Contact me
- Department of English UGS
- +92-51-9265100
- sfrizvi@numl.edu.pk
Ms. Sayyeda Farihatulaen Rizvi
LecturerMS English Literature (Course work) International Islamic University Islamabad IIUI
Fall 2012 3.35(CGPA) 74.22% First Division
2 M.A. [English Lang & Lit.] National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad NUML
2006-2008 68.4 % First Division English Language & Literature
3 B.A. F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad Punjab University 2004-2006 493 / 800 First Division English Literature Home Economics
4 Intermediate F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad FBISE 2002-2004
663 / 1100 First Division English Literature Home Economics Islamic Studies
5 Matriculation Islamabad Model College for Girls, F-6/2, Islamabad FBISE
2000-2002 603 / 850 First Division Humanities Group
- Taught English at Degree Classes level in F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad On Voluntary basis, from October 2008 to May 2009.
- Served as Lecturer-in-English, as a contract appointee, at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad from 14th January, 2009 to 28th February, 2012
- Served as Senior Instructor, on regular basis, (BPS-17) in Department of English, at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad from 1st March, 2012 to l0th June, 2015.
Muslim Women Writers of the Subcontinent (1870-1950) published by Emel Publications (2014).
Paper presentation: Presented a paper entitled Lived Spaces: A Contemporary Literary Trend Towards
Viewing Karachi as a Megacity in the First International Conference of Language &
Literature on Modern & Contemporary Language, Literature & Culture, held in GC.
University Lahore, April 20l4
MS English Literature (Course work) International Islamic University Islamabad IIUI
Fall 2012 3.35(CGPA) 74.22% First Division
2 M.A. [English Lang & Lit.] National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad NUML
2006-2008 68.4 % First Division English Language & Literature
3 B.A. F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad Punjab University 2004-2006 493 / 800 First Division English Literature Home Economics
4 Intermediate F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad FBISE 2002-2004
663 / 1100 First Division English Literature Home Economics Islamic Studies
5 Matriculation Islamabad Model College for Girls, F-6/2, Islamabad FBISE
2000-2002 603 / 850 First Division Humanities Group
- Taught English at Degree Classes level in F.G. College for Women, F-7/2, Islamabad On Voluntary basis, from October 2008 to May 2009.
- Served as Lecturer-in-English, as a contract appointee, at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad from 14th January, 2009 to 28th February, 2012
- Served as Senior Instructor, on regular basis, (BPS-17) in Department of English, at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad from 1st March, 2012 to l0th June, 2015.
Muslim Women Writers of the Subcontinent (1870-1950) published by Emel Publications (2014).
Paper presentation: Presented a paper entitled Lived Spaces: A Contemporary Literary Trend Towards
Viewing Karachi as a Megacity in the First International Conference of Language &
Literature on Modern & Contemporary Language, Literature & Culture, held in GC.
University Lahore, April 20l4