Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS)
ISSN: 2306-112X(E)
Print: 2305-6533 (P)
ISSN: 2306-112X(E)
Print: 2305-6533 (P)
Researcher Guide
Authors should keep in view the following guidelines while submitting articles to JRSS:
1. Language: The submitted manuscript should be written in English, (American or British, but not a mixture of both). It should be double spaced, fully justified and free from grammatical errors.
2. Format: American Psychological Association (APA) - 6th edition - should be followed for in-text citations and end references.
3. Title: Title should be brief, written in Times New Roman with Font Size 14 Bold, and centrally aligned. The title page should include author’s/ authors' full name, affiliation and email address.
4. Abstract: Abstract of the manuscript should be concise, clear and relevant. It should not exceed 150 words.
5. Key Words: Provide maximum 6 key words reflecting what the topic is about.
6. Abbreviation: Avoid the use of an abbreviation until it is widely known and commonly used in that form. Use of an abbreviation in the text should be preceded by the usage of its full form.
7. Introduction: Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem and relevant literature on the subject. Methods and procedures used in the research should be described in detail. Introduction should also provide a comprehensive picture of the results.
8. Plagiarism: JRSS observes zero tolerance for plagiarism.
9. Acknowledgment: If the research paper is part of a project funded by an agency, or some people have provided any assistance/ support, this can be acknowledged briefly at the end of the article.
10. Declaration Form: Submission of a manuscript to JRSS implies that the work submitted has not been published before; and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors are required to express this in a prescribed ‘Declaration Form’.
11. Copyright: If and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to transfer the copyright to the publisher.
12. Review: All manuscripts submitted to JRSS are sent for 'double blind' peer-review process with an aim to produce quality research.
13. Contribution: In case of more than one authors of an article, provide percentage of work contributed by each author.
14. Publication Fee: National University of Modern Languages reserves the right, as a matter of policy, to pass the review and publication charges of articles on to the authors.
Articles can be submitted to JRSS through following email id: chief.editorjrss@numl.edu.pk
Dr. Muhammad Riaz Shad
Editor, Journal of Research in Social Sciences (JRSS)
Faculty of Social Sciences
National University of Modern Languages
Sector H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan
Contact us: +92-51-9265100 Ext. 2190.
Email: chief.editorjrss@numl.edu.pk