse of English language students. Pakistan Journal of Languages and Translation Studies,  5 (1). 24-39                                                            

                                                                                                                                         [Z Category]                                                 


  1. Shahzad, K. & Janjua, F. (2016). Formalist and feminist stylistic study of Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock and Soliloquy of a Misanthrope. Journal of Institute of Social Sciences-JISS, 2 (1).                                                               


  1. Shahzad, K. & Habib, M. (2016). Portrayal of females as second-rate citizens: A feminist study of Wedding of Sundry and The Fair Way. Journal of Research in Social Sciences-JRSS, 4 (2)

                                                                                                                              [Z Category]


  1. Asghar, J. & Shahzad, K. (2015). The rewiring of the human brain: A critique of cyber-culture and its effects on our thinking abilities. Journal of   Institute of Social Sciences -- JISS, 2 (2).



  1. A Plea for the Introduction of Critical Pedagogy in Pakistani Classrooms (IN PROCESS, 2016) Journal of Research & Reflections in Education (JRRE)
  2. Evaluating Teaching Practices with Reference to Discourse Competence in Essay Writing at Undergraduate Level in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Issues (PJSI) 21/12/18 in process [Y category]
  3. Analyzing the Provision of Feedback to the Learners of Essay Writing in Pakistan (IN PROCESS, 2018) Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences. Multan
  4. Analyzing Formative Assessment Practices of English Language Teachers in Pakistan (in process,  May, 2109)


2013 - 2018 (March)           Ph D in English (linguistics) from International Islamic University

Thesis Title                           Analyzing English Language Teaching And Testing Praxis In Developing Discourse Competence In Essay Writing               

2009 -- 2011                          MS / M Phil (linguistics) from International Islamic University

Thesis Title                                                                 

2001-- 2003                           Masters in English language & literature from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad                        

Jan, 2004 - Dec, 2004           B. Ed from National University of Modern Languages    

August 2000-- 2000 December

Diploma in English Language from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad                                               

1998- 2000                            Bachelor’s degree from the Govt. Gordon College, Rawalpindi

1996- 1998                             Intermediate from BISE, Rawalpindi

1993- 1995                             Matric from BISE, Rawalpindi


2003 - 2004                          English language teacher at Pakistan Institute of Modern Languages

2003 - 2006                          English language teacher at Mr. Cabin Public High School

August 2006- January 2007

                                                English Language teacher at The City School

September 2010- January 2011

                                                English Language teacher at International Islamic University

January 2005 - 2015            Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages

June 2015 -- to date

                                                Assistant professor, National University of Modern Languages


  1. Khalid, M., Shahzad, K. (2019c). The Transcendental Signifier in The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 3 (2) ISSN:  2521-5078 
  2.                                                                                                                         [Y Category]

  3. Asghar, J., & Shahzad, K. (2020b). Muslim Theolinguistic Perspectives on Publishing Qur’anic Translation without the Original Arabic Text. Research Journal Al Basirah, 9 (1) ISSN: 2520-7334 (P) 2222-4548.                                                                [X Category]

  5. Asghar, J., & Shahzad, K. (2020a). Predicaments of Contemporary Art and Iqbal’s Aesthetic Metaphysics. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 8 (1) ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533.                                                                                                                                       
  6.                                                                                                              [Y Category]

  7. Asghar, J., Iqbal, M. & Shahzad, K. (2019b). The Challenge of Quranic Translation and the Question of Gender Accuracy. Pakistan Journal of Languages and Translation Studies, UOG, Issue 7, No. 2. ISSN: 2410-1230                                                  [Y Category]

  9. Shahzad, K., Asghar, J. & Janjua, F. (2018). Genre analysis of MA ELT theses: A case study of National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.  Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 21 (2). 93-106. ISSN: 1028-6640                                                                  
  10.                                                                                                              [X Category]

  11. Shahzad, K., Janjua, F., & Asghar, J.  (2019a). Assessing testing practices with reference to communicative competence in essay writing at undergraduate level in Pakistan. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 7 (1) ISSN: (E) 2306-112X (P) 2305- 6533.                                                                                                     [Y Category]

  13. Asghar, J., & Shahzad, K. (2018d). Globalization and the sociolinguistic challenge of the 21st century critical pedagogy: A case for language/culture minority students. NUST Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4 (2). 222-239.                                                                                  
  14.                           [Z Category]


  15. Habib, A., Shahzad, K. & Uzair, M. (2018c). Coverage of pronunciation: An analytical study of English textbooks in Pakistan. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 6 (2). 47-63 ISSN: (E) 2306-112X              
  16.                            [Y Category]


  17. Shahzad, K. (2108b). Spoken language testing practices in National University of Modern Languages. Journal of Research in Social Sciences - JRSS, 6 (1). 291-314.       
  18.                            [Y Category]


  19. Jamil, A. & Shahzad, K. (2018a). Media portrayals of transgender people in Pakistan - A case of mis-gendering and marginalization. Journal of Education & Social Sciences - JESS, 6 (1). 23-39.                                                                                                      [Y Category]

    Shahzad, K. (2017). Designing a question paper: A critique of essay type questions constructed to assess written discourse of English language students. Pakistan Journal of Languages and Translation Studies,  5 (1). 24-39                                                            

                                                                                                                                         [Z Category]                                                 


  1. Shahzad, K. & Janjua, F. (2016). Formalist and feminist stylistic study of Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock and Soliloquy of a Misanthrope. Journal of Institute of Social Sciences-JISS, 2 (1).                                                               


  1. Shahzad, K. & Habib, M. (2016). Portrayal of females as second-rate citizens: A feminist study of Wedding of Sundry and The Fair Way. Journal of Research in Social Sciences-JRSS, 4 (2)

                                                                                                                              [Z Category]


  1. Asghar, J. & Shahzad, K. (2015). The rewiring of the human brain: A critique of cyber-culture and its effects on our thinking abilities. Journal of   Institute of Social Sciences -- JISS, 2 (2).



  1. A Plea for the Introduction of Critical Pedagogy in Pakistani Classrooms (IN PROCESS, 2016) Journal of Research & Reflections in Education (JRRE)
  2. Evaluating Teaching Practices with Reference to Discourse Competence in Essay Writing at Undergraduate Level in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Issues (PJSI) 21/12/18 in process [Y category]
  3. Analyzing the Provision of Feedback to the Learners of Essay Writing in Pakistan (IN PROCESS, 2018) Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences. Multan
  4. Analyzing Formative Assessment Practices of English Language Teachers in Pakistan (in process,  May, 2109)

