ISSN: 2616-6038
Print: 1814-2885
ISSN: 2616-6038
Print: 1814-2885
Researcher Guide
Guidelines for Researchers
- Daryaft is an Urdu research and critical inquiry journal in which unpublished research articles in the context of Urdu language and literature are treated.
- All articles in Daryaft are published according to the rules and regulations set by HEC.
- All articles go thorough peer review process before publishing which could take two to three months.
- Daryaft is published bi-annually in January and June so articles must reach to the editor till September and March respectively.
- Articles after sending for publication in Daryaft must not to be sent anywhere else for publishing before getting known about acceptance or rejection.
- The mentioned category for Daryaft in HEC list is Urdu. So scholars of other disciplines do not bother sending articles.
- Articles not discussing Urdu language or literature and written about any other language/ subject in Urdu are not acceptable.
- Articles discussing Urdu language or literature but not written in Urdu are not acceptable.
- Do not send translations or creative writings like Ghazal, Nazm, etc.
- Before sending articles take care of these matters.
- Articles must be in composed form. Soft copy is necessary as well hard copy.
- Articles must be accompanied abstract in English. (Minimum 100 words)
- State the English translation of the title, name of researcher in Roman script and current status of researcher also.
- Write the complete address and contact number.
- Attach an affidavit in which clearly mention that the article is not printed or copied.
- Soft copy must be in MS. Word format with following settings. Document type = Letter, Margins = 1”, Font = Noori Nastaliq, Font size= 12, Font size of abstract= 12.
- Article must include references/ footnotes at the end in Roman Script too, otherwise, it is not acceptable.
- Do not put fancy lines, word art, signs and stars in the article.
- Please follow this structure for references:(Author, Book, Publisher, Address, Year, Page) For more information please consult the booklet of the department “Urdu Rasmiat e Maqala Nigari” compiled by Dr. Shafique Anjum
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Contact Detail
Dr. Naeem Mazhar
Editor Research Journal Daryaft, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad
Dr. Nazia Malik
Co-Editor Research Journal Daryaft, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad
Email: daryaft@numl.edu.pk