.Bachelor of Mass Communication is a Four years Degree Program.
Intermediate with 45% marks OR
A – Level with 50% marks OR Equivalent.
Code | Name | Credit Hours |
MCIS-105 | Islamic Studies/Ethics | 3 |
MCCS-101 | Communication Skills | 3 |
MCIM-121 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 3 |
MCIT-111 | Fundamentals of ICT | 3 |
MCSP-112 | Social Psychology | 3 |
MCMS-114 | Mathematics | 3 |
MCMP-122 | Mass Media in Pakistan | 3 |
MCEL-102 | English Literature | 3 |
MCPS-106 | Pakistan Studies | 3 |
MCSS-115 | Statistics | 3 |
MCMI-123 | Media Industries | 3 |
MCBS-113 | Basic Concepts in Social Sciences | 3 |
MCEL-203 | Language & Communication | 3 |
MCPM-241 | Print Media | 3 |
MCEM-242 | Electronic Media | 3 |
MCPR-243 | Public Relations | 3 |
MCAD-245 | Advertising | 3 |
MCNO-246 | New Media & On-line Journalism | 3 |
MCTW-204 | Technical Writing | 3 |
MCML-247 | Media Laws & Ethics | 3 |
MCNW-224 | News Writing & Reporting | 3 |
MCVD-225 | Videography | 3 |
MCPJ-226 | Photo Journalism | 3 |
MCGD-227 | Graphic Designing | 3 |
MCTM-348 | Theories of Mass Communication | 3 |
MCGM-349 | Gender & Media Studies | 3 |
MCMR-350 | Fundamentals of Mass Communication Research | 3 |
MCIC-351 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
MCUJ-328 | Urdu Journalism (Sahafat) | 3 |
MCDC-352 | Development Communication | 3 |
MCGC-353 | Global Communication | 3 |
MCMC-354 | Media & Current Affairs | 3 |
- | Elective-I | 3 |
- | Elective-II | 3 |
MCMS-455 | Media & Society | 3 |
MCIC-456 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
MCPP-457 | Project Proposal | 3 |
- | Elective-III | 3 |
- | Elective-IV | 3 |
MCPC-458 | Political Communication | 3 |
MCME-459 | Media Entrepreneurship | 3 |
MCRP-499 | Research Paper/Project | 3 |
- | Elective-V | 3 |
- | Elective-VI | 3 |