Welcome to Department of Peace & Conflict Studies

Dr. Sarwat Rauf (Associate Professor)

The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies aims at promoting interdisciplinary teaching and research. Through pedagogical practices we create new knowledge by building linkages between theory and practice along with the provision of high-quality professional training in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies.  PCS is a unique program that focuses on pragmatic approaches to solving problems in diverse social settings, as well as offering the theoretical foundations for professional practice in the areas of human rights, social justice, restorative practice, cultural awareness, conflict transformation, management / resolution, and peace building. Major areas that intersect with the PCS include political science, International Relations, economics, psychology, sociology, history, anthropology, security studies, religious and gender studies, peace journalism, transitional justice, human rights, and development studies. More narrowly, we are dedicated at comprehending the sources of conflict and conflict prevention, de-escalation, and concept of peace as political condition that ensures justice and social stability in a conflict-prone world. You will be exposed to a wide range of theoretical approaches, techniques, and strategies for nonviolent solutions to conflicts that arise in communities/society. We offer a globally recognized undergraduate degree. You will have many openings to advance your careerism and employability as you learn and apply tangible skills directly applicable to society and policy at national and international level.    


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The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies was established in 2013. The Department offers  a globally recognized undergraduate degree aiming at preparing graduates to have a deeper understanding and knowledge of the subject. The MSc program was launched in 2014 while BS program started in 2016. The Department is set to launch M. Phil program in Spring 2022. The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies has 11 faculty members with Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Lecturers on board.



Aspire to become a center of excellence on creating cutting-edge knowledge, preparing future leadership through scientific research and innovative pedagogies in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies.



Promote rigorous scholarship and academic excellence that enable potential graduates to understand the intricacies of national and international challenges and equip them with relevant skills, knowledge and competencies to handle social challenges in an apt manner and contribute towards development of enlightened society.      


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