Guest's Details

Speaker 1

Mr. Syed Muhammad Ayub Shah

Career and Achievments

He enjoys vast experience of serving globally competitive and exceedingly demanding apex organizations. He is blessed with entrepreneurial, leadership and all encompassing intellectual qualities. He is an established technologist, seasoned strategist, apt manager, agile administrator, recognized scientist, accomplished policy expert, thinker, multi lingual writer & speaker, mentor, researcher, academician, entrepreneur and more. He possess marvelous potentials for realizing his novel ideas devising unique methodologies. He creates his own means, develops innovative ways and attains unthinkable ends. He forecasts and predicts futuristic policy requirements, strategic planning parameters and related technological tools to fill the anticipated gaps. He has a passion to reach out and learn new faculties, technologies and knowledge areas. He is a resource person of national, regional and international institutions and organizations on conceptual, technical, non-technical & policy matters. He enjoys wide exposure to multilateral regional and global policy making fora, think tanks & clusters encompassing Communication, Technology, Program Management, Peace Initiatives, Human Rights, Technology, Higher Education, Quality and more.

His extensive management skills, technical knowledge and hands on experience includes resource mobilization, organizational optimizations, information systems’, total quality and HR management. His distinguished academic record ranges over more than 24 years of formal education from the most competitive and prestigious national and international institutions. He upholds the value of knowledge for professing, advocating and promoting Development through Advocacy, Dialogue, Non-Discrimination, Human Dignity, Equality, Rights, Peace and Prosperity at large. For ‘This World is All About Human Prosperity’.

Awards and Honours

  • Served apex national policy level organizations. Has International public crisis management experience of Transitional Administration in Croatia (UNTAES).
  • Possesses thorough understanding of Poverty Alleviation Econometrics, Restructuring of National Systems of Innovation, Designing and implemention of DRR projects nationwide with IGOs. Completed “Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) for Vulnerability to Food Insecurity for Pakistan 2017” as technical lead.
  • He is blessed with leadership qualities and led a number of diverse teams, studies and undertakings. Holds diverse credentials and is an interdisciplinary researcher, academcian, public servant, resource person, mentor & orator. CIP, IoT.


Speaker 1

Dr. Adnan Ul-Hasan

Career and research

He is a PhD in computer science and has 10 years experience in developing deep learning-based text recognition algorithms for English, Old German (Fraktur), Old Latin, Greek, Devanagari,Urdu Nastaleeq scripts. He contributed to Kallimachos project at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI),Kaiserslautern, Germany. Before moving to DFKI, he was part of Image Understanding and Pattern Recognition (IUPR) Research Group. His research interests include but are not limited to machine learning, cursive text recognition, document image analysis and neural networks.

Dr. Adnan Ul-Hasan received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan, in 2002, the M.S. degree in systems engineering from the Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, in 2016. From 2014 to 2016, he was a Research Assistant with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern. He is currently working as a Team Lead with the Deep Learning Laboratory, National Center of Artificial Intelligence, Islamabad. His research interests include deep neural networks, sequence models, information extraction, and forecasting.

Awards and Honours

    January 2021 - Present (1 year 1 month)
    Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan
  • AI Lounge
    November 2020 - Present (1 year 3 months)
    Islāmābād, Pakistan.
    AI Lounge is an initiative to empower everyone around us to better interact with Artificial Intelligence.
  • National Centre for Artificial Intelligence
    Team Lead
    March 2019 - Present (2 years 11 months)
    Deep Learning Lab, National University of Sciences and Technology.
  • DCube Tech.
    Senior Scientist
    March 2019 - Present (2 years 11 months)
    Islāmābād, Pakistan.
  • Self-employed
    Freelance Researcher in Text Recognition
    January 2018 - March 2019 (1 year 3 months)
    Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Universität Kaiserslautern
    PhD Student
    April 2011 - January 2016 (4 years 10 months)
    Kaiserslautern, Germany


Speaker 1

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Raza Shahid

Career and research

Dr. Ahmad Raza Shahid is a Professor of Computer Science at FAST-National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences. He has over 14 years of experience in higher education in the leading universities in Pakistan, such as NUST and COMSATS University Islamabad. He has more than 5 years of industrial experience under his belt including for a leading multinational in the healthcare sector in the UK. He has won research fundings worth more than PKR 110 million, including PKR 97.57 million for the establishment of Medical Imaging and Diagnostics Lab, National Center of Artificial Intelligence (NCAI). He has more than 20 IF journal publications to his name. He did his PhD in CS with specialization in NLP from The University of York, UK in 2012 and MS in CS from Michigan State University, USA in 2002. His areas of interest include natural language processing, medical image processing, and deep learning.

Awards and Honours

    His professional services include but are not limited to:

  • Dr Shahid is the Principal Investigator of Medical Imaging and Diagnostics Lab, National Center of Artificial Intelligence (NCAI), an HEC funded project worth Rs. 97.57 million.
  • Principal Investigator, Medical Imaging and Diagnostics Lab, National Center of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Head of the Department, Department of Electrical Engineering Abasyn University, Peshawar Campus from Feb 2013 - Jun 2013.
  • CEO of AI Care, an AI based startup working in the domain of diagnostics through medical images.
  • Invited/Keynote Speaker, and reviewer for several international journals and conferences.
  • He has more than 20 publications to his credit with a combined number of almost 50.


Speaker 1

Prof. Dr. M. Masoom Alam

Career and research

He graduated from University of Innsbruck Austria, with a PhD in computer science in November 2007 funded by HEC, Pakistan. Prior to that, he was working as lecturer in IMSciences and has a total of 10 years expierience in teaching, system administration and research and development. He is able to work on own initiatives as well as part of a team. Having good leadership skills in research and development, he is leading a research group with over 35 graduates and under graduates

His research has been widely cited globally. His national and international recognition is evident by his research publications, memberships of committees at national and international levels, leadership and motivation, research projects, presentation of seminars, establishing linkages with the international leading Universities, national and international awards and human resource development.

Awards and Honours

  • Got best PhD thesis award in the PhD Symposium of Models 2006 conference Genoa, Italy – Invited for Springer LNCS publication. (In PhD Symposium of IEEE/ACM Models 2006, Italy Genoa. LNCS 4364) (2021)
  • Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC – Award PhD full bright scholarship holder since November 2003 till Nov 2007 (2019)
  • 1To have two consecutive projects from National ICT R&D Fund – A Highly reputable national funding agency for research and development Projects in Pakistan.
  • Introduced a full specialization called “security engineering” at graduate (MS) level where both CS and IT students are enrolled
  • PhD in Model Driven Security Engineering from university of Innsbruck Austria 2003-2007.
  • Oracle Certified Data Base Administrator.
  • Cisco Certified Network Analyst (CCNA). (2000)
  • Java Certified Programmer (JCP) from Sun Micro Systems(2000).
  • Silver medal (1988)