Dr. Aftab Azeem
Chinese, particularly Mandarin, is the most spoken language in the world, with over 1.4 billion speakers. This means that one in every six people in the world speaks Chinese. Whereas, it is one of the most difficult language in the world, but if proper teaching resources are allocated for it, the dream of learning Chinese Language can be acheived very easily. Chinese Department warmly welcomes our perspective students who wish to come to learn Chinese Language from diverse cultural and ethnical backgrounds across the country. Our focus is to equip students with thorough understanding of Chinese Language and Culture along with required skills, thus enabling them to develop interpretation and translation ability and techniques. Our curriculum has been carefully designed by Education Experts that meet the requirements to cultivate a healthy Chinese Language Expert . So far, we're offering some Functional Courses like: Certificate in Chinese Language(1 Semester) Diploma in Chinese Language(2 Semester) Interpreteship in Chinese Language(3 Semester) Summer Short Course(1 Month) All of these courses are being offered in Morning as well as Afternoon Shifts. While we're are going to introduce some new courses in near future as below: BS in Chinese Language Teaching One year Diploma in Teaching Chinese to the Speakers of other Language (TCSOL) Business Chinese Course Tourism Chinese Course Not only this, we're offering courses in collaboration with other departments as well to cater the need of the respective programs. Along its journey, Chinese Department has already produced a considerable number of Chinese Experts, Interpreters and Translators who're imparting their precious role in field and research related projects all over the Pakistan. Chinese department has one of the most experienced faculty with vibrant academic and research interests and we aim to materialize the dreams of our students, faculty and most importantly the country. On behalf of faculty and staff, I warly welcome you to the Department of Chinese Language, NUML Islamabad. Dr. AFTAB AZEEM 大山
National University of Modern Languages was established as an institute naming National Institute of Modern Languages(NIML) on 14th June 1970 functioning under the Peoples Open University, now known as Allama Iqbal Open University. Later on, it functioned under the Quaid -e-Azam university till the year 2000 when finally it was upgraded as a university having the name as National University of Modern Languages (NUML). On 9th June 1970, after the establishment of the Persian Department Chinese Department was the second to start functioning on 1st September 1970. Initially, the services of two Chinese teachers Mr. Li Xunxing and Mr. Zhang Zhanyi were lent to NIML through the courtesy of the State Education Commission of the Peoples Republic of China, under a cultural pact. Mr. Li Xunxing has the honor to be the first head of the Chinese Language Department. NUML at that time had a total strength of 30 students with a share of 13 from the Chinese Department. At the initial stage Chinese Department could run only a Diploma level course of one-year duration, however, it gradually expanded its size as well as the strength of teaching staff and students. By January 1971, the Chinese Department was already able to run a Diploma-in-interpreter ship. In 1999 it started the Bachelor and Masters Degree courses. In 2006 it has already started the M. Phil course and planning to commence Ph.D. courses in the near future. Chinese department at present has the strength of more than 400 students, running all the courses i.e. Certificate, Diploma, Diploma in Interpreter ship, Bachelor in Chinese, Masters in Chinese, etc. Since its establishment in 1970, The Chinese department has perused its role with dedication and enthusiasm. It has catered to the need of federal and provincial departments, armed forces, and the private sectors for providing interpreters on summits, international seminars, moots, functions, and during the visits of high-level official delegations. It also furnishes translation facilities to the government, semi-government agencies as well as the general public. With its meritorious record of excellent academic and translation and interpretation services, the Chinese department enjoys sound standing all over Pakistan. The motto of the Chinese department is: “Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as to China” (Sayings of Prophet Mohammad SAW)
A leading department of Chinese studies for excellence in teaching and research in Chinese language, literature and culture.
To foster communicative proficiency in Chinese language and excellence in research in Chinese literature and culture through innovative pedagogy for creating opportunities in academic and professional fields.