Dr. Riaz Ahmad Saeed
Assistant professor
PhD in Study of Religion & Thought PU Lahore 2011-17 84% Qualified
Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Contemporary Western thought: A Comparative Study
M. Phil Comparative Religion from IIUI 2008-11 79% 1st Division
Muslim -Christian Dialogue in Pakistan: A Case study of Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi
MA in Islamic Studies from PU Lahore 2006-08 72% 1st Division
Assistant Professor
March 2021 to Date
Department of Islamic Studies,
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-
Lecturer, Islamic Studies
February 2017 to February February 2021
Department of Islamic Studies,
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-
Asst. Prof. Islamic Studies
July 2015- Feb 2017
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Isra University, Islamabad- Pakistan
Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies
May 2013 - June 2015
Al-Nanfees Medical College,
Isra University, Islamabad-Pakistan
Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies
April 2008 - May 2013
Global College of Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Attached Updated Detailed CV
Updated CV Attached for details
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Ghulam Ali Khan, Functional Prerequisites in Islamic and Western Sociological Perspectives: A Comaparative Study , Al-Qalam, 18:1(2013): 30-44, ISSN: 2071-8683, URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Human Rights in Islam and West: Comparative study of UDHR and the Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Jihat-al-Islam, 6:1(2013):7-27. ISSN: 1998-4472. URL: https://iri.aiou.edu.pk/indexing/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/01-Human-Rights-In-Islam.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Quranic Concept of the Freedom of Expression: A Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context, Al-Qalam, 18:2(2013):70-88, ISSN: 2071-8683.URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Methāq e Madīna, A Universal Charter of Peace: An Analytical Study in the Modern Sociopolitical Context) Al-Basīrah, 3:2 (2014):31-55. ISSN: 2222-4548. URL; https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156109176425-AL-BASEERA.
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, The Present Day Applications of Initial Muslim-Christian Interactions, Al-Idha, 28:1(2015): 72-89, ISSN: 2075-0307. URL: http://al-idah.szic.pk/index.php/al-idah/article/view/324/258
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Exploration of Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western perspectives: Its relation with Religious Blasphemy, Journal of Islamic Thought & Civilization JITC, 6:1(2016): 17-36, ISSN: 2075-0943,URL: https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/66
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim Christian Dialogue from Pakistani perspective: An Analysis of the Contribution of the Christian Study Center, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 2:1(2017):1-18, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://www.uoh.edu.pk/uoh-jirs/previous-issues-papers.php?id=64
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Impact of Muslim Christian Dialogue on Pakistani Society; A Critical Study of the Dialogue Movement ; Biannual Research Journal Hazara Islamicus, 6:1(2017): 23-51,ISSN:3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/prev-journals/11
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Syed Shhahid Tirmazi, Role of Masjid in Social Reformation in Contemporary Era: An analytical Study, Tehdhīb al-Afkār , Vol. 4, no.2 (2017) PP. 15-3ISSN: 2156-7018,URL: http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Issue-08/Urdu%20PDF/2_15-34_.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Mati ur Rehman, Miracles of Jesus Christ which are only mentioned in the Quran: the Scholarly Review: Islamic Research Journal, The Scholar, 3:2(2017): 15-34, ISSN: 2156-7018.URL: https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/69
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Hayee , Science of Quranic Variants and Muhaddith Qurra Kiram: A Study in Quran , Hadith historical Context, Rreserch Journal Al-Ilm, ISSN: 2618-1134, Vol. 1, no.2, ( 2017) PP. 1-30 URL: http://religion.asianindexing.com/index.php/File:Al-%CA%BFILM_1_2_1.pdf
- Riaz Ahmad, Fundamental Principles of Islamic Welfare state and its differences from the Secular States, PJIR, Special issue 18;3 (2017): 49-73, ISSN: 2070-0326. .URL:http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/upload/Special%20Edition_5%20Riaz%20Ahmad%20Saeed.pdf_51.
- Saeed et all., Future Hopes of Interfaith Dialogue in Pakistani Context (Analysis of Dialogue in the Light of Muslim-Christian Scholarly Views), Transylvanian Review, 25:22(2017): 5968-5974, ISSN: 1221-1249, Impact Factor URL: https://transylvanianreviewjournal.org/index.php/TR/article/view/2008
- Syed Shahid Tirmazi & Riaz Ahmad Saeed, Principles of Islamic Leadership in the Light of the Prophet’s Seerah (ﷺ), Rahat ul Qaloob, 2:1(2018): PP. 175-204,ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/11....Dr-Riaz-NUML.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Dr. Zahid Latif, Rituals &Traditions of Zoroastrianism; An analytical study from Islamic perspective, Rahatul Quloob, 2: 2(2018):229-250, ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/02-02-July-Dec-2018-229-250.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, Limits of Freedom of Expression from Islamic Perspective and Its Major Differences from the West, Research Journal al-Azwa,33:50(2018):29-50,ISSN: 1995-7904.URL: http://journal.aladwajournal.com/index.php/aladwa/issue/view/8
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Contemporary Challenges Regarding Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Its Solution in the Light of Nobel Sīrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) , Al-Ilm, 2:2, (2018); 13-34. ISSN: 2618-1134. URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Hafiz Ahmad Ali, Responsibility of a Muslim Women to transform Their Children in age of Modern Media, Biannual Research Journal Hazara Islamicus, 7:2(2018): 13-28, ISSN: 3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/public/uploads/2018/Issue_2/07.pdf
- Saeed, et al, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Practices to Establish a Pluralistic Society: Study of Madīnah Charter in Contemporary Global Context, Cultural and Religious Studies, ISSN: 2328-2177, Vol. 6, No. 9(2019) , 548-560 URL: http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/5c4a74b540c9f.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Western Parameters of Freedom of Expression: A Critique from Islamic Perspective, Al-Milal; Journal of Religion and Thought, 1:1. (2019):1-25, ISSN: 2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/27/14
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Zainab Amin, The Juristic Status of the Appointment of Female Judges in the Light of Islamic Law: An Analytical Study, Rreserch Journal al-Ajaz, Vol 3, no.1, (2019)PP. 84-101, ISSN: 2707-1200,URL: http://arjish.com/index.php/arjish/article/view/31/29
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Syed Shahid Tirmazi, The Blasphemy Law: An Analytical Study in the Western and Pakistani Legal Perspectives, Journal Al-Afkar, ISSN: 2614-4883, Vol. 3, no.1 (2019), PP:131-144, URL: http://www.afkar.com.pk/previousissues/Vol_3/Issue_1/2019-01-article-08.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Naseem Akhtar, Muslim-Christian Perception of Interreligious Dialogue: A Muslim Reading in Pakistani Sociopolitical Context, The Dialogue, 14:2(2019):79-92, ISSN: 1819-6462. URL: http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The%20Dialogue/14_2/08-Riaz.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Dr. Arshad Munir Leghari, , Radical Feminism and its Major Socio-religious Impact (A Critical Analysis from Islamic Perspective), Al-Basīrah , 8:1(2019): 45-64,ISSN: 2222-4548 URL: https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775423015-04-124-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Islamic Perception of Freedom of Expression: An Exploration of Islamic thought, Research Journal Iqan, 1: 2 (2019): 35-57. ISSN: 2617-3700. URL: https://www.iqan.com.pk/index.php/iqan/article/view/48/18
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, A Critical Analysis of Interfaith Dialogue Movement in Pakistan and its Future Prospects, Journal of Religious Studies, ISSN: 2616-6496, Vol. 2, no 4 (2019), PP.14-35, URL: https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/115
- Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad , Social Problems of Minorities In Pakistan and their Solution Review in the Light of Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Journal of Usuluddin, 3:1 (2019), PP. 43-54, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/35
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim-Christian Relations in the Holy Prophet’s Era (pbuh) Review of Najrān Delegation’s Case in Modern Context, AMJRT,1:2(2019): 17-27, ISSN:2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/39
- Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad & Abrar ullah , Rohnigya’s Human Rights; Critical Analysis in the Light of National And International Laws, Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, Vol. 3:1 (2019),9-27, ISSN:2664-4916. URL: http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/45
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Waqas Khan, The Ridicule of Islam on Social Media, Its Causes, Impact And Eradication: An Analysis With Reference to National Law , Research Journal of Usuluddin, 3:2 (2019), PP. 28-44, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/36
- Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad and Sumayyah Rafique, Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western Thought (A Conceptual Analysis) Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, 3:2 (2019),28-44, ISSN:2664-4916. URL:http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/40/31
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Riaz Khan al-Azhari, Role of Tehrīk-e- Mujahedin in Promotion of Two Nation Theory: An analysis of Freedom Movement in the Light of Islamic Teachings, Al-Ilm,3:2(2019): 47-68, ISSN: 2618-1134 . URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
- Muhammad Zulqarnain, Riaz Ahmad Saeed. Exploring Prophetic Approach of Dawah in Education with Respect to Contemporary Applications. JIMS, Vol1, no.2 (2020):PP. 18-22. ISSN: 2707-4013 ,URL: https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Islamic/article/view/2773/2540
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad etall, Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies on Semitic Religions (MPhil, PhD) in Pakistani Universities: An Index and Bibliometric Review, AMJRT, 2:1 (2020) ,PP.178-231,ISSN2663-4392: URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/53
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Manann, Principles of Mass Media: An Analysis of PEMRA`s Principles about Social and Religious Values in the Light of Islamic Teachings, The Islamic Culture, 43:1 (2020), PP. 31-58, ISSN: 1813-775X URL: http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/671
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Orientalist Thought and Study of Hadīth and Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (Index and Bibliometric Review of Theses from Pakistani Universities) ". Journal of Isalmic Theology JIT, 1:2(2019) 17-35, ISSN:1823-7517URL: http://jit.thesaharaa.com/index.php/jit/article/view/29
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Jews Claim on Masjid Aqsa; Analysis in Historical and Sharῑ’ah Perspective, JICC, 3:1 (2020), ISSN: 2707-689X 53-80, URL: http://ahbabtrust.org/ojs/index.php/jicc/article/view/84/100
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Dr. Zahida Paerveen ,Ethical and Moral Impact of Islamic and Western Concept of Freedom (An Analytical Study), BURJIS, 7:1 (2020), PP. 125-140, ISSN : 2411-4332, URL: http://www.ustb.edu.pk/burjis/images/June_2020/English%204.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad ,Freedom of Expression and Religious Defamation: Analysis of Western Campaign against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Journal of Religious Studies( JRS), Vol.3, no 1, (2020), ISSN: 2616-6496,PP.44-66. https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/154
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Muhammad Ashfaq , Johan Stuart Mill and Modern Western Approach to the Liberty: An Analytical Discourse in the Light of Islamic Thought, Peshawar Islamicus vol:11, no. 1 (2020):36-44,ISSN: 2305-154X ,URL:http://journals.uop.edu.pk/issue_detail.php?issue_id=155&journal_id=20
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Zainab Amin , Muhammad Hāshim Kamālī’s Views on Freedom of Expression (An Analytical Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context), ActaIslamica Vol.8:1 (2020):16-34,ISSN: 2411-7315, URL: http://www.sbbu.edu.pk/actaislamica/vol%208-2020.php
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Asma Jabeen, ,Analysis of Karen Armstrong’s Objections on Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), International Research Journal on Islamic Studies IRIS, Vol. 2: 1( 2020), PP.1-20, ISSN: 2664: 4959, :https://www.islamicjournals.com/analysis-of-karen-armstrongsobjections-on-sirah-of-the-holy-prophet-2-1-1/
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Mudassir, Issues and Problems of Muslim Minorities in Europe (A Case of British Muslim Community), Rahat ul Qulub, 4: 2 (2020):57-71, ISSN: 2520-5021.
URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/index.php/rahat/article/view/253
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Naeem , Waḥīduddīn Khān on Freedom of Expression and Thought : An Analysis of his Views and Approach, JICT Vol. 10: 2( 2020), PP.148-169, ISSN: 2075-0943 https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/732
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Noldeke’s Qur’anic Textual Criticism: An Analysis in German Orientalist Context, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 5:2(2020) 85-105, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Minorities’ rights from Islamic socio-political perspective: exploration of Madīnah charter and constitution of Pakistan". Journal Al-Tamdun JIT,15:2(2020) 1-15, ISSN: 1823-7517URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
- Saeed, et. all , MPhil & PhD Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies (1985-2020) from Pakistani Universities on Semitic & Non-Semitic Religions (Combined Topics ): An Index & Statistical Analysis, Al-Mizan , ISSN: 2708-8235, Vol.2. No.1 (2020) PP. 81-108,URL: http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/36/40
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, “Qur’ānic Approaches to the Study of Religions: Its Need and Importance in Contemporary Era “Journal Fikar wa Nazar, 57:4(2020) 59-99, ISSN: 1823-7517 URL:http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/issue/archive
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Foundational Sources of Western Thought and Civilization: An Historic Exploration from Islamic Perspective)”. Hamdard Historicus, 68:3 (2020) 17-35, ISSN: 1823-7517; https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard-historicus/
- Saeed et all. , Role of Pakistani Universities in Interfaith Dialogue, Harmony and Relations: An Index and Bibliometric of Produced Academic Dissertations, (2021), Library y Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) . 4977. ISSN: 1522-0222, Impact Factor https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4977
Comparative study of world Religions,
Interfaith Dialogue & Relations
Islam and Modern Western Thought
Minority Rights and Issues
PhD in Study of Religion & Thought PU Lahore 2011-17 84% Qualified
Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Contemporary Western thought: A Comparative Study
M. Phil Comparative Religion from IIUI 2008-11 79% 1st Division
Muslim -Christian Dialogue in Pakistan: A Case study of Christian Study Centre, Rawalpindi
MA in Islamic Studies from PU Lahore 2006-08 72% 1st Division
Assistant Professor
March 2021 to Date
Department of Islamic Studies,
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-
Lecturer, Islamic Studies
February 2017 to February February 2021
Department of Islamic Studies,
National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad-
Asst. Prof. Islamic Studies
July 2015- Feb 2017
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Isra University, Islamabad- Pakistan
Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies
May 2013 - June 2015
Al-Nanfees Medical College,
Isra University, Islamabad-Pakistan
Lecturer, Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies
April 2008 - May 2013
Global College of Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Attached Updated Detailed CV
Updated CV Attached for details
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Ghulam Ali Khan, Functional Prerequisites in Islamic and Western Sociological Perspectives: A Comaparative Study , Al-Qalam, 18:1(2013): 30-44, ISSN: 2071-8683, URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Human Rights in Islam and West: Comparative study of UDHR and the Last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Jihat-al-Islam, 6:1(2013):7-27. ISSN: 1998-4472. URL: https://iri.aiou.edu.pk/indexing/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/01-Human-Rights-In-Islam.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Quranic Concept of the Freedom of Expression: A Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context, Al-Qalam, 18:2(2013):70-88, ISSN: 2071-8683.URL: http://journal.alqalamjournalpu.com/index.php/Al-Qalam/issue/view/25
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Methāq e Madīna, A Universal Charter of Peace: An Analytical Study in the Modern Sociopolitical Context) Al-Basīrah, 3:2 (2014):31-55. ISSN: 2222-4548. URL; https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156109176425-AL-BASEERA.
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, The Present Day Applications of Initial Muslim-Christian Interactions, Al-Idha, 28:1(2015): 72-89, ISSN: 2075-0307. URL: http://al-idah.szic.pk/index.php/al-idah/article/view/324/258
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Exploration of Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western perspectives: Its relation with Religious Blasphemy, Journal of Islamic Thought & Civilization JITC, 6:1(2016): 17-36, ISSN: 2075-0943,URL: https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/66
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim Christian Dialogue from Pakistani perspective: An Analysis of the Contribution of the Christian Study Center, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 2:1(2017):1-18, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://www.uoh.edu.pk/uoh-jirs/previous-issues-papers.php?id=64
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Impact of Muslim Christian Dialogue on Pakistani Society; A Critical Study of the Dialogue Movement ; Biannual Research Journal Hazara Islamicus, 6:1(2017): 23-51,ISSN:3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/prev-journals/11
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Syed Shhahid Tirmazi, Role of Masjid in Social Reformation in Contemporary Era: An analytical Study, Tehdhīb al-Afkār , Vol. 4, no.2 (2017) PP. 15-3ISSN: 2156-7018,URL: http://tahdhibalafkar.com/Downloads/Issue-08/Urdu%20PDF/2_15-34_.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Mati ur Rehman, Miracles of Jesus Christ which are only mentioned in the Quran: the Scholarly Review: Islamic Research Journal, The Scholar, 3:2(2017): 15-34, ISSN: 2156-7018.URL: https://www.siarj.com/index.php/Siarj/article/view/69
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Hayee , Science of Quranic Variants and Muhaddith Qurra Kiram: A Study in Quran , Hadith historical Context, Rreserch Journal Al-Ilm, ISSN: 2618-1134, Vol. 1, no.2, ( 2017) PP. 1-30 URL: http://religion.asianindexing.com/index.php/File:Al-%CA%BFILM_1_2_1.pdf
- Riaz Ahmad, Fundamental Principles of Islamic Welfare state and its differences from the Secular States, PJIR, Special issue 18;3 (2017): 49-73, ISSN: 2070-0326. .URL:http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/upload/Special%20Edition_5%20Riaz%20Ahmad%20Saeed.pdf_51.
- Saeed et all., Future Hopes of Interfaith Dialogue in Pakistani Context (Analysis of Dialogue in the Light of Muslim-Christian Scholarly Views), Transylvanian Review, 25:22(2017): 5968-5974, ISSN: 1221-1249, Impact Factor URL: https://transylvanianreviewjournal.org/index.php/TR/article/view/2008
- Syed Shahid Tirmazi & Riaz Ahmad Saeed, Principles of Islamic Leadership in the Light of the Prophet’s Seerah (ﷺ), Rahat ul Qaloob, 2:1(2018): PP. 175-204,ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/11....Dr-Riaz-NUML.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Dr. Zahid Latif, Rituals &Traditions of Zoroastrianism; An analytical study from Islamic perspective, Rahatul Quloob, 2: 2(2018):229-250, ISSN: 2520-5021.URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/02-02-July-Dec-2018-229-250.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Tahira Basharat, Limits of Freedom of Expression from Islamic Perspective and Its Major Differences from the West, Research Journal al-Azwa,33:50(2018):29-50,ISSN: 1995-7904.URL: http://journal.aladwajournal.com/index.php/aladwa/issue/view/8
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Contemporary Challenges Regarding Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Its Solution in the Light of Nobel Sīrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) , Al-Ilm, 2:2, (2018); 13-34. ISSN: 2618-1134. URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Hafiz Ahmad Ali, Responsibility of a Muslim Women to transform Their Children in age of Modern Media, Biannual Research Journal Hazara Islamicus, 7:2(2018): 13-28, ISSN: 3283-2305. URL: http://hazaraislamicus.hu.edu.pk/public/uploads/2018/Issue_2/07.pdf
- Saeed, et al, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Practices to Establish a Pluralistic Society: Study of Madīnah Charter in Contemporary Global Context, Cultural and Religious Studies, ISSN: 2328-2177, Vol. 6, No. 9(2019) , 548-560 URL: http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/5c4a74b540c9f.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Western Parameters of Freedom of Expression: A Critique from Islamic Perspective, Al-Milal; Journal of Religion and Thought, 1:1. (2019):1-25, ISSN: 2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/27/14
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Zainab Amin, The Juristic Status of the Appointment of Female Judges in the Light of Islamic Law: An Analytical Study, Rreserch Journal al-Ajaz, Vol 3, no.1, (2019)PP. 84-101, ISSN: 2707-1200,URL: http://arjish.com/index.php/arjish/article/view/31/29
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Syed Shahid Tirmazi, The Blasphemy Law: An Analytical Study in the Western and Pakistani Legal Perspectives, Journal Al-Afkar, ISSN: 2614-4883, Vol. 3, no.1 (2019), PP:131-144, URL: http://www.afkar.com.pk/previousissues/Vol_3/Issue_1/2019-01-article-08.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Naseem Akhtar, Muslim-Christian Perception of Interreligious Dialogue: A Muslim Reading in Pakistani Sociopolitical Context, The Dialogue, 14:2(2019):79-92, ISSN: 1819-6462. URL: http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The%20Dialogue/14_2/08-Riaz.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Dr. Arshad Munir Leghari, , Radical Feminism and its Major Socio-religious Impact (A Critical Analysis from Islamic Perspective), Al-Basīrah , 8:1(2019): 45-64,ISSN: 2222-4548 URL: https://numl.edu.pk/journals/subjects/156775423015-04-124-ENG-V8-1-19-Formatted.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Islamic Perception of Freedom of Expression: An Exploration of Islamic thought, Research Journal Iqan, 1: 2 (2019): 35-57. ISSN: 2617-3700. URL: https://www.iqan.com.pk/index.php/iqan/article/view/48/18
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, A Critical Analysis of Interfaith Dialogue Movement in Pakistan and its Future Prospects, Journal of Religious Studies, ISSN: 2616-6496, Vol. 2, no 4 (2019), PP.14-35, URL: https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/115
- Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad , Social Problems of Minorities In Pakistan and their Solution Review in the Light of Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Journal of Usuluddin, 3:1 (2019), PP. 43-54, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/35
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Muslim-Christian Relations in the Holy Prophet’s Era (pbuh) Review of Najrān Delegation’s Case in Modern Context, AMJRT,1:2(2019): 17-27, ISSN:2663-4392. URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/39
- Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad & Abrar ullah , Rohnigya’s Human Rights; Critical Analysis in the Light of National And International Laws, Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, Vol. 3:1 (2019),9-27, ISSN:2664-4916. URL: http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/45
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Waqas Khan, The Ridicule of Islam on Social Media, Its Causes, Impact And Eradication: An Analysis With Reference to National Law , Research Journal of Usuluddin, 3:2 (2019), PP. 28-44, ISSN: 2664-4916, URL: https://www.journalusooluddin.com/index.php/irjdu/article/view/36
- Saeed ,Riaz Ahmad and Sumayyah Rafique, Freedom of Expression in Islamic and Western Thought (A Conceptual Analysis) Research Journal Habibia Islamicus, 3:2 (2019),28-44, ISSN:2664-4916. URL:http://habibiaislamicus.com/index.php/hirj/article/view/40/31
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Riaz Khan al-Azhari, Role of Tehrīk-e- Mujahedin in Promotion of Two Nation Theory: An analysis of Freedom Movement in the Light of Islamic Teachings, Al-Ilm,3:2(2019): 47-68, ISSN: 2618-1134 . URL: https://www.gcwus.edu.pk/al-ilm/
- Muhammad Zulqarnain, Riaz Ahmad Saeed. Exploring Prophetic Approach of Dawah in Education with Respect to Contemporary Applications. JIMS, Vol1, no.2 (2020):PP. 18-22. ISSN: 2707-4013 ,URL: https://journals.oa.edu.ua/Islamic/article/view/2773/2540
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad etall, Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies on Semitic Religions (MPhil, PhD) in Pakistani Universities: An Index and Bibliometric Review, AMJRT, 2:1 (2020) ,PP.178-231,ISSN2663-4392: URL: http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/53
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad & Abdul Manann, Principles of Mass Media: An Analysis of PEMRA`s Principles about Social and Religious Values in the Light of Islamic Teachings, The Islamic Culture, 43:1 (2020), PP. 31-58, ISSN: 1813-775X URL: http://www.theislamicculture.com/index.php/tis/article/view/671
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Orientalist Thought and Study of Hadīth and Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (Index and Bibliometric Review of Theses from Pakistani Universities) ". Journal of Isalmic Theology JIT, 1:2(2019) 17-35, ISSN:1823-7517URL: http://jit.thesaharaa.com/index.php/jit/article/view/29
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Jews Claim on Masjid Aqsa; Analysis in Historical and Sharῑ’ah Perspective, JICC, 3:1 (2020), ISSN: 2707-689X 53-80, URL: http://ahbabtrust.org/ojs/index.php/jicc/article/view/84/100
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad , Dr. Zahida Paerveen ,Ethical and Moral Impact of Islamic and Western Concept of Freedom (An Analytical Study), BURJIS, 7:1 (2020), PP. 125-140, ISSN : 2411-4332, URL: http://www.ustb.edu.pk/burjis/images/June_2020/English%204.pdf
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad ,Freedom of Expression and Religious Defamation: Analysis of Western Campaign against Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Journal of Religious Studies( JRS), Vol.3, no 1, (2020), ISSN: 2616-6496,PP.44-66. https://jrs.uoch.edu.pk/index.php/journal3/article/view/154
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad and Muhammad Ashfaq , Johan Stuart Mill and Modern Western Approach to the Liberty: An Analytical Discourse in the Light of Islamic Thought, Peshawar Islamicus vol:11, no. 1 (2020):36-44,ISSN: 2305-154X ,URL:http://journals.uop.edu.pk/issue_detail.php?issue_id=155&journal_id=20
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Zainab Amin , Muhammad Hāshim Kamālī’s Views on Freedom of Expression (An Analytical Study in Modern Sociopolitical Context), ActaIslamica Vol.8:1 (2020):16-34,ISSN: 2411-7315, URL: http://www.sbbu.edu.pk/actaislamica/vol%208-2020.php
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Asma Jabeen, ,Analysis of Karen Armstrong’s Objections on Sῑrah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), International Research Journal on Islamic Studies IRIS, Vol. 2: 1( 2020), PP.1-20, ISSN: 2664: 4959, :https://www.islamicjournals.com/analysis-of-karen-armstrongsobjections-on-sirah-of-the-holy-prophet-2-1-1/
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Mudassir, Issues and Problems of Muslim Minorities in Europe (A Case of British Muslim Community), Rahat ul Qulub, 4: 2 (2020):57-71, ISSN: 2520-5021.
URL: http://rahatulquloob.com/index.php/rahat/article/view/253
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, & Muhammad Naeem , Waḥīduddīn Khān on Freedom of Expression and Thought : An Analysis of his Views and Approach, JICT Vol. 10: 2( 2020), PP.148-169, ISSN: 2075-0943 https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/732
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Noldeke’s Qur’anic Textual Criticism: An Analysis in German Orientalist Context, Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies JIRS, 5:2(2020) 85-105, ISSN: 2518-5330.URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Minorities’ rights from Islamic socio-political perspective: exploration of Madīnah charter and constitution of Pakistan". Journal Al-Tamdun JIT,15:2(2020) 1-15, ISSN: 1823-7517URL: http://jirs.uoh.edu.pk/jirs/index.php?journal=JIRS&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=393
- Saeed, et. all , MPhil & PhD Urdu Dissertations of Islamic Studies (1985-2020) from Pakistani Universities on Semitic & Non-Semitic Religions (Combined Topics ): An Index & Statistical Analysis, Al-Mizan , ISSN: 2708-8235, Vol.2. No.1 (2020) PP. 81-108,URL: http://almeezan.org.pk/ojs/index.php/journal/article/view/36/40
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, “Qur’ānic Approaches to the Study of Religions: Its Need and Importance in Contemporary Era “Journal Fikar wa Nazar, 57:4(2020) 59-99, ISSN: 1823-7517 URL:http://irigs.iiu.edu.pk:64447/ojs/index.php/irifikronazar/issue/archive
- Saeed, Riaz Ahmad, Foundational Sources of Western Thought and Civilization: An Historic Exploration from Islamic Perspective)”. Hamdard Historicus, 68:3 (2020) 17-35, ISSN: 1823-7517; https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard-historicus/
- Saeed et all. , Role of Pakistani Universities in Interfaith Dialogue, Harmony and Relations: An Index and Bibliometric of Produced Academic Dissertations, (2021), Library y Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) . 4977. ISSN: 1522-0222, Impact Factor https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4977
Comparative study of world Religions,
Interfaith Dialogue & Relations
Islam and Modern Western Thought
Minority Rights and Issues