Contact me
- Department of Economics
- 0092-51-9265100/ Ext. 2151
- humairasaleem@numl.edu.pk
Dr Hummera Saleem
Assistant Professor- Ph.D Economics, Wuhan University, Hubei Province, China 2018
- MPhil Economics, Preston University, Islamabad, 2013
- MSc Economics, Punjab University, Lahore 2003
- Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad 2019-Present
- Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2010 - 2015
- Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2007 - 2008
- Estimating the key determinants of foreign direct investment flows in Pakistan: new insights into the co-integration relationship. South Asian Journal of Business Studies Hummera Saleem et al. (2020 doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-07-2019-0123
- The Short Run and Long Run Dynamics among FDI, Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Using a Bootstrap ARDL test for Co-integration in selected South Asian Countries. South Asian Journal of Business Studies. Hummera Saleem, et al. (2020), 9(2), 279-295.
- The role of financial development energy demand, and technological change in environmental sustainablility agenda: evidence from selected Asian countries, Saeem, H, Khan, M. B. and Shabbir, M. S. (2020). Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
- Socio-economic and environmental factors influenced the United Nations healthcare sustainable agenda: Evidence from a panel of selected Asian and African countries. Environmental science and pollution research. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2019) https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S11356-019-04692-3. Published online 13 March 2019. SSCI Publisher Springer, (Impact factor 2.8 ).
- The impact of air-railways transportation, energy demand, bilateral aid flows, and population density on environmental degradation: Evidence from a panel of next-11 countries. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2018) Volume 62, July 2018, Pages 152-168, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2018.02.016 SSCI (ELSEVIER Publisher) Impact factor 3.08 ).
- The impact of air transportation, railways transportation, and port container traffic on energy demand, customs duty, and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of low-, middle-, and high -income countries. Journal of Air Transport Management 70 (2018) 18-35, Haroon Ur Rashid Khan, Muhammad Siddique, Khalid Zaman, Sheikh Usman Yousaf, Alaa Mohamd Shoukry, Showkat Gani, Sasmokoi, Aqeel Khan, Sanil S. Hishan, Hummera Saleem. SSCI (Elsevier Publishers) Impact factor 2.61.
- The impact of economic policy uncertainty on the innovation in china: empirical: evidence from autoregressive distributed lag bounds tests, Cogent Economics & Finance (OAEF) Taylor and Francis. Hummera Saleem et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2018), 6: 1514929 Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/23322039.2018.1514929. (Scopus , 0.5 impact factor).
- Innovation, Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Policy Perspective. (Hummera Saleem et. al 2019) Journal of Economic Structures (Scopus). Publisher Springer, Economic Structures (2019)8:7. DOI :10.1186/s40008-019-0134-6.
- Impact of Internet adoption and mobile phone penetration on corruption: Evidence from selected Asia-Pacific countries. Global Business Review. Available online https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150919832107 (Scopus impact factor 0 .88)
- Direct impact of inflow of foreign direct investment on poverty reduction in Pakistan: A bond testing approach. Economic research- Ekonomska istrazivana (SSCI,1.37 impact factor journal) ISSN:1331-677X(Print) 1848-9664(Online)
- Determinants of Corruption in China: A policy Perspective. : Journal of Chinese Governance. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2018) RGOV. (ESCI) online https://doi.org/10.1080/23812346.2018.1516388.
- Re-examining the determinants of foreign direct investment in China. Transnational Corporations Review, Taylor and Francis Group 10:1, 53-68, DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2018.1436654, Published online: 08 March 2018. Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong, Muhammad Bilal Khan & Bashir Ahmad Khilji. ISSN: 1918-6444 (Print) 1925-2099 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rncr20.
- Re-examining Multidimensional Poverty in Pakistan: A new assessment of regional variations. Global Business Review. GBR-2019-0065 online https://doi.org/ 10.1177/0972150919844412 (Scopus impact factor 0 .88)
Conference Paper
- Relationship among renewable energy, environmental degradation and economic growth in selected south Asian countries: progress towards poverty alleviation and green economy. 6th International Conference held in Sri Lanka forum of University economist November 23-24, 2017 Sri Lanka.
- Reconnoitering multidimensional poverty in Pakistan: “A policy perspective”. 4th International conference on poverty & sustainability development 2017, (ICPSD Colombo) Sri Lanka.
- Microeconomics
- Environemnt Economics
- Energy Economics
- Ph.D Economics, Wuhan University, Hubei Province, China 2018
- MPhil Economics, Preston University, Islamabad, 2013
- MSc Economics, Punjab University, Lahore 2003
- Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad 2019-Present
- Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2010 - 2015
- Lecturer, Department of Economics, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan 2007 - 2008
- Estimating the key determinants of foreign direct investment flows in Pakistan: new insights into the co-integration relationship. South Asian Journal of Business Studies Hummera Saleem et al. (2020 doi.org/10.1108/SAJBS-07-2019-0123
- The Short Run and Long Run Dynamics among FDI, Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Using a Bootstrap ARDL test for Co-integration in selected South Asian Countries. South Asian Journal of Business Studies. Hummera Saleem, et al. (2020), 9(2), 279-295.
- The role of financial development energy demand, and technological change in environmental sustainablility agenda: evidence from selected Asian countries, Saeem, H, Khan, M. B. and Shabbir, M. S. (2020). Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
- Socio-economic and environmental factors influenced the United Nations healthcare sustainable agenda: Evidence from a panel of selected Asian and African countries. Environmental science and pollution research. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2019) https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S11356-019-04692-3. Published online 13 March 2019. SSCI Publisher Springer, (Impact factor 2.8 ).
- The impact of air-railways transportation, energy demand, bilateral aid flows, and population density on environmental degradation: Evidence from a panel of next-11 countries. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2018) Volume 62, July 2018, Pages 152-168, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2018.02.016 SSCI (ELSEVIER Publisher) Impact factor 3.08 ).
- The impact of air transportation, railways transportation, and port container traffic on energy demand, customs duty, and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of low-, middle-, and high -income countries. Journal of Air Transport Management 70 (2018) 18-35, Haroon Ur Rashid Khan, Muhammad Siddique, Khalid Zaman, Sheikh Usman Yousaf, Alaa Mohamd Shoukry, Showkat Gani, Sasmokoi, Aqeel Khan, Sanil S. Hishan, Hummera Saleem. SSCI (Elsevier Publishers) Impact factor 2.61.
- The impact of economic policy uncertainty on the innovation in china: empirical: evidence from autoregressive distributed lag bounds tests, Cogent Economics & Finance (OAEF) Taylor and Francis. Hummera Saleem et al., Cogent Economics & Finance (2018), 6: 1514929 Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/23322039.2018.1514929. (Scopus , 0.5 impact factor).
- Innovation, Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Policy Perspective. (Hummera Saleem et. al 2019) Journal of Economic Structures (Scopus). Publisher Springer, Economic Structures (2019)8:7. DOI :10.1186/s40008-019-0134-6.
- Impact of Internet adoption and mobile phone penetration on corruption: Evidence from selected Asia-Pacific countries. Global Business Review. Available online https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150919832107 (Scopus impact factor 0 .88)
- Direct impact of inflow of foreign direct investment on poverty reduction in Pakistan: A bond testing approach. Economic research- Ekonomska istrazivana (SSCI,1.37 impact factor journal) ISSN:1331-677X(Print) 1848-9664(Online)
- Determinants of Corruption in China: A policy Perspective. : Journal of Chinese Governance. (Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong et.al 2018) RGOV. (ESCI) online https://doi.org/10.1080/23812346.2018.1516388.
- Re-examining the determinants of foreign direct investment in China. Transnational Corporations Review, Taylor and Francis Group 10:1, 53-68, DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2018.1436654, Published online: 08 March 2018. Hummera Saleem, Wen Jiandong, Muhammad Bilal Khan & Bashir Ahmad Khilji. ISSN: 1918-6444 (Print) 1925-2099 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rncr20.
- Re-examining Multidimensional Poverty in Pakistan: A new assessment of regional variations. Global Business Review. GBR-2019-0065 online https://doi.org/ 10.1177/0972150919844412 (Scopus impact factor 0 .88)
Conference Paper
- Relationship among renewable energy, environmental degradation and economic growth in selected south Asian countries: progress towards poverty alleviation and green economy. 6th International Conference held in Sri Lanka forum of University economist November 23-24, 2017 Sri Lanka.
- Reconnoitering multidimensional poverty in Pakistan: “A policy perspective”. 4th International conference on poverty & sustainability development 2017, (ICPSD Colombo) Sri Lanka.
- Microeconomics
- Environemnt Economics
- Energy Economics