Fee details of the program is as follows:
Per Semester Rs: 60,225/-
1st Time Charges Rs: 63,525/-
Intermediate with any one of the following combinations with 50% marks: (1) Maths, Physics & Chemistry (2) Maths, Physics & Computer Science (3) Maths, Stats & Computer Science (4) Maths, Stats & Physics (5) Maths, Stats & Economics (6) Maths, Computer Science & Economics (7) Physics, Chemistry & Biology (Pre-Medical) OR Diploma in Associate Engineering Examination with at least 60% aggregate marks in the relevant discipline
Code | Name | Credit Hours |
ITPF-121 | Programming Fundamentals | 4 |
ITIT-111 | Application of to info. & Comm. Tech. | 3 |
IS-112 | Islamic Studies | 2 |
ITAP-113 | Applied Physics | 3 |
ITFE-114 | Functional English | 3 |
ITHR-161 | Human Resource Management** | 3 |
ITEW-115 | Expository Writing | 3 |
ITOO-122 | Object Oriented Programming | 4 |
ITDS-116 | Discerete Structures | 3 |
ITSE-123 | Software Engineering | 3 |
ITCA-117 | Calculus & Ana. Geometry | 3 |
PS-118 | Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan | 2 |
ITDL-224 | Digital Logic Design | 3 |
ITCN-225 | Computers Network | 3 |
ITLA-201 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
ITES-263 | Enterprise System** (IT Elec. 1) | 3 |
ITIP-219 | Introduction to Psychology*** | 2 |
ITDA-226 | Data structures | 4 |
ITOS-227 | Operating Systems | 3 |
ITDB-228 | Database Systems | 4 |
ITSR-262 | Software Requirements Engineering (IT Elec. 2) | 3 |
ITMV-202 | Multivariable Calculus | 3 |
ITCE-220 | Civics and Community Engagement | 2 |
ITAO-229 | Analysis of Algorithm | 3 |
ITSN-341 | System and Network Administration | 3 |
ITDM-342 | Database Administration and Management | 3 |
ITPS-303 | Probability & Statistics | 3 |
ITIS-330 | Information Security | 3 |
ITCO-331 | Computer Organization and Assembly Language | 3 |
- | Track Elective 1* (IT Elec. 3) | 3 |
ITTB-304 | Technical & Business Writing | 3 |
ITII-343 | IT Infrastructure | 3 |
ITAI-332 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 |
ITWT-344 | Web Technologies | 3 |
- | Track Elective 2* (IT Elec. 4) | 3 |
ITPM-466 | Software Project Management (IT Elect.5) | 3 |
ITFP-499 | Final Year Project-I | 2 |
ITEP-421 | Entrepreneurship*** | 2 |
ITPC-445 | Parallel and Distributed Computing | 3 |
- | Track Elective 3* (IT Elec. 6) | 3 |
ITFP-499 | Final Year Project -II | 4 |
ITCS-446 | Cyber Security | 3 |
ITPP-422 | Professional Practices | 2 |
- | Track Elective 4* (IT Elec. 7) | 3 |