NUML Journal of Critical Inquiry (JCI)
ISSN: 2789-4665
Print: 2222-5706
ISSN: 2789-4665
Print: 2222-5706
NUML Journal of Critical Inquiry (NUML JCI) P ISSN: 2222-5706, E ISSN: 2789-4665 is a continuation of NUML Research Magazine, with revised and improved parameters, approved by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The contributions are duly abstracted and indexed by ProQuest, CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts database (USA). NUML JCI is listed in ProQuest Academic Research Library. NUML JCI has also signed agreements with ProQuest and Ebscohost for international distribution, abstracting, and indexing services. The journal aims at investigating and bringing forth innovative research-based concepts and practices at national and international levels, and promotes scholarly research in the domains of Language, Literature, Linguistics, and Education. The journal provides platform to researchers, classroom practitioners and academic professionals to share their novel theoretical and practical research initiatives. NUML JCI hosts stimulating, inspiring, and informative research papers catering to the complex and increasingly diversifying multidimensional needs of learners, teachers and professionals in diverse contexts. Contributions that break new grounds in the prescribed fields of knowledge, initiate interdisciplinary debates, tap into the latest ideas in pedagogy and creative thinking, and produce knowledge through reasoning and research are welcomed. The journal also accepts Book Reviews in the related areas. NUML JCI not only encourages authors to be creative but also attempts to motivate and guide readers to be inquisitive, creative, and critical in approach. It encourages creative freedom of expression and provides a space for enunciation that may help discipline the intellectual minds to come forth with a logically set frame of innovative ideas in various fields of study. The journal is constantly striving to achieve excellence by promoting quality research. It is also committed to forge ahead with a zeal to set standards of quality and academic integrity. In recognition of its efforts and contribution to research, the journal was upgraded to “CATEGORY Y” by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan in January 2016.
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Contact Detail
Dr. Sibghatullah Khan
Editor, NUML Journal of Critical Inquiry
Publication Branch, Nazir Library
National University of Modern Languages,
H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: +92-51-9265100 Ext 2133
E-mail: editorjci@numl.edu.pk, numl.editor@gmail.com