Dr. Mohsin Khan Abbasi


PhD (Islamic Studies)                                         2010-2016

(National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan)

  • My doctoral dissertation was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr.Zia ul Haq Yousufzai.
  • The topic of my dissertation was “Intellectual reforms in Muslim Ummah: dimensions and solutions as per contemporary perspective.” I analyzed the theory of religion and thinking. I discovered that the practice of religion is more complicated and difficult because of the diversity of different approaches been mentioned in the times and needs. So, it is the time to simplify the religious approaches for the betterment of the Muslim Societies.
  • Both the Degrees of M.Phil. Leading to PhD and PhD have been acquired under the indigenous Scholarship program of the Higher Education Commission.

B.A. (Hon's) Comparative Religions                                                                                      2004-2008

(Department of Comparative Religions, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan)

I completed my B.A (Hons) Islamic Studies in 2008.Specilization in Adeedah and Comparative Religions.

Eighth semesters & thesis project was devised and developed to understand the concept of fasting in world’s religions.

Carrier Experience


Lecturer (Islamic Studies)                                                                                                            26-01-2021 - to Date

(Department of Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad)

I have worked as Visiting Lecturer, Islamic Studies at National University of Modern Languages and now I am working as Lecturer, Islamic Studies. After working with great effort, the department of Islamic Studies nominated me as a coordinator Islamic Studies for BS and MA Program and I coordinated for two years. Nowadays, I am teaching four courses along with the supervision of two M.Phil. and one PhD students of Islamic studies.

Assistant Professor (Islamic Studies)                                                                                              15-02-2020 - to Date (Department of Natural Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad)

I am working as Visiting Faculty, Islamic Studies, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan. Currently I am teaching a subject of Islamic studies for B.S level Students in the departments of Earth Sciences for the Students of Geophysics Sciences.

Assistant Professor                                                                            05-01-2019 - 12-8-2019

(Department of history and Pakistan Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad)

I worked as Assistant Professor, Visiting Faculty at International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan. Where I taught a subject of Islamic studies for B.S and M.S level Students in the department of History and Pakistan Studies.

Assistant Professor                                                                                                           05-01-2017 -to 28-12-2018 (Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan)

  • My responsibilities encompass all activities that directly facilitate student learning, including the contact hours spent in the classroom, office hours, class preparation, grading, answering student email, student advising, evaluating and making available course materials, supervision of research scholars & analyze complex research projects in different levels, facilitating learning and related duties.
  • Identify trends and develop new approaches to ensure new research Ideas.
  • The research component of my position includes work on scholarly publication and attend academic conferences.

Assistant Professor                                                                            01-06-2016 to 28-12-2016

(Department of Islamic Studies, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Pakistan)

  • I was appointed Assistant Professor in the department of Islamic Studies under the Higher Education Commission’s program of IPFP, (Interim Placement for fresh PhD’s).
  • It was my first appointment as Assistant Professor at Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Paksitan.
  • Besides the innovative teaching I also had a chance to supervise one M.Phil Research students.

    Assistant Professor                                                                           4-9-2016 - 25-12- 2016

(Bahria University, Islamabad. Pakistan)

  • During my stay at Bahria University I taught confidently and groomed some students.
  • I organized a seminar on the topic of Islam and Peace. I taught 2 courses in one semester with minimum 2 credit hours.
  • Here also I compiled the syllabus for Islamic studies along with the other faculty members.

Lecturer                                                                                             05-01-2014 To 28-12-2015

(Air University, Islamabad. Pakistan)

  • It was a first professional experience of Islamic Studies in an English language.
  • I worked day and night on my pronunciation and prepared my lectures in English language. The compilation of syllabus mad this thing easy for me. During my stay at Air University, Islamabad as visiting faculty member.
  • I taught 3 courses with minimum 2 credit hours in two years. I compiled the syllabus for Islamic studies along with the other faculty members.


Lecturer                                                                                                      January 2011 - Dec 2014

(City College Rawalpindi, Pakistan)

My working experience with City College was very informative and innovative for me. I taught four years at college as lecturer. During my stay at City College I joined their city C.S.S Officers academy. It was a great chance. There I groomed myself and polished my skills and made myself in a confident position. I had to study so many books and prepared daily lectures for the duration of four hours.




H.M ZahidYasin, Islamic Studies Lecturer Sr, Qudsia Firdous, Mohsin Khan Abbasi, Muhammad Tasleem, Komal Khalid


Central European Management Journal Vol. 31 Iss. 2 (2023)


کتاب الہدایہ میں عرف پر مبنی عائلی مسائل کا تحقیقی جائزہ

A Shahbaz, M khan Abbasi, A Ali

Harf-o-Sukhan 6 (2), 113-124


Human Rights and Freedom of Practices in the light of Meesaq-I-Madina and Magna Carta: Historical Discourse

Dr. Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi, Dr. Hafiz Haris Saleem, Dr. Mohsin khan Abbasi, & Dr. Anwarullah. Al-Qanṭara. https://alqantarajournal.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/482


A Comparative Study of the Concept of Khula’ in the Perspective of Sharia’ and the Legal System of Pakistan

Dr. Imran Hayat, DR. Mohsin Abbasi, Mr. Rahim Ullah

Al-Qantra 8 (1), 1-26


Quranic Communication Skills In The Light Of Tafseer Tabari

MMU Hasan, Z Iqbal, MS Batool, M Sarwar, M Abbasi, HM Shah

Journal of Positive School Psychology 6 (7), 2416-2422


The Word of Thinking in Intellectual verses of Quran: Exegeses Analysis: قرآنی آیات تفکر میں لفظ" فکر": تفسیری جائزۃ‎

MK Abbasi, I Ahmed

Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 5 (4), 122-139


امتِ مسلمہ میں فکری اصلاح سے متعلق مسائل اور ان کا حل: نصوصِ کتاب وسنت اور مسلم اہلِ علم کی آرا کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ: Solving the Problems related to Ideological Reform in …‎

MK Abbasi

Al-Qamar 4 (2), 155-164


اقبال کا نظریہ ملت و قومیت: Iqbal’s Concept of Millat and Nationalism‎

NH Khan, MK Abbasi

Al-Qamar 4 (1), 217-226


Karen Armstrong’s Views on Religious Fundamentalism An Analysis of the Book: “The Battle for God”

Dr. Riaz Ahmad Saeed, Dr. Mohsin Khan Abbasi.

https://alwifaqjournal.com/vol3issue2-en02/ 2 (3), 15-25


A Research Review on Migration and its Social Effects.

DMK Abbasi

(Muaarif e Islami) https://mei.aiou.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05 …


Islamic Philosophy of Ethics and Iqbal's thought


In Progress Writings


    • The concept of thinking in Islam: A review of Quranic Studies. Zia-e-Tahqeeq,05-07- 2017 National G.C University Faislabad
    • A Critical study about the contemporary dimensions of Muslim intellectual, Political, Economic and Cultural downfall. Marif-e-Islami,04-04-2018 National Allama Muhammad Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
    • The Critical analysis of Muslim Thinking in Contemporary Muslim World, Al Basirah,4-16-2018National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad



  • Dr Mohsin Khan Abbasi, Islamic Studies and History: for the students of C.S.S. Islamic Studies
  • Dr Mohsin Khan Abbasi, An Introduction to Islamic Studies, Compulsory Subject for Islamic Studies with the contribution of B.S level Students
  • Islamic Studies for BS, MS and PhD Levels.
  • Islamic Thinking and Intellect for MS Level.
  • Comparative Religions for MS Level.
  • Research Methodology
  • Islamic Philosophy BS Levels


PhD (Islamic Studies)                                         2010-2016

(National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan)

  • My doctoral dissertation was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr.Zia ul Haq Yousufzai.
  • The topic of my dissertation was “Intellectual reforms in Muslim Ummah: dimensions and solutions as per contemporary perspective.” I analyzed the theory of religion and thinking. I discovered that the practice of religion is more complicated and difficult because of the diversity of different approaches been mentioned in the times and needs. So, it is the time to simplify the religious approaches for the betterment of the Muslim Societies.
  • Both the Degrees of M.Phil. Leading to PhD and PhD have been acquired under the indigenous Scholarship program of the Higher Education Commission.

B.A. (Hon's) Comparative Religions                                                                                      2004-2008

(Department of Comparative Religions, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan)

I completed my B.A (Hons) Islamic Studies in 2008.Specilization in Adeedah and Comparative Religions.

Eighth semesters & thesis project was devised and developed to understand the concept of fasting in world’s religions.


Carrier Experience


Lecturer (Islamic Studies)                                                                                                            26-01-2021 - to Date

(Department of Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad)

I have worked as Visiting Lecturer, Islamic Studies at National University of Modern Languages and now I am working as Lecturer, Islamic Studies. After working with great effort, the department of Islamic Studies nominated me as a coordinator Islamic Studies for BS and MA Program and I coordinated for two years. Nowadays, I am teaching four courses along with the supervision of two M.Phil. and one PhD students of Islamic studies.

Assistant Professor (Islamic Studies)                                                                                              15-02-2020 - to Date (Department of Natural Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad)

I am working as Visiting Faculty, Islamic Studies, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan. Currently I am teaching a subject of Islamic studies for B.S level Students in the departments of Earth Sciences for the Students of Geophysics Sciences.

Assistant Professor                                                                            05-01-2019 - 12-8-2019

(Department of history and Pakistan Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad)

I worked as Assistant Professor, Visiting Faculty at International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan. Where I taught a subject of Islamic studies for B.S and M.S level Students in the department of History and Pakistan Studies.

Assistant Professor                                                                                                           05-01-2017 -to 28-12-2018 (Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan)

  • My responsibilities encompass all activities that directly facilitate student learning, including the contact hours spent in the classroom, office hours, class preparation, grading, answering student email, student advising, evaluating and making available course materials, supervision of research scholars & analyze complex research projects in different levels, facilitating learning and related duties.
  • Identify trends and develop new approaches to ensure new research Ideas.
  • The research component of my position includes work on scholarly publication and attend academic conferences.

Assistant Professor                                                                            01-06-2016 to 28-12-2016

(Department of Islamic Studies, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Pakistan)

  • I was appointed Assistant Professor in the department of Islamic Studies under the Higher Education Commission’s program of IPFP, (Interim Placement for fresh PhD’s).
  • It was my first appointment as Assistant Professor at Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Paksitan.
  • Besides the innovative teaching I also had a chance to supervise one M.Phil Research students.

    Assistant Professor                                                                           4-9-2016 - 25-12- 2016

(Bahria University, Islamabad. Pakistan)

  • During my stay at Bahria University I taught confidently and groomed some students.
  • I organized a seminar on the topic of Islam and Peace. I taught 2 courses in one semester with minimum 2 credit hours.
  • Here also I compiled the syllabus for Islamic studies along with the other faculty members.

Lecturer                                                                                             05-01-2014 To 28-12-2015

(Air University, Islamabad. Pakistan)

  • It was a first professional experience of Islamic Studies in an English language.
  • I worked day and night on my pronunciation and prepared my lectures in English language. The compilation of syllabus mad this thing easy for me. During my stay at Air University, Islamabad as visiting faculty member.
  • I taught 3 courses with minimum 2 credit hours in two years. I compiled the syllabus for Islamic studies along with the other faculty members.


Lecturer                                                                                                      January 2011 - Dec 2014

(City College Rawalpindi, Pakistan)

My working experience with City College was very informative and innovative for me. I taught four years at college as lecturer. During my stay at City College I joined their city C.S.S Officers academy. It was a great chance. There I groomed myself and polished my skills and made myself in a confident position. I had to study so many books and prepared daily lectures for the duration of four hours.





H.M ZahidYasin, Islamic Studies Lecturer Sr, Qudsia Firdous, Mohsin Khan Abbasi, Muhammad Tasleem, Komal Khalid


Central European Management Journal Vol. 31 Iss. 2 (2023)


کتاب الہدایہ میں عرف پر مبنی عائلی مسائل کا تحقیقی جائزہ

A Shahbaz, M khan Abbasi, A Ali

Harf-o-Sukhan 6 (2), 113-124


Human Rights and Freedom of Practices in the light of Meesaq-I-Madina and Magna Carta: Historical Discourse

Dr. Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi, Dr. Hafiz Haris Saleem, Dr. Mohsin khan Abbasi, & Dr. Anwarullah. Al-Qanṭara. https://alqantarajournal.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/482


A Comparative Study of the Concept of Khula’ in the Perspective of Sharia’ and the Legal System of Pakistan

Dr. Imran Hayat, DR. Mohsin Abbasi, Mr. Rahim Ullah

Al-Qantra 8 (1), 1-26


Quranic Communication Skills In The Light Of Tafseer Tabari

MMU Hasan, Z Iqbal, MS Batool, M Sarwar, M Abbasi, HM Shah

Journal of Positive School Psychology 6 (7), 2416-2422


The Word of Thinking in Intellectual verses of Quran: Exegeses Analysis: قرآنی آیات تفکر میں لفظ" فکر": تفسیری جائزۃ‎

MK Abbasi, I Ahmed

Al-Aijaz Research Journal of Islamic Studies & Humanities 5 (4), 122-139


امتِ مسلمہ میں فکری اصلاح سے متعلق مسائل اور ان کا حل: نصوصِ کتاب وسنت اور مسلم اہلِ علم کی آرا کی روشنی میں ایک مطالعہ: Solving the Problems related to Ideological Reform in …‎

MK Abbasi

Al-Qamar 4 (2), 155-164


اقبال کا نظریہ ملت و قومیت: Iqbal’s Concept of Millat and Nationalism‎

NH Khan, MK Abbasi

Al-Qamar 4 (1), 217-226


Karen Armstrong’s Views on Religious Fundamentalism An Analysis of the Book: “The Battle for God”

Dr. Riaz Ahmad Saeed, Dr. Mohsin Khan Abbasi.

https://alwifaqjournal.com/vol3issue2-en02/ 2 (3), 15-25


A Research Review on Migration and its Social Effects.

DMK Abbasi

(Muaarif e Islami) https://mei.aiou.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05 …


Islamic Philosophy of Ethics and Iqbal's thought


In Progress Writings


    • The concept of thinking in Islam: A review of Quranic Studies. Zia-e-Tahqeeq,05-07- 2017 National G.C University Faislabad
    • A Critical study about the contemporary dimensions of Muslim intellectual, Political, Economic and Cultural downfall. Marif-e-Islami,04-04-2018 National Allama Muhammad Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
    • The Critical analysis of Muslim Thinking in Contemporary Muslim World, Al Basirah,4-16-2018National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad



  • Dr Mohsin Khan Abbasi, Islamic Studies and History: for the students of C.S.S. Islamic Studies
  • Dr Mohsin Khan Abbasi, An Introduction to Islamic Studies, Compulsory Subject for Islamic Studies with the contribution of B.S level Students


  • Islamic Studies for BS, MS and PhD Levels.
  • Islamic Thinking and Intellect for MS Level.
  • Comparative Religions for MS Level.
  • Research Methodology
  • Islamic Philosophy BS Levels