Welcome To Department of Software Engineering

HOD Message

Dr. Sumaira Nazir

The Department of Software Engineering has been established to provide specialized and focused learning experience to its students. The department offers two undergraduate programs i.e., BS Information Technology and BS Software Engineering, and MS and Ph.D. programs in Software Engineering. The department is equipped with the good number of required resources for the academic programs offered. The distinguished faculty of the department ensures quality teaching by using current and market-oriented tools and technologies. This makes our BS programs as one of the most demanding programs in the university. The faculty at the Software Engineering department also profoundly works on cutting-edge research themes to propose solutions for national and international problems. The department has number of ‘HEC approved Ph.D. supervisors’ and research themes consistent with the societal and market needs. We welcome you to come and join our department for the unmatchable learning experience and future transformation.


The department of Software engineering focuses on imparting knowledge to its students that makes them productive for the industry and research by translating concepts into applications and problems to solutions. It also focuses on providing a diverse learning environment to inculcate essential skills and to provide professional grooming for long lasting learning which enables students to keep their knowledge at par with increasing industry and research requirements.

Our Vision

To become a center of excellence in Software engineering and allied disciplines for imparting knowledge and professional competencies.

Our Mission

  Inculcating quality knowledge, technical skills, research, and professional grooming amongst students to contribute to building a better society.