Dr. Hidayat Ullah Khan
The Department of Economics took its humble start in 2003, with only one program and 27 students. However, it has pushed the frontiers and registered magnificent growth over the last two decades and so. Currently, it is offering several undergraduate programs like BS Economics, BS Economics & Finance, BS Economics (2 years), BS Economics & Finance (2 years), and graduate programs like M.Phil Economics and Ph.D Economics. The department is keen to launch new programs like MS. Development Studies (weekend program), and new majors/minors in Development Economics, Health Economics, and BS Labour Economics etc. Here at the Economics Department, we help establish a strong foundation of the Economics Theory and a rich flavour of ground breaking research. We engage our students in a range of curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities through the course of their educational programs. The students are provided with opportunities to interact with peers through alumni interactions, market leaders through guest speakers, local communities through outreach and interaction programs. The objective of all these engagements is to prepare our students for the job market, to make their impression as a successful economist, and withstand the challenges of real life. In case of any queries, please feel free to contact me on my email: hod-eco@numl.edu.pk
•The Department of Economics, was established in 2003. •The department offered M.Sc. degree program which was later consolidated with introduction of M. Phil and Ph D programs in 2010 and 2011 respectively. •The Department launched the BS Economics & Finance (4 Years program) in 2010. •In 2017 the Department also launched BS Economics (4 years) program. •In 2020 the Department also launched BS Economics (2 years) and BS Economics and Finance (2 years) program.
Become a center of excellence in teaching and research in Economics with national as well as international recognition in quality education and research.
Offering environemnt and opportunities that prepare students to become accomplished professionals, capable of exploring solutions to the challenges of economic development.