PhD. Software Engineering, University Technology malaysia (UTM), Malaysia 2021
MS Software Engineering. International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. 2008
BS Software Engineering, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Islamabad. Pakistan. 2004
- National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad
Assistant Professor - June 2015 - to date
- National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad
Lecturer - March 2010 - to May 2015
- Comwave Institute of Science and Information Technology, F-8, Islamabad.
Lecturer (Visiting) - August 2009 - May 2010
- International Islamic university, Islamabad
Lecturer (Visiting) - September 2009 - January 2010
- National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT), Blue Area, Islamabad
Lecturer - January 2005-December 2008
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat, “Knowledge Sharing Framework for Modern Code Review to Diminish Software Engineering Waste” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11(6), 2020. Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “ Knowledge Sharing Factors for Modern Code Review to Minimize Software Engineering Waste” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(1), 2020 490-497. Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, “Situational Modern Code Review Framework to Support Individual Sustainability of Software Engineers”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11(6), 2020. 366-375, doi: 10.14569/IJACSA.2020.0110648. Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, “Situational Factors for Modern Code Review to Support Software Engineers’ Sustainability” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11(1), 2020. 498-504 Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, Sarkan, Haslina, F, Nurulhuda & Sjarif, Nilam, “ Sustainable Software Engineering: A Perspective of Individual Sustainability”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020, doi: 10. 676. 10.18517/ijaseit.10.2.10190. Impact Score: 1.18
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “Software engineering wastes-A perspective of modern code review. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Sysdeny, Australia, 2020 93-99.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, “Modern Code Review Benefits-Primary Findings of A Systematic Literature Review”. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Sydney, Australia, 2020, pp 210-215, doi: 10.1145/3378936.3378954.
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “Understanding the Impact of Feedback on Knowledge Sharing in Modern Code Review”. 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019. 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117268.
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “Knowledge sharing, a key sustainable practice is on risk: An insight from Modern Code Review”. 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117444.
- Nargis Fatima, Suriayati Chuprat and Sumaira Nazir, “Challenges and Benefits of Modern Code Review-Systematic Literature Review Protocol”. International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (ICSCEE), Shah Alam, 2018, doi: 1109/ICSCEE.2018.8538393.
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir, and Suriayati Chuprat, "Individual, Social and Personnel Factors Influencing Modern Code Review Process,” IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 40-45, doi: 10.1109/ICOS47562.2019.8975708.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, "Does Project Associated Situational Factors have Impact on Sustainability of Modern Code Review Workforce?," IEEE 6th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117541.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, " Situational factors affecting Software Engineers Sustainability: A Vision of Modern Code Review," IEEE 6th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117366.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, "Individual Sustainability Barriers and Mitigation Strategies: Systematic Literature Review Protocol," IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICOS47562.2019.8975707.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima, Sheheryar Malik, “Effective Hybrid Review Process (EHRP)” Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) Volume 2, Issue, 12-14 Dec. 2008 Page(s):763 - 771
- 8th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities (IGCESH 2020), University Technology Malaysia.
- ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Sysdeny, Australia, 2020. Paper Presented “Software engineering wastes-A perspective of modern code review ” presented.
- 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019. Paper presented “Understanding the impact of feedback on knowledge sharing in Modern Code Review ”
- 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019. Paper Presented “Knowledge sharing, a key sustainable practice is on risk: An insight from Modern Code Review”
- IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 2019. Paper Presented “Individual, Social and Personnel Factors Influencing Modern Code Review Process”
- International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (ICSCEE), Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2018. Paper Presented “Challenges and Benefits of Modern Code Review-Systematic Literature Review Protocol”
- Postgraduate Annual Research on Informatics Seminar, 2018. Organizing Committee Member.
- Cloud Computing Seminar, Computer Science Department at National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad, Pakistan, 2017
- Green and Sustainable Software Development
- Software Quality Engineering
- Lean Software Development
- Knowledge Management in Software Engineering
PhD. Software Engineering, University Technology malaysia (UTM), Malaysia 2021
MS Software Engineering. International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. 2008
BS Software Engineering, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Islamabad. Pakistan. 2004
- National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad
Assistant Professor - June 2015 - to date
- National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad
Lecturer - March 2010 - to May 2015
- Comwave Institute of Science and Information Technology, F-8, Islamabad.
Lecturer (Visiting) - August 2009 - May 2010
- International Islamic university, Islamabad
Lecturer (Visiting) - September 2009 - January 2010
- National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT), Blue Area, Islamabad
Lecturer - January 2005-December 2008
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat, “Knowledge Sharing Framework for Modern Code Review to Diminish Software Engineering Waste” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11(6), 2020. Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “ Knowledge Sharing Factors for Modern Code Review to Minimize Software Engineering Waste” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(1), 2020 490-497. Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, “Situational Modern Code Review Framework to Support Individual Sustainability of Software Engineers”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11(6), 2020. 366-375, doi: 10.14569/IJACSA.2020.0110648. Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, “Situational Factors for Modern Code Review to Support Software Engineers’ Sustainability” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11(1), 2020. 498-504 Index: ISI, IF 0.17
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, Sarkan, Haslina, F, Nurulhuda & Sjarif, Nilam, “ Sustainable Software Engineering: A Perspective of Individual Sustainability”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020, doi: 10. 676. 10.18517/ijaseit.10.2.10190. Impact Score: 1.18
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “Software engineering wastes-A perspective of modern code review. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Sysdeny, Australia, 2020 93-99.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, “Modern Code Review Benefits-Primary Findings of A Systematic Literature Review”. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Sydney, Australia, 2020, pp 210-215, doi: 10.1145/3378936.3378954.
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “Understanding the Impact of Feedback on Knowledge Sharing in Modern Code Review”. 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019. 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117268.
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir and Suriayati Chuprat., “Knowledge sharing, a key sustainable practice is on risk: An insight from Modern Code Review”. 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117444.
- Nargis Fatima, Suriayati Chuprat and Sumaira Nazir, “Challenges and Benefits of Modern Code Review-Systematic Literature Review Protocol”. International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (ICSCEE), Shah Alam, 2018, doi: 1109/ICSCEE.2018.8538393.
- Nargis Fatima, Sumaira Nazir, and Suriayati Chuprat, "Individual, Social and Personnel Factors Influencing Modern Code Review Process,” IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 40-45, doi: 10.1109/ICOS47562.2019.8975708.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, "Does Project Associated Situational Factors have Impact on Sustainability of Modern Code Review Workforce?," IEEE 6th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117541.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, " Situational factors affecting Software Engineers Sustainability: A Vision of Modern Code Review," IEEE 6th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS48360.2019.9117366.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat, "Individual Sustainability Barriers and Mitigation Strategies: Systematic Literature Review Protocol," IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICOS47562.2019.8975707.
- Sumaira Nazir, Nargis Fatima, Sheheryar Malik, “Effective Hybrid Review Process (EHRP)” Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) Volume 2, Issue, 12-14 Dec. 2008 Page(s):763 - 771
- 8th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities (IGCESH 2020), University Technology Malaysia.
- ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Sysdeny, Australia, 2020. Paper Presented “Software engineering wastes-A perspective of modern code review ” presented.
- 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019. Paper presented “Understanding the impact of feedback on knowledge sharing in Modern Code Review ”
- 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019. Paper Presented “Knowledge sharing, a key sustainable practice is on risk: An insight from Modern Code Review”
- IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 2019. Paper Presented “Individual, Social and Personnel Factors Influencing Modern Code Review Process”
- International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (ICSCEE), Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2018. Paper Presented “Challenges and Benefits of Modern Code Review-Systematic Literature Review Protocol”
- Postgraduate Annual Research on Informatics Seminar, 2018. Organizing Committee Member.
- Cloud Computing Seminar, Computer Science Department at National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad, Pakistan, 2017
- Green and Sustainable Software Development
- Software Quality Engineering
- Lean Software Development
- Knowledge Management in Software Engineering