If you are struggling with questions and situations pertaining to the purpose of life, lets discover a way out of them together! Join the series, in which we will have sessions, quizzes, QnAs. For registration, join the group: https://chat.whats...
PhD Public Defense: Ali Raza Yousaf Date: Tuesday 7th jan, 2025 Time: 15:30 Venue: Conference Room no. 10, Jinnah Block, NUML Islamabad
Online Workshop Join our Whatsapp group to get the link
Session on Islamic Thought and Culture - 1st International Conference of Social Sciences 2023 took place today. Date: October 11, 2023 Venue: Video Conference Room, Roomi Block, NUML University, Islamabad
Department of Islamic Thought & Culture Ibn-e-Rushd Block Iqbal Hall 20 March 2023, at 1130 am
Department of Islamic Thought and Culture National Seerah Conference Topic: The Holy Prophet's (PBUH) Strategy for Socio-Economic Reforms Chair By: Maj. Gen (R) Muhammad Jaffar HI(M) Date and Time: 13 Oct., 2022, 11:00 am to 01:00...
Department of Islamic Studies, Lecture: Islamic Banking and Finance Vanue: Iqal Hall, Ibn e Rushd Block. 22 Sep. 2022
Department of Islamic Studies M.Phil Scholars Defense has been scheduled Muhammad Raza Faraz & Farooq Ahmad 26 April 2022 at 0900 am to 1100
Department of Islamic Studies Vanue; Jinnah Auditorium, Salam Block Date and Time; 4 April 2022, at 10:00 am
Department of Islamic Studies Na'at Competition 08 March 2022 Iqbal Hall, Ibn e Rushd Block
Department of Islamic Studies Mr. Abdul Rauf Venue and Date of Defense: 25 Feb 2022 Friday. Time: 1530, Rumi Block, VCR
Department of Islamic Studies Mr. Obaid Riaz Venue and Date of Defense: 22 Feb 2022, Tuesday. Time: 1530, Rumi Block, VCR Ms. Rabia Riaz Venue and Date of Defense: 22 Feb 2022, Tuesday. Time: 1630, Rumi B...
Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Islamic Studies Seminar on: Poetic Trend in the Understanding of the Quran Vanue: Feb, 23, Wednesday at 03:30 Seminar Hall Confucius Department Block Ibn-e-Khaldun
MPhil level 4 Students Defenses At 12-01-22 - Uzair Ullah, - Abdul Wahid At 13-01-22 - Hajrah Shafique - Rabia Riaz
Wrokshop Islamic Studies-FSS Department of Islamic Studies with the Collaboration Executive Development Center Islamic Studies Workshop For improvement in Research Since 04 - 06 January 2022 ORIC - Ibn-e-Rushd&nbs...
Research trends in Islamic Economics and Finance Date: 02 Dec, 2021 Time: 10:30 to 12:00 pm Confucius Seminar Hall, Ibn e Khaldun, NUML, Islamabad
Research in Islamic Studies, 3 days Research Workshop Designed by Prof. Dr. Mustafeez Ahmed Alvi, Dean FSS For Registration given a Link: https://forms.gle/xpPR2nKUL6v7LjRB9 Chaired by, Prof. Dr. Mustafeez Ahmed Alvi (Dean FSS) Supervis...
Department of Islamic Studies arranged a webinar related to Research for improvements. Under Supervision, Dr. Noor Hayat Khan (HoD) Chair it, Prof. Dr. Safeer Awan (Pro-Rector (Acad) NUML) Resource person, Prof. Dr. Mustafeez Ahmed Alvi...
Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, NUML- Islamabad Cordially invite you to an International Webinar entitled, Muslim Tradition of the Study of Religion: Past, Present and Future, Join Via Google meet Please: https:...
سیرت النبی ﷺ کی روشنی میں وبائی امراض اور ان کا تدار Guest Speaker: Dr. Dost Muhammad Venue: 19, Staturday at 11:00 am, via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/tim-cgyz-bkg
Faculty of Soical Sciences Department of Islamic Studies Guest Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mohyuddin Hashmi, Dean Faculty of Arabic & Islamic Studies, AIOU Date: 26 Sep, 2019 Time: 9:00-10:00 AM Venue: Confucius Hall, I...
In this event, all departments were informed. Fifteen students took part in the competition from different departments. Judges were invited from outside of the university to make the decisions. 1st, 2nd and 3rd position holders were awarded...
Department of Islamic Studies arranged seminar on Istaqbal-e-Ramadan ul Mubarak in the Holy month of Ramadan. Prof Dr. Tahir Mehmood, Director Research Dawah Academy IIUI Islamabad was invited as a guest speaker and delivered very fruitful speech. De...
Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Qibla Ayaz, Chairman Islamic Ideology was invited who threw light upon the role of Education plays in building up the character of students and also the society. He gave many inspirational suggestions to all students and facul...
In this seminar, three honorable scholars were invited. The program was started with the recitation of Holy Quran after that video having the complete documentary of previously held seminars was played in front of the audience. The speaker...
A Two-day conference was organized on the topic, Contemporary Ideological & Moral Challenges to Muslim Societies and their Solutions from Islamic Perspective by the Dept. of Islamic Studies and different guests were invited. The chief guest...
An event on the topic, Up gradation Ceremony of Research Journal Al-Basirah was organized by the Dept. of Islamic Studies and Prof. Dr. Tahir Ali Shah, Director Academics HEC and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zia ul Haq Director IRI was invited as a chief guest...
All departments were informed about the Naat Competion. Fifteen students took part in the competition from different departments. Judges were invited from outside of the university to make the decisions. 1st, 2nd and 3rd position h...
An event on the topic, Fun Theory was organized by the Dept. of Islamic Studies and Raja Zia Ul Haq was invited as a guest speaker. The speaker addressed the audience, motivated them and tried to convey the major ideas and principles in Islam regardi...
A Two-day conference was organized on the topic, Contemporary Women Issues and their solution from Islamic Perspectives by the Dept. of Islamic Studies and different guests were invited. The chief guests addressed the audience and the papers were pre...
All departments were informed about the Naat Competion. Fifteen students took part in the competition from different departments. Judges were invited from outside of the university to make the decisions. The names of judges are as under; Mr. Syed...
A seminar on the progress of Council of Islamic Ideology was organized by the department of Islamic studies in order to bring awareness in the students of Islamic studies in particular and other students in general. Dr. Ikram ul Haq, Secretary of Cou...
To give awareness about the teachings of Islam the students of Islamic Studies department arranged a stall entitle “Dawaw Stall”. The stall was arranged under the guidance of HOD and faculty members of the department. Various Books, Bookl...
A workshop was organized on the Vision Management by the Dept. of Islamic Studies and Raja Zia Ul Haq was invited as a guest speaker. Raja Zia Ul Haq addressed the strategy of making the vision of life and approaches for its accomplishment. It was ve...