Dr. Amjad Hayat

Assistant professor

International Islamic University H-10 Islamabad

Ph.D  Islamic Studies (Tafseer and its Sciences)

  • 2016
  • CGPA  4.00/4.00

International Islamic University H-10 Islamabad

M.Phil (Islamic Studies (Tafseer and its Sciences)

  • 2010
  • CGPA  3.86/4.00

International Islamic University H-10 Islamabad

B.A Hons ( Islamic Studies)

  • 2006

CGPA  3.73/4.00

Mentioned in Detailed CV

for updated visit attached updated CV

  1. Ihkam and Naskh in view of Imam Nuhas, Makki and Ibn Jawsi: A Bequest to Parents and Relatives (A case Study)
  2. Conditions of abrogation in the Quran and the causes of expansion in it 
  3. Spending of Zakat Money in “Sabeelillah in the Perspective of Prolongation and Narrowness (A Critical and Analytical Studies
  4. Role of family and its responsibility of education and upbringing in the light of the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H
  5. Lack of education in upbringing and transformation of Muslim youngsters and its solution
  6. Book on Abrogation Written by Imam- Al- Nahhas, Makki ibn Abi Talib, and Ibn al - Jawzi: A Comparative Study in Content and Methodology 
  7. Ethical Aspects and Characteristics of a Successful Personality and its Role in Social Development (An Evaluation in the Light of Quranic Methodology)
  8. Narrations of Ibn-e-Abbas in Naskh (Collection, Deduction and Research)
  9. Efforts of Ihsaan Ilahi Zaheer for the defense of creed and his response to opponent schools of thought
  10. Suspicions of Orientalists about Woman Inheritance and their encounter in the light of Islam
  11. Fasikh Nikkah se Mutaliq islamy Nazariyati council ki Sifarishat ka Tajziyati Mutalia
  12. Difference of Opinions among Scholars in the Explanationand Interpretation of Al-Huruful Muqataat:A Comparative Study
  13. Economic Crimes Among Islamic Societies, Causes and Solutions in the Light of Biography of Prophet Muhammad PBUH





International Islamic University H-10 Islamabad

Ph.D  Islamic Studies (Tafseer and its Sciences)

  • 2016
  • CGPA  4.00/4.00

International Islamic University H-10 Islamabad

M.Phil (Islamic Studies (Tafseer and its Sciences)

  • 2010
  • CGPA  3.86/4.00

International Islamic University H-10 Islamabad

B.A Hons ( Islamic Studies)

  • 2006

CGPA  3.73/4.00


Mentioned in Detailed CV


for updated visit attached updated CV

  1. Ihkam and Naskh in view of Imam Nuhas, Makki and Ibn Jawsi: A Bequest to Parents and Relatives (A case Study)
  2. Conditions of abrogation in the Quran and the causes of expansion in it 
  3. Spending of Zakat Money in “Sabeelillah in the Perspective of Prolongation and Narrowness (A Critical and Analytical Studies
  4. Role of family and its responsibility of education and upbringing in the light of the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H
  5. Lack of education in upbringing and transformation of Muslim youngsters and its solution
  6. Book on Abrogation Written by Imam- Al- Nahhas, Makki ibn Abi Talib, and Ibn al - Jawzi: A Comparative Study in Content and Methodology 
  7. Ethical Aspects and Characteristics of a Successful Personality and its Role in Social Development (An Evaluation in the Light of Quranic Methodology)
  8. Narrations of Ibn-e-Abbas in Naskh (Collection, Deduction and Research)
  9. Efforts of Ihsaan Ilahi Zaheer for the defense of creed and his response to opponent schools of thought
  10. Suspicions of Orientalists about Woman Inheritance and their encounter in the light of Islam
  11. Fasikh Nikkah se Mutaliq islamy Nazariyati council ki Sifarishat ka Tajziyati Mutalia
  12. Difference of Opinions among Scholars in the Explanationand Interpretation of Al-Huruful Muqataat:A Comparative Study
  13. Economic Crimes Among Islamic Societies, Causes and Solutions in the Light of Biography of Prophet Muhammad PBUH



