Contact me
- Department of Computer Science
- +92 51 9265100, Ext.2063
- smazhar@numl.edu.pk
Sarah Mazhar
Lecturer-PhD (2019 - Present)
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
-M.S (2016 - 2018)
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
-BS (2004 - 2006)
University of Arid Agriculture, UIIT, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Lecturer (Oct 2007 - Present)
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science (FE&CS)
Assistant Program Coordinator (Mar 2007 - Sep 2007)
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Computer Science
IT Manager and PDC Coordinator (Jun 2005 - Mar 2007)
Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering (CASE), Islamabad, Pakistan
Professional Development Center (PDC)
IT Manager (Jan 2005 - Jun 2005)
Pakistan Health and Education Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan
Manager Operations (Jan 2004 - Dec 2004)
4-Seasons Travel and Tourism International, Islamabad, Pakistan
Bilal, Anas, Guangmin Sun, Sarah Mazhar, and Azhar Imran Mudassar, “Survey on Recent Developments in Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy,” Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie (SCI IF=0.6), Elsevier, 2020.
Anas Bilal, G. Sun, Sarah Mazhar, “Neuro Optimized Numerical Treatment of HIV Infection Model,” International Journal of Biomathematics, World Scientific, 2020.
Anas Bilal, Guangmin Sun, Yu Li, Sarah Mazhar, Abdul Qadir Khan, “Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Classification Using Mixed Models for a Disease Grading Database,” IEEE Access, 2021.
Zhang Junjie, Guangmin Sun, Zheng Kun, Sarah Mazhar, “Pupil Detection Based on Oblique Projection Using a Binocular Camera,” IEEE Access, 2020.
Area of Interest/Expertise:
Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, classification and Segmentation, Remote Sensing, Software Engineering, Innovation in Education,
Workshops Attended:
Got certificate of excellence by Tsinghua University Entrepreneur Program in Innovating E Commerce and Digital Economy
Trainings Attended:
- Got certificate of completion on Earth Sciences and International Training Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor by China-Pakistan Joint Research Center
Attended International training program for 4.5 weeks for Microwave Remote Sensing course by Italian Professors organized by the joint venture of Electromagnetics and remote Sensing Labs, Napoli, Italy, Beihang University of aeronautical and Aerospace engineering, Beijing, China and Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
-PhD (2019 - Present)
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
-M.S (2016 - 2018)
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
-BS (2004 - 2006)
University of Arid Agriculture, UIIT, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Lecturer (Oct 2007 - Present)
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science (FE&CS)
Assistant Program Coordinator (Mar 2007 - Sep 2007)
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Computer Science
IT Manager and PDC Coordinator (Jun 2005 - Mar 2007)
Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering (CASE), Islamabad, Pakistan
Professional Development Center (PDC)
IT Manager (Jan 2005 - Jun 2005)
Pakistan Health and Education Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan
Manager Operations (Jan 2004 - Dec 2004)
4-Seasons Travel and Tourism International, Islamabad, Pakistan
Bilal, Anas, Guangmin Sun, Sarah Mazhar, and Azhar Imran Mudassar, “Survey on Recent Developments in Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy,” Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie (SCI IF=0.6), Elsevier, 2020.
Anas Bilal, G. Sun, Sarah Mazhar, “Neuro Optimized Numerical Treatment of HIV Infection Model,” International Journal of Biomathematics, World Scientific, 2020.
Anas Bilal, Guangmin Sun, Yu Li, Sarah Mazhar, Abdul Qadir Khan, “Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and Classification Using Mixed Models for a Disease Grading Database,” IEEE Access, 2021.
Zhang Junjie, Guangmin Sun, Zheng Kun, Sarah Mazhar, “Pupil Detection Based on Oblique Projection Using a Binocular Camera,” IEEE Access, 2020.
Area of Interest/Expertise:
Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, classification and Segmentation, Remote Sensing, Software Engineering, Innovation in Education,
Workshops Attended:
Got certificate of excellence by Tsinghua University Entrepreneur Program in Innovating E Commerce and Digital Economy
Trainings Attended:
- Got certificate of completion on Earth Sciences and International Training Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor by China-Pakistan Joint Research Center
Attended International training program for 4.5 weeks for Microwave Remote Sensing course by Italian Professors organized by the joint venture of Electromagnetics and remote Sensing Labs, Napoli, Italy, Beihang University of aeronautical and Aerospace engineering, Beijing, China and Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China