Contact me
- Department of Computer Science
- +92 51 9265100 EXT.2063
- raskhan@numl.edu.pk
Rana Abdul Sami Khan
Lecturer (Study Leave)- PHD (2018 - In Progress)
Software System Architecture, Department of Informatics and Computing,
University of Sultan Zain Al Abiden, Terengganu, Malaysia
- MS (2009)
Computer Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.
- BS Hons (2003)
Computer Science ,Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan.
- Lecturer (Aug 2004 - Present)
Faculty of Computer Science, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- Language Definition & Translators
- Data Structures
- Algorithms & Programming
- PHD (2018 - In Progress)
Software System Architecture, Department of Informatics and Computing,
University of Sultan Zain Al Abiden, Terengganu, Malaysia
- MS (2009)
Computer Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.
- BS Hons (2003)
Computer Science ,Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan.
- Lecturer (Aug 2004 - Present)
Faculty of Computer Science, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan
- Language Definition & Translators
- Data Structures
- Algorithms & Programming