Dr. Riaz Ahmad Saeed

Assistant professor

               PhD in Study of Religion & Thought PU Lahore                2011-17                        84%          Qualified

              Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Contemporary Western thought:  A Comparative Study   

             M. Phil Comparative Religion from IIUI                                 2008-11                         79%          1st Division

             Muslim -Christian Dialogue in Pakistan: A Case study of Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi

     MA in Islamic Studies from PU Lahore                                 2006-08                   72%                 1st Division


Assistant Professor

   March  2021 to  Date

   Department of Islamic Studies,

  National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-

 Lecturer, Islamic Studies

   February 2017 to February  February 2021

   Department of Islamic Studies,

  National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-

  Asst. Prof.  Islamic Studies

 July 2015- Feb 2017

 Faculty of Basic Sciences

 Isra University, Islamabad- Pakistan  

 Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies

  May 2013 - June 2015

 Al-Nanfees Medical College,

 Isra University, Islamabad-Pakistan  

 Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies

  April 2008 - May 2013

  Global College of Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan    

Attached Updated Detailed CV

Updated CV Attached for details

  1. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Ghulam Ali Khan, Functional Prerequisites in Islamic and Western Sociological Perspectives: A Comaparative Study , Al-Qalam, 18:1(2013): 30-44, ISSN: 2071-8683, URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
  2. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Human Rights in Islam and West: Comparative study of UDHR and the Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Jihat-al-Islam, 6:1(2013):7-27. ISSN: 1998-4472. URL: https://iri.aiou.edu.pk/indexing/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/01-Human-Rights-In-Islam.pdf
  3. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Quranic Concept of the Freedom of Expression: A Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context, Al-Qalam, 18:2(2013):70-88, ISSN: 2071-8683.URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
  4. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Methāq e Madīna, A Universal Charter of Peace: An Analytical Study in the Modern Sociopolitical Context) Al-Basīrah, 3:2 (2014):31-55. ISSN: 2222-4548. URL; https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156109176425-AL-BASEERA.
  5. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, The Present Day Applications of Initial Muslim-Christian Interactions, Al-Idha, 28:1(2015): 72-89, ISSN: 2075-0307. URL: http://al-idah.szic.pk/index.php/al-idah/article/view/324/258
  6. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Exploration of Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western perspectives: Its relation with  Religious Blasphemy, Journal of Islamic Thought & Civilization JITC, 6:1(2016): 17-36, ISSN: 2075-0943,URL: https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/66
  7. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim Christian Dialogue from Pakistani perspective: An  Analysis of the Contribution of the Christian Study Center, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 2:1(2017):1-18, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://www.uoh.edu.pk/uoh-jirs/previous-issues-papers.php?id=64
  8. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Impact of Muslim Christian Dialogue on Pakistani Society; A Critical Study of the Dialogue Movement ; Biannual Research Journal  Hazara Islamicus, 6:1(2017): 23-51,ISSN:3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/prev-journals/11
  9. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad  & Syed Shhahid Tirmazi, Role of Masjid in Social Reformation in Contemporary Era: An analytical Study,  Tehdhīb al-Afkār , Vol. 4, no.2 (2017) PP. 15-3ISSN: 2156-7018,URL: http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Issue-08/Urdu%20PDF/2_15-34_.pdf
  10. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Mati ur Rehman, Miracles of Jesus Christ which are only mentioned in the Quran:  the Scholarly Review:  Islamic Research Journal, The Scholar, 3:2(2017): 15-34, ISSN: 2156-7018.URL: https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/69
  11. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Hayee , Science of Quranic Variants and Muhaddith Qurra Kiram: A  Study in Quran , Hadith  historical Context,  Rreserch Journal  Al-Ilm, ISSN: 2618-1134, Vol. 1, no.2,  ( 2017) PP. 1-30 URL: http://religion.asianindexing.com/index.php/File:Al-%CA%BFILM_1_2_1.pdf
  12. Riaz Ahmad, Fundamental Principles of Islamic Welfare state and its differences from the Secular States, PJIR, Special issue 18;3 (2017): 49-73, ISSN: 2070-0326. .URL:http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/upload/Special%20Edition_5%20Riaz%20Ahmad%20Saeed.pdf_51.
  13. Saeed et all., Future Hopes of Interfaith Dialogue in Pakistani Context (Analysis of Dialogue in the Light of Muslim-Christian Scholarly Views), Transylvanian Review, 25:22(2017): 5968-5974, ISSN: 1221-1249, Impact Factor  URL: https://transylvanianreviewjournal.org/index.php/TR/article/view/2008
  14. Syed Shahid Tirmazi & Riaz Ahmad Saeed, Principles of Islamic Leadership in the Light of the Prophet’s Seerah (), Rahat ul Qaloob, 2:1(2018): PP. 175-204,ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/11....Dr-Riaz-NUML.pdf
  15. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Dr. Zahid Latif, Rituals &Traditions of Zoroastrianism; An analytical study from Islamic perspective, Rahatul Quloob, 2: 2(2018):229-250, ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/02-02-July-Dec-2018-229-250.pdf
  16. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, Limits of Freedom of Expression from Islamic Perspective and Its Major Differences from the  West,  Research Journal al-Azwa,33:50(2018):29-50,ISSN: 1995-7904.URL: http://journal.aladwajournal.com/index.php/aladwa/issue/view/8
  17. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Contemporary Challenges Regarding Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Its Solution in the Light of Nobel Sīrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) , Al-Ilm, 2:2, (2018); 13-34. ISSN: 2618-1134. URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
  18. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Hafiz Ahmad Ali, Responsibility of a Muslim Women to transform Their Children in  age of Modern Media, Biannual Research Journal  Hazara Islamicus, 7:2(2018): 13-28, ISSN: 3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/public/uploads/2018/Issue_2/07.pdf
  19. Saeed, et al, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Practices to Establish a Pluralistic Society: Study of Madīnah Charter in Contemporary Global Context, Cultural and Religious Studies, ISSN: 2328-2177, Vol. 6, No. 9(2019) , 548-560 URL: http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/5c4a74b540c9f.pdf
  20. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Western Parameters of Freedom of Expression: A Critique from Islamic Perspective, Al-Milal; Journal of Religion and Thought, 1:1. (2019):1-25, ISSN: 2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/27/14
  21. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Zainab Amin, The Juristic Status of the Appointment of Female Judges in the  Light of Islamic Law: An Analytical Study,  Rreserch Journal al-Ajaz,  Vol 3, no.1, (2019)PP. 84-101, ISSN: 2707-1200,URL: http://arjish.com/index.php/arjish/article/view/31/29
  22. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Syed Shahid Tirmazi, The Blasphemy Law: An Analytical Study in the Western and Pakistani Legal Perspectives, Journal Al-Afkar, ISSN: 2614-4883, Vol. 3, no.1 (2019), PP:131-144, URL: http://www.afkar.com.pk/previousissues/Vol_3/Issue_1/2019-01-article-08.pdf
  23. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Naseem Akhtar, Muslim-Christian Perception of Interreligious Dialogue: A Muslim Reading in Pakistani Sociopolitical Context, The Dialogue, 14:2(2019):79-92, ISSN: 1819-6462. URL: http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The%20Dialogue/14_2/08-Riaz.pdf
  24. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Dr. Arshad Munir Leghari, , Radical Feminism and its Major Socio-religious Impact  (A Critical Analysis from Islamic Perspective), Al-Basīrah , 8:1(2019): 45-64,ISSN: 2222-4548 URL: https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775423015-04-124-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
  25. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Islamic Perception of Freedom of Expression: An Exploration of Islamic thought, Research Journal Iqan, 1: 2 (2019): 35-57.  ISSN: 2617-3700. URL: https://www.iqan.com.pk/index.php/iqan/article/view/48/18
  26. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, A Critical Analysis of Interfaith Dialogue Movement in Pakistan and its Future Prospects, Journal of Religious Studies, ISSN: 2616-6496, Vol. 2, no 4 (2019), PP.14-35, URL: https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/115
  27. Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad , Social Problems of Minorities In Pakistan and their Solution Review in the Light of Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Journal of Usuluddin, 3:1 (2019), PP. 43-54, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/35
  28. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim-Christian Relations in  the  Holy Prophet’s  Era  (pbuh) Review of Najrān Delegation’s Case in Modern Context,  AMJRT,1:2(2019): 17-27, ISSN:2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/39
  29.  Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad &  Abrar ullah , Rohnigya’s Human Rights; Critical Analysis in the Light of National And International Laws,  Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, Vol.  3:1 (2019),9-27, ISSN:2664-4916. URL: http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/45
  30. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Waqas Khan, The Ridicule of Islam on Social Media, Its Causes, Impact And Eradication: An Analysis With Reference to National Law , Research Journal of Usuluddin, 3:2 (2019), PP. 28-44, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/36
  31. Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad and Sumayyah Rafique, Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western Thought (A Conceptual Analysis) Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, 3:2 (2019),28-44, ISSN:2664-4916. URL:http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/40/31
  32. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad  & Riaz Khan al-Azhari, Role of Tehrīk-e- Mujahedin in  Promotion of Two Nation Theory: An analysis of Freedom Movement in the Light of Islamic Teachings, Al-Ilm,3:2(2019): 47-68, ISSN: 2618-1134 . URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
  33. Muhammad Zulqarnain, Riaz Ahmad Saeed. Exploring Prophetic Approach of Dawah in Education with Respect to Contemporary Applications. JIMS, Vol1, no.2 (2020):PP. 18-22. ISSN:  2707-4013 ,URL: https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Islamic/article/view/2773/2540
  34. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad etall, Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies on Semitic Religions (MPhil, PhD) in Pakistani Universities: An Index and Bibliometric Review, AMJRT, 2:1 (2020) ,PP.178-231,ISSN2663-4392: URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/53
  35. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Manann, Principles of Mass Media:  An Analysis of PEMRA`s Principles about Social and Religious Values in the Light of Islamic Teachings, The Islamic Culture, 43:1 (2020), PP. 31-58, ISSN: 1813-775X URL: http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/671
  36. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Orientalist Thought and Study of Hadīth and Srah of the Holy Prophet (Index and Bibliometric Review of Theses from Pakistani Universities) ". Journal  of Isalmic Theology  JIT, 1:2(2019) 17-35, ISSN:1823-7517URL: http://jit.thesaharaa.com/index.php/jit/article/view/29
  37. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad  , Jews Claim on Masjid Aqsa; Analysis in Historical and Sharῑ’ah Perspective, JICC, 3:1 (2020), ISSN: 2707-689X 53-80, URL: http://ahbabtrust.org/ojs/index.php/jicc/article/view/84/100
  38. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Dr. Zahida Paerveen ,Ethical and Moral Impact of Islamic and Western Concept of Freedom (An Analytical Study), BURJIS, 7:1 (2020), PP. 125-140, ISSN : 2411-4332, URL: http://www.ustb.edu.pk/burjis/images/June_2020/English%204.pdf
  39. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad ,Freedom of Expression and Religious Defamation: Analysis of Western Campaign against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Journal of Religious Studies( JRS), Vol.3, no 1, (2020), ISSN: 2616-6496,PP.44-66. https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/154
  40. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Muhammad Ashfaq , Johan Stuart Mill and Modern Western Approach to the Liberty: An Analytical Discourse in the Light of Islamic Thought, Peshawar Islamicus vol:11, no. 1 (2020):36-44,ISSN: 2305-154X ,URL:http://journals.uop.edu.pk/issue_detail.php?issue_id=155&journal_id=20
  41. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Zainab Amin , Muhammad Hāshim Kamālī’s Views on Freedom of Expression  (An Analytical Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context), ActaIslamica Vol.8:1 (2020):16-34,ISSN: 2411-7315, URL: http://www.sbbu.edu.pk/actaislamica/vol%208-2020.php
  42. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Asma Jabeen, ,Analysis of Karen Armstrong’s Objections on Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), International Research Journal on Islamic Studies IRIS, Vol. 2: 1( 2020), PP.1-20, ISSN: 2664: 4959, :https://www.islamicjournals.com/analysis-of-karen-armstrongsobjections-on-sirah-of-the-holy-prophet-2-1-1/
  43. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Mudassir, Issues and Problems of Muslim Minorities in Europe (A Case of British Muslim Community), Rahat ul Qulub, 4: 2 (2020):57-71, ISSN: 2520-5021.

     URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/index.php/rahat/article/view/253

  1. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Naeem , Waḥīduddīn Khān on Freedom of Expression and Thought : An Analysis of his Views and Approach, JICT  Vol. 10: 2( 2020), PP.148-169, ISSN:  2075-0943 https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/732
  2. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Noldeke’s Qur’anic Textual Criticism: An Analysis in German Orientalist Context, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 5:2(2020) 85-105, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
  3. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Minorities’ rights from Islamic socio-political perspective: exploration of Madīnah charter and constitution of Pakistan". Journal Al-Tamdun JIT,15:2(2020) 1-15, ISSN: 1823-7517URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
  4. Saeed, et. all , MPhil & PhD Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies (1985-2020) from Pakistani Universities on Semitic & Non-Semitic Religions (Combined Topics ): An Index & Statistical Analysis, Al-Mizan , ISSN: 2708-8235, Vol.2. No.1 (2020) PP. 81-108,URL: http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/36/40
  5. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, “Qur’ānic Approaches to the Study of Religions: Its Need and Importance in Contemporary Era “Journal Fikar wa Nazar, 57:4(2020) 59-99, ISSN: 1823-7517 URL:http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/issue/archive
  6. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Foundational Sources of Western Thought and Civilization: An Historic Exploration from Islamic Perspective)”.  Hamdard Historicus, 68:3 (2020) 17-35, ISSN: 1823-7517;  https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard-historicus/
  7. Saeed et all. , Role of Pakistani Universities in Interfaith Dialogue, Harmony and Relations: An Index and Bibliometric of Produced Academic Dissertations, (2021), Library y Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) . 4977. ISSN: 1522-0222, Impact Factor  https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4977

Comparative  study of  world Religions,

Interfaith Dialogue & Relations

Islam and Modern Western Thought

 Minority Rights and Issues


               PhD in Study of Religion & Thought PU Lahore                2011-17                        84%          Qualified

              Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Contemporary Western thought:  A Comparative Study   

             M. Phil Comparative Religion from IIUI                                 2008-11                         79%          1st Division

             Muslim -Christian Dialogue in Pakistan: A Case study of Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi

     MA in Islamic Studies from PU Lahore                                 2006-08                   72%                 1st Division



Assistant Professor

   March  2021 to  Date

   Department of Islamic Studies,

  National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-

 Lecturer, Islamic Studies

   February 2017 to February  February 2021

   Department of Islamic Studies,

  National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-

  Asst. Prof.  Islamic Studies

 July 2015- Feb 2017

 Faculty of Basic Sciences

 Isra University, Islamabad- Pakistan  

 Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies

  May 2013 - June 2015

 Al-Nanfees Medical College,

 Isra University, Islamabad-Pakistan  

 Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies

  April 2008 - May 2013

  Global College of Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan    

Attached Updated Detailed CV


Updated CV Attached for details

  1. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Ghulam Ali Khan, Functional Prerequisites in Islamic and Western Sociological Perspectives: A Comaparative Study , Al-Qalam, 18:1(2013): 30-44, ISSN: 2071-8683, URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
  2. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Human Rights in Islam and West: Comparative study of UDHR and the Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Jihat-al-Islam, 6:1(2013):7-27. ISSN: 1998-4472. URL: https://iri.aiou.edu.pk/indexing/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/01-Human-Rights-In-Islam.pdf
  3. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Quranic Concept of the Freedom of Expression: A Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context, Al-Qalam, 18:2(2013):70-88, ISSN: 2071-8683.URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
  4. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Methāq e Madīna, A Universal Charter of Peace: An Analytical Study in the Modern Sociopolitical Context) Al-Basīrah, 3:2 (2014):31-55. ISSN: 2222-4548. URL; https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156109176425-AL-BASEERA.
  5. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, The Present Day Applications of Initial Muslim-Christian Interactions, Al-Idha, 28:1(2015): 72-89, ISSN: 2075-0307. URL: http://al-idah.szic.pk/index.php/al-idah/article/view/324/258
  6. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Exploration of Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western perspectives: Its relation with  Religious Blasphemy, Journal of Islamic Thought & Civilization JITC, 6:1(2016): 17-36, ISSN: 2075-0943,URL: https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/66
  7. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim Christian Dialogue from Pakistani perspective: An  Analysis of the Contribution of the Christian Study Center, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 2:1(2017):1-18, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://www.uoh.edu.pk/uoh-jirs/previous-issues-papers.php?id=64
  8. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Impact of Muslim Christian Dialogue on Pakistani Society; A Critical Study of the Dialogue Movement ; Biannual Research Journal  Hazara Islamicus, 6:1(2017): 23-51,ISSN:3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/prev-journals/11
  9. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad  & Syed Shhahid Tirmazi, Role of Masjid in Social Reformation in Contemporary Era: An analytical Study,  Tehdhīb al-Afkār , Vol. 4, no.2 (2017) PP. 15-3ISSN: 2156-7018,URL: http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Issue-08/Urdu%20PDF/2_15-34_.pdf
  10. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Mati ur Rehman, Miracles of Jesus Christ which are only mentioned in the Quran:  the Scholarly Review:  Islamic Research Journal, The Scholar, 3:2(2017): 15-34, ISSN: 2156-7018.URL: https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/69
  11. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Hayee , Science of Quranic Variants and Muhaddith Qurra Kiram: A  Study in Quran , Hadith  historical Context,  Rreserch Journal  Al-Ilm, ISSN: 2618-1134, Vol. 1, no.2,  ( 2017) PP. 1-30 URL: http://religion.asianindexing.com/index.php/File:Al-%CA%BFILM_1_2_1.pdf
  12. Riaz Ahmad, Fundamental Principles of Islamic Welfare state and its differences from the Secular States, PJIR, Special issue 18;3 (2017): 49-73, ISSN: 2070-0326. .URL:http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/upload/Special%20Edition_5%20Riaz%20Ahmad%20Saeed.pdf_51.
  13. Saeed et all., Future Hopes of Interfaith Dialogue in Pakistani Context (Analysis of Dialogue in the Light of Muslim-Christian Scholarly Views), Transylvanian Review, 25:22(2017): 5968-5974, ISSN: 1221-1249, Impact Factor  URL: https://transylvanianreviewjournal.org/index.php/TR/article/view/2008
  14. Syed Shahid Tirmazi & Riaz Ahmad Saeed, Principles of Islamic Leadership in the Light of the Prophet’s Seerah (), Rahat ul Qaloob, 2:1(2018): PP. 175-204,ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/11....Dr-Riaz-NUML.pdf
  15. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Dr. Zahid Latif, Rituals &Traditions of Zoroastrianism; An analytical study from Islamic perspective, Rahatul Quloob, 2: 2(2018):229-250, ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/02-02-July-Dec-2018-229-250.pdf
  16. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, Limits of Freedom of Expression from Islamic Perspective and Its Major Differences from the  West,  Research Journal al-Azwa,33:50(2018):29-50,ISSN: 1995-7904.URL: http://journal.aladwajournal.com/index.php/aladwa/issue/view/8
  17. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Contemporary Challenges Regarding Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Its Solution in the Light of Nobel Sīrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) , Al-Ilm, 2:2, (2018); 13-34. ISSN: 2618-1134. URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
  18. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Hafiz Ahmad Ali, Responsibility of a Muslim Women to transform Their Children in  age of Modern Media, Biannual Research Journal  Hazara Islamicus, 7:2(2018): 13-28, ISSN: 3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/public/uploads/2018/Issue_2/07.pdf
  19. Saeed, et al, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Practices to Establish a Pluralistic Society: Study of Madīnah Charter in Contemporary Global Context, Cultural and Religious Studies, ISSN: 2328-2177, Vol. 6, No. 9(2019) , 548-560 URL: http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/5c4a74b540c9f.pdf
  20. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Western Parameters of Freedom of Expression: A Critique from Islamic Perspective, Al-Milal; Journal of Religion and Thought, 1:1. (2019):1-25, ISSN: 2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/27/14
  21. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Zainab Amin, The Juristic Status of the Appointment of Female Judges in the  Light of Islamic Law: An Analytical Study,  Rreserch Journal al-Ajaz,  Vol 3, no.1, (2019)PP. 84-101, ISSN: 2707-1200,URL: http://arjish.com/index.php/arjish/article/view/31/29
  22. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Syed Shahid Tirmazi, The Blasphemy Law: An Analytical Study in the Western and Pakistani Legal Perspectives, Journal Al-Afkar, ISSN: 2614-4883, Vol. 3, no.1 (2019), PP:131-144, URL: http://www.afkar.com.pk/previousissues/Vol_3/Issue_1/2019-01-article-08.pdf
  23. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Naseem Akhtar, Muslim-Christian Perception of Interreligious Dialogue: A Muslim Reading in Pakistani Sociopolitical Context, The Dialogue, 14:2(2019):79-92, ISSN: 1819-6462. URL: http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The%20Dialogue/14_2/08-Riaz.pdf
  24. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Dr. Arshad Munir Leghari, , Radical Feminism and its Major Socio-religious Impact  (A Critical Analysis from Islamic Perspective), Al-Basīrah , 8:1(2019): 45-64,ISSN: 2222-4548 URL: https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775423015-04-124-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
  25. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Islamic Perception of Freedom of Expression: An Exploration of Islamic thought, Research Journal Iqan, 1: 2 (2019): 35-57.  ISSN: 2617-3700. URL: https://www.iqan.com.pk/index.php/iqan/article/view/48/18
  26. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, A Critical Analysis of Interfaith Dialogue Movement in Pakistan and its Future Prospects, Journal of Religious Studies, ISSN: 2616-6496, Vol. 2, no 4 (2019), PP.14-35, URL: https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/115
  27. Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad , Social Problems of Minorities In Pakistan and their Solution Review in the Light of Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Journal of Usuluddin, 3:1 (2019), PP. 43-54, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/35
  28. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim-Christian Relations in  the  Holy Prophet’s  Era  (pbuh) Review of Najrān Delegation’s Case in Modern Context,  AMJRT,1:2(2019): 17-27, ISSN:2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/39
  29.  Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad &  Abrar ullah , Rohnigya’s Human Rights; Critical Analysis in the Light of National And International Laws,  Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, Vol.  3:1 (2019),9-27, ISSN:2664-4916. URL: http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/45
  30. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Waqas Khan, The Ridicule of Islam on Social Media, Its Causes, Impact And Eradication: An Analysis With Reference to National Law , Research Journal of Usuluddin, 3:2 (2019), PP. 28-44, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/36
  31. Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad and Sumayyah Rafique, Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western Thought (A Conceptual Analysis) Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, 3:2 (2019),28-44, ISSN:2664-4916. URL:http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/40/31
  32. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad  & Riaz Khan al-Azhari, Role of Tehrīk-e- Mujahedin in  Promotion of Two Nation Theory: An analysis of Freedom Movement in the Light of Islamic Teachings, Al-Ilm,3:2(2019): 47-68, ISSN: 2618-1134 . URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
  33. Muhammad Zulqarnain, Riaz Ahmad Saeed. Exploring Prophetic Approach of Dawah in Education with Respect to Contemporary Applications. JIMS, Vol1, no.2 (2020):PP. 18-22. ISSN:  2707-4013 ,URL: https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Islamic/article/view/2773/2540
  34. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad etall, Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies on Semitic Religions (MPhil, PhD) in Pakistani Universities: An Index and Bibliometric Review, AMJRT, 2:1 (2020) ,PP.178-231,ISSN2663-4392: URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/53
  35. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Manann, Principles of Mass Media:  An Analysis of PEMRA`s Principles about Social and Religious Values in the Light of Islamic Teachings, The Islamic Culture, 43:1 (2020), PP. 31-58, ISSN: 1813-775X URL: http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/671
  36. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Orientalist Thought and Study of Hadīth and Srah of the Holy Prophet (Index and Bibliometric Review of Theses from Pakistani Universities) ". Journal  of Isalmic Theology  JIT, 1:2(2019) 17-35, ISSN:1823-7517URL: http://jit.thesaharaa.com/index.php/jit/article/view/29
  37. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad  , Jews Claim on Masjid Aqsa; Analysis in Historical and Sharῑ’ah Perspective, JICC, 3:1 (2020), ISSN: 2707-689X 53-80, URL: http://ahbabtrust.org/ojs/index.php/jicc/article/view/84/100
  38. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Dr. Zahida Paerveen ,Ethical and Moral Impact of Islamic and Western Concept of Freedom (An Analytical Study), BURJIS, 7:1 (2020), PP. 125-140, ISSN : 2411-4332, URL: http://www.ustb.edu.pk/burjis/images/June_2020/English%204.pdf
  39. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad ,Freedom of Expression and Religious Defamation: Analysis of Western Campaign against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Journal of Religious Studies( JRS), Vol.3, no 1, (2020), ISSN: 2616-6496,PP.44-66. https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/154
  40. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Muhammad Ashfaq , Johan Stuart Mill and Modern Western Approach to the Liberty: An Analytical Discourse in the Light of Islamic Thought, Peshawar Islamicus vol:11, no. 1 (2020):36-44,ISSN: 2305-154X ,URL:http://journals.uop.edu.pk/issue_detail.php?issue_id=155&journal_id=20
  41. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Zainab Amin , Muhammad Hāshim Kamālī’s Views on Freedom of Expression  (An Analytical Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context), ActaIslamica Vol.8:1 (2020):16-34,ISSN: 2411-7315, URL: http://www.sbbu.edu.pk/actaislamica/vol%208-2020.php
  42. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Asma Jabeen, ,Analysis of Karen Armstrong’s Objections on Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), International Research Journal on Islamic Studies IRIS, Vol. 2: 1( 2020), PP.1-20, ISSN: 2664: 4959, :https://www.islamicjournals.com/analysis-of-karen-armstrongsobjections-on-sirah-of-the-holy-prophet-2-1-1/
  43. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Mudassir, Issues and Problems of Muslim Minorities in Europe (A Case of British Muslim Community), Rahat ul Qulub, 4: 2 (2020):57-71, ISSN: 2520-5021.

     URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/index.php/rahat/article/view/253

  1. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Naeem , Waḥīduddīn Khān on Freedom of Expression and Thought : An Analysis of his Views and Approach, JICT  Vol. 10: 2( 2020), PP.148-169, ISSN:  2075-0943 https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/732
  2. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Noldeke’s Qur’anic Textual Criticism: An Analysis in German Orientalist Context, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 5:2(2020) 85-105, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
  3. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Minorities’ rights from Islamic socio-political perspective: exploration of Madīnah charter and constitution of Pakistan". Journal Al-Tamdun JIT,15:2(2020) 1-15, ISSN: 1823-7517URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
  4. Saeed, et. all , MPhil & PhD Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies (1985-2020) from Pakistani Universities on Semitic & Non-Semitic Religions (Combined Topics ): An Index & Statistical Analysis, Al-Mizan , ISSN: 2708-8235, Vol.2. No.1 (2020) PP. 81-108,URL: http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/36/40
  5. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, “Qur’ānic Approaches to the Study of Religions: Its Need and Importance in Contemporary Era “Journal Fikar wa Nazar, 57:4(2020) 59-99, ISSN: 1823-7517 URL:http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/issue/archive
  6. Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Foundational Sources of Western Thought and Civilization: An Historic Exploration from Islamic Perspective)”.  Hamdard Historicus, 68:3 (2020) 17-35, ISSN: 1823-7517;  https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard-historicus/
  7. Saeed et all. , Role of Pakistani Universities in Interfaith Dialogue, Harmony and Relations: An Index and Bibliometric of Produced Academic Dissertations, (2021), Library y Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) . 4977. ISSN: 1522-0222, Impact Factor  https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4977


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