Javed Anwar


  1. PhD Economics, (in progress) - National University of Modern Languages Islamabad  2021
  2. MPhil (Economics) March 2000 - Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad (Pakistan) Major:  Financial Economics. 
  3. MSc Economics, International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan. 1997
  1. Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad - Pakistan 2019 - to date
  2. Lecturer, University of Central Punjab Lahore- (Rawalpindi Campus) - Pakistan  October 2015 - to date
  3. Lectuer, Kardan University - Kabul-Afghanistan March 2015 - September 2015
  4. Lectuer, Bakhtar University - Kabul-AfghanistanSeptember 2014 - to February 2015
  5. Lectuer, University of Central Punjab - Lahore-(Rawalpindi Campus) - Pakistan October 2013 - August 2014
  6. Rana Institute of Higher Studies - Kabul-Afghanistan April 2013 - August 2013
  7. Assistant Professsor, International Islamic University - Islamabad September 2009 - January 2012
  8. Lectuer, International Islamic University - Islamabad August 2007 - August 2009
  9. Lecturer, M A Jinnah University - Islamabad March 2007 - to August 2007
  10. Lectuer, F.G. Degree College for men, F-10/4 - Islamabad June 2001 - Jan 2005
  11. Teaching Fellow, M A Jinnah University - Islamabad January 2000 - June 2001
  12. Consultant, National Rural Support Program - Islamabad July 1999 - September 1999
  1. Javed Anwar (2016), Analysis of Energy Security, Environmental Emission and Fuel Import Costs under Energy Import” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 65, pp. 1065-1078 (Impact Factor = 6.798)
  2. Javed Anwar (2014), The Role of Renewable Energy Supply and Carbon Tax in the Improvement of Energy Security: A Case Study of Pakistan: Pakistan Development Review 53:4 Part II (Winter 2014) pp. 347-370.                                                                             (HEC Category-X)
  3. Javed Anwar  and Ram M. Shrestha (2010),“The Role of Renewable Portfolio Supply and Carbon Tax in the Enhancement of Energy Security” PEA-AIT International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies (ESD 2010), The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 2-4 June 2010.
  4. Javed Anwar (2010), “Analysis of Energy Security using Partial Equilibrium Model: A Case of Pakistan” Pakistan Development Review 49:4 Part II (Winter 2010) pp. 925-940.                                                                                                                                      (HEC Category-X)
  5. Javed Anwar (2008), “Energy Security and the Developing Country: Issues, Strategies ;8and Options” Paper presented and published in the proceeding of National Conference on Socio-Economic Challenges Faced by Pakistan on June 2-3, 2008 Islamabad.
  6. Javed Anwar (2008), “Energy Security and the Developing Country: Issues, Strategies and Options” Paper presented and published in International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies ESD2008 in Bangkok, Thailand.
  7. Javed Anwar and M. Tariq Javed (2004) “Market Segmentation and Stock Market Returns: A Global Perspective” published in Chaudhary M. Aslam and Eatzaz, A., (2004), Globalization: WTO,Trade and Economic Liberalization in Pakistan, Ferozsons, Lahore,Pakistan.
  8. Javed Anwar and M. Tariq Javed (2001) “Investment Barriers and Stock Market Performance: An Evidence from Emerging Markets”, Pakistan Economic and Social Review, Lahore, XXXIX:2 (Winter2001), pp.103-117.                                                                            (HEC Category-Y)
  9. Javed Anwar and M. Tariq Javed (2000) “Capital Markets and Foreign Ownership Restrictions: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Stock Markets” Pakistan Development Review, 39:4 part 2 (winter 2000) pp.933-950.                                                                         (HEC Category-X)
  1. Financial Economics
  2. Microeconomics
  3. Pakistan Economy



  1. PhD Economics, (in progress) - National University of Modern Languages Islamabad  2021
  2. MPhil (Economics) March 2000 - Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad (Pakistan) Major:  Financial Economics. 
  3. MSc Economics, International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan. 1997


  1. Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad - Pakistan 2019 - to date
  2. Lecturer, University of Central Punjab Lahore- (Rawalpindi Campus) - Pakistan  October 2015 - to date
  3. Lectuer, Kardan University - Kabul-Afghanistan March 2015 - September 2015
  4. Lectuer, Bakhtar University - Kabul-AfghanistanSeptember 2014 - to February 2015
  5. Lectuer, University of Central Punjab - Lahore-(Rawalpindi Campus) - Pakistan October 2013 - August 2014
  6. Rana Institute of Higher Studies - Kabul-Afghanistan April 2013 - August 2013
  7. Assistant Professsor, International Islamic University - Islamabad September 2009 - January 2012
  8. Lectuer, International Islamic University - Islamabad August 2007 - August 2009
  9. Lecturer, M A Jinnah University - Islamabad March 2007 - to August 2007
  10. Lectuer, F.G. Degree College for men, F-10/4 - Islamabad June 2001 - Jan 2005
  11. Teaching Fellow, M A Jinnah University - Islamabad January 2000 - June 2001
  12. Consultant, National Rural Support Program - Islamabad July 1999 - September 1999


  1. Javed Anwar (2016), Analysis of Energy Security, Environmental Emission and Fuel Import Costs under Energy Import” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 65, pp. 1065-1078 (Impact Factor = 6.798)
  2. Javed Anwar (2014), The Role of Renewable Energy Supply and Carbon Tax in the Improvement of Energy Security: A Case Study of Pakistan: Pakistan Development Review 53:4 Part II (Winter 2014) pp. 347-370.                                                                             (HEC Category-X)
  3. Javed Anwar  and Ram M. Shrestha (2010),“The Role of Renewable Portfolio Supply and Carbon Tax in the Enhancement of Energy Security” PEA-AIT International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies (ESD 2010), The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 2-4 June 2010.
  4. Javed Anwar (2010), “Analysis of Energy Security using Partial Equilibrium Model: A Case of Pakistan” Pakistan Development Review 49:4 Part II (Winter 2010) pp. 925-940.                                                                                                                                      (HEC Category-X)
  5. Javed Anwar (2008), “Energy Security and the Developing Country: Issues, Strategies ;8and Options” Paper presented and published in the proceeding of National Conference on Socio-Economic Challenges Faced by Pakistan on June 2-3, 2008 Islamabad.
  6. Javed Anwar (2008), “Energy Security and the Developing Country: Issues, Strategies and Options” Paper presented and published in International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies ESD2008 in Bangkok, Thailand.
  7. Javed Anwar and M. Tariq Javed (2004) “Market Segmentation and Stock Market Returns: A Global Perspective” published in Chaudhary M. Aslam and Eatzaz, A., (2004), Globalization: WTO,Trade and Economic Liberalization in Pakistan, Ferozsons, Lahore,Pakistan.
  8. Javed Anwar and M. Tariq Javed (2001) “Investment Barriers and Stock Market Performance: An Evidence from Emerging Markets”, Pakistan Economic and Social Review, Lahore, XXXIX:2 (Winter2001), pp.103-117.                                                                            (HEC Category-Y)
  9. Javed Anwar and M. Tariq Javed (2000) “Capital Markets and Foreign Ownership Restrictions: An Empirical Analysis of Emerging Stock Markets” Pakistan Development Review, 39:4 part 2 (winter 2000) pp.933-950.                                                                         (HEC Category-X)


  1. Financial Economics
  2. Microeconomics
  3. Pakistan Economy