Mr. Muhammad Fiaz Satti


M.A Persian,2005, History,1993, M.A Political Science1991,,B.Ed Education 1987

7 Years Service as a Instructor in Directorate General (ISI) in Persian, Dari and English Language.

Rendered his sevices as a Interpreter and translator in different specialist outfit of Directorate General (ISI)

Lecturer at NUML from 26-08-2008 to Date.


Modern Persian Prose, Iqbaliat , Translation from Persian to Urdu ,Urdu Literature


M.A Persian,2005, History,1993, M.A Political Science1991,,B.Ed Education 1987


7 Years Service as a Instructor in Directorate General (ISI) in Persian, Dari and English Language.

Rendered his sevices as a Interpreter and translator in different specialist outfit of Directorate General (ISI)

Lecturer at NUML from 26-08-2008 to Date.




Modern Persian Prose, Iqbaliat , Translation from Persian to Urdu ,Urdu Literature