Dr. Amber Yasmin

Head of Department / Assistant Professor

PhD (Persian)

from National University of Modern languages, Islamabad 2013.

25.06.2015 to date, Assistant Professor in Persian, Regular Faculty, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


19. 06. 2015 to 24.06.2015, Lecturer in Persian, Regular Faculty, National University of modern Languages, Islamabad.


01.12.2011 18.06.2015, Senior Instructor in Persian, Regular Faculty, National University of Modern   Languages, Islamabad.


17th February 2006 to 30th November 2011, Lecturer Persian on contract basis, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


1st September 1998 to 14th Feb 2006 Lecturer Persian in Government Degree College for Women, Muslim Town, Rawalpindi.

2015, Vol  120, Danish journal, “A peep into the life of Simin Daneshver and structural analysis of her short story

 “ Shehri chun behisht”

2014, Vol  8-11 No.2, (July to Dec), Lucknow University journal of Humanities, India, “Relish for Proverbs in Short Stories of Simin Daneshver”

 2012 ,Vol  106-107, Danish journal, “Iqbal’s Message to Eastern Youth”

2010, Vol 9, Daryaft Journal, “The love Stories of Persian Literature”.

 2009, Vol 98, Danish journal, “Patriotic Feelings in Iran’s Poetry of Constitutional Movement.”

2017, اردو اور فارسی کی مشترک بزمیه داستا انیں ا

ور انکی ادبی اهمیت

Printed in Collection of Articles titled:  Sokhan-e-Ishq

Cultural and lingual Commonalities between Iran and Pakistan by Cultural  Consulate Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran Islamabad

“Acceptability & Popularity of Shahnameh and its renowned Translations in Subcontinent.” (Abstract Published in collection of Abstracts) 3-Day International Conference: Commemoration of Ferdowsi Toosi held on 13-15 March 2017 Organized by Ferdowsi Chair Department of Persian Language and Literature, Lahore College for women University, Lahore.

9th International Congress of Iranian Society for Promotion of Persian Language and Literature held on 27th to 29August 2014 organized by Northern Khurasan Payam e Noor University, Bijnoord, Iran.(Abstract Published in collection of Abstracts)


Modern Persian Literature, literary Criticism, Iqbal studies


PhD (Persian)

from National University of Modern languages, Islamabad 2013.


25.06.2015 to date, Assistant Professor in Persian, Regular Faculty, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


19. 06. 2015 to 24.06.2015, Lecturer in Persian, Regular Faculty, National University of modern Languages, Islamabad.


01.12.2011 18.06.2015, Senior Instructor in Persian, Regular Faculty, National University of Modern   Languages, Islamabad.


17th February 2006 to 30th November 2011, Lecturer Persian on contract basis, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.


1st September 1998 to 14th Feb 2006 Lecturer Persian in Government Degree College for Women, Muslim Town, Rawalpindi.


2015, Vol  120, Danish journal, “A peep into the life of Simin Daneshver and structural analysis of her short story

 “ Shehri chun behisht”

2014, Vol  8-11 No.2, (July to Dec), Lucknow University journal of Humanities, India, “Relish for Proverbs in Short Stories of Simin Daneshver”

 2012 ,Vol  106-107, Danish journal, “Iqbal’s Message to Eastern Youth”

2010, Vol 9, Daryaft Journal, “The love Stories of Persian Literature”.

 2009, Vol 98, Danish journal, “Patriotic Feelings in Iran’s Poetry of Constitutional Movement.”

2017, اردو اور فارسی کی مشترک بزمیه داستا انیں ا

ور انکی ادبی اهمیت

Printed in Collection of Articles titled:  Sokhan-e-Ishq

Cultural and lingual Commonalities between Iran and Pakistan by Cultural  Consulate Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran Islamabad

“Acceptability & Popularity of Shahnameh and its renowned Translations in Subcontinent.” (Abstract Published in collection of Abstracts) 3-Day International Conference: Commemoration of Ferdowsi Toosi held on 13-15 March 2017 Organized by Ferdowsi Chair Department of Persian Language and Literature, Lahore College for women University, Lahore.

9th International Congress of Iranian Society for Promotion of Persian Language and Literature held on 27th to 29August 2014 organized by Northern Khurasan Payam e Noor University, Bijnoord, Iran.(Abstract Published in collection of Abstracts)



Modern Persian Literature, literary Criticism, Iqbal studies