Contact me
- Department of Economics
- 0092-51-9265100/ Ext. 2150
- ssubhan@numl.edu.pk
Dr. Sabahat Subhan
Assistant Professor- Ph.D Economics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 2011
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad, 2011-Present
- Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad, 2006-2011
- Lecturer, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, 2000-2004
- Statistical Officer, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Islamabad, 1999-2000
- Foreign Debt, Dependency, and Economic Growth in South Asia, Pakistan Development Review, 2000, 39 : 4 Part-II, pp. 551-570.
- Debt Laffer Curve for South Asian Countries, Pakistan Development Review, 2001, 40 : 4 Part II, pp. 705-720
- Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on External Debt in Pakistan. Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 2015, 3(1), 35.
- Impact of Foreign Capital Inflow on Economic Growth of Developing Countries, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2017, Vol. 25, No.2.
- Impact of Foreign Remittances on Quality of Life: A Case Study of District Lower Dir, Pakistan, Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 2019, Vol. IV, No. III, pp. 132 - 139
- The Impact of Public Spending on Poverty through the Channel of Social Infrastructure: An Empirical Analysis of Asian Economies, Global Economics Review, 2020, Vol. V, No. IV, pp.12-23.
- Determinants of Unemployment among Educated Youth: A Case Study of District Muzaffargarh, Pakistan, Pakistan Economic Review, 2020, 3:2, pp.61-79.
- Paths of economic development: a global evidence for the mediating role of institutions for participation in global value chains, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, Vo. 34, No. 1 pp. 687-708.
- Financial Factors and Saving Behavior of Salaried Class: A Case Study of Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Journal of Management Info, 2022, 9(3), pp. 284-298.
- Analyzing the Mediating Role of Food Insecurity between Economic Factors and Child Health in Pakistan: An Application of Haye’s Logistic Model, Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2022, Vol 6 Issue 2, pp. 82-91.
- Sociological Analysis of Land Disputes as an Influencing Factor Responsible for Low Agricultural Productivity in Pakistani Society, Journal Of Public Value and Administrative Insight, 2022, Vol. 5, No. 1,pp. 187-198.
- Empirical Analysis of Total Factor Productivity of the Agriculture Sector and Economic Growth of Pakistan, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2022, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp. 648-656.
Internet Publications
- Role of Remittances in Poverty Reduction: A Micro Evidence from Pakistan, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 2020, 9(6), pp. 1212-1222, https://ijbpas.com/pdf/2020/June/MS_IJBPAS_2020_5036.pdf
- Date Palm Industry and its Impact on Economics Growth of Balochistan, Aprovince of Pakistan, International Journal of Research Science and Management, 2015, 2(12), pp. 1-06, http: // www.ijrsm.com
- The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan, 2015, AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research ,Vol. No. 1, Jul-Dec, pp. 23-35. http://www.aguijmsr.com
- Impact of Oil Prices on Economic Growth of Pakistan, AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research, 2015, Vol. No. 1, Jul-Dec, 36-49. http://www.aguijmsr.com
- Impact of Energy Consumption on Economic Growth of Pakistan, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Informative Technology, 2015, 3(9), pp. 10932-10947. Pp. 1529-1538. http://www.igmpublication.org/ijmeit/
- Economic Activity of Husbands in Punjab, AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research, 2015, Vol. No. 1, Jul-Dec, pp. 1-12. http://www.aguijmsr.com
- Impact of Characteristics of Expatriates on their Performance in Pakistan, Elixir Mgmt. Arts, 2012, 51, pp. 10932-10947, http://www.elixirjournal.org/articles_view_detail.php?id=2745&mode=abs
- The Economic and Demographic Effects on Housing Tenure Choice in Pakistan, American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2012, Vol.2 Issue 7, pp. 15-24. http://www.aijcrnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_7_July_2012/3.pdf
- The Determinants Of Quality Of Housing In Pakistan, South Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research, 2012, Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. 34-56, http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:sajmmr&volume=2&issue=9&article=003
- Household characteristics and Home ownership in Pakistan, Elixir Mgmt. Arts,2012, 49, pp. 10094-10101. http://elixirjournal.org/past_issue.php?mo=8&yr=2012&page=2
- Importance of Performance of Expatriates in Pakistan, An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2012, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp. 60 - 88. http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:aca&volume=2&issue=8&article=006
- Do Political Determinants Explain Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan, Journal of Research in Peace, Gender and Development, 2012, Vol. 2 (2). www.interesjournal.org/JRPGD
- Foreign Debt, Dependency and Economic Growth in South Asia, South Asian Economic Review, Journal of the “Indian Institute of Economics”, 2004, 46(1), pp. 20-54. http://www.iieasia.in/six.htm
- Capital Inflow, Financial Development and Economic Growth in South Asia, International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST), 2015, Vol.42, No.42,pp. 38-48. https://studylib.net/doc/7423614/international-journal-of-advanced-information-science-and
Research Project
- Public & Social Life & Decision Making (Advance Social and Economic Wellbeing of Women in Punjab, Pakistan), Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), 2018-19, Grant amount of Rs. 510,000/- (Five Hundred Ten Thousand).
- Development Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Econometrics
- Ph.D Economics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 2011
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad, 2011-Present
- Lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Economics, NUML, Islamabad, 2006-2011
- Lecturer, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, 2000-2004
- Statistical Officer, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Islamabad, 1999-2000
- Foreign Debt, Dependency, and Economic Growth in South Asia, Pakistan Development Review, 2000, 39 : 4 Part-II, pp. 551-570.
- Debt Laffer Curve for South Asian Countries, Pakistan Development Review, 2001, 40 : 4 Part II, pp. 705-720
- Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on External Debt in Pakistan. Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 2015, 3(1), 35.
- Impact of Foreign Capital Inflow on Economic Growth of Developing Countries, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2017, Vol. 25, No.2.
- Impact of Foreign Remittances on Quality of Life: A Case Study of District Lower Dir, Pakistan, Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 2019, Vol. IV, No. III, pp. 132 - 139
- The Impact of Public Spending on Poverty through the Channel of Social Infrastructure: An Empirical Analysis of Asian Economies, Global Economics Review, 2020, Vol. V, No. IV, pp.12-23.
- Determinants of Unemployment among Educated Youth: A Case Study of District Muzaffargarh, Pakistan, Pakistan Economic Review, 2020, 3:2, pp.61-79.
- Paths of economic development: a global evidence for the mediating role of institutions for participation in global value chains, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, Vo. 34, No. 1 pp. 687-708.
- Financial Factors and Saving Behavior of Salaried Class: A Case Study of Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Journal of Management Info, 2022, 9(3), pp. 284-298.
- Analyzing the Mediating Role of Food Insecurity between Economic Factors and Child Health in Pakistan: An Application of Haye’s Logistic Model, Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2022, Vol 6 Issue 2, pp. 82-91.
- Sociological Analysis of Land Disputes as an Influencing Factor Responsible for Low Agricultural Productivity in Pakistani Society, Journal Of Public Value and Administrative Insight, 2022, Vol. 5, No. 1,pp. 187-198.
- Empirical Analysis of Total Factor Productivity of the Agriculture Sector and Economic Growth of Pakistan, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2022, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp. 648-656.
Internet Publications
- Role of Remittances in Poverty Reduction: A Micro Evidence from Pakistan, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 2020, 9(6), pp. 1212-1222, https://ijbpas.com/pdf/2020/June/MS_IJBPAS_2020_5036.pdf
- Date Palm Industry and its Impact on Economics Growth of Balochistan, Aprovince of Pakistan, International Journal of Research Science and Management, 2015, 2(12), pp. 1-06, http: // www.ijrsm.com
- The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan, 2015, AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research ,Vol. No. 1, Jul-Dec, pp. 23-35. http://www.aguijmsr.com
- Impact of Oil Prices on Economic Growth of Pakistan, AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research, 2015, Vol. No. 1, Jul-Dec, 36-49. http://www.aguijmsr.com
- Impact of Energy Consumption on Economic Growth of Pakistan, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Informative Technology, 2015, 3(9), pp. 10932-10947. Pp. 1529-1538. http://www.igmpublication.org/ijmeit/
- Economic Activity of Husbands in Punjab, AGU International Journal of Management Studies & Research, 2015, Vol. No. 1, Jul-Dec, pp. 1-12. http://www.aguijmsr.com
- Impact of Characteristics of Expatriates on their Performance in Pakistan, Elixir Mgmt. Arts, 2012, 51, pp. 10932-10947, http://www.elixirjournal.org/articles_view_detail.php?id=2745&mode=abs
- The Economic and Demographic Effects on Housing Tenure Choice in Pakistan, American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2012, Vol.2 Issue 7, pp. 15-24. http://www.aijcrnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_7_July_2012/3.pdf
- The Determinants Of Quality Of Housing In Pakistan, South Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research, 2012, Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. 34-56, http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:sajmmr&volume=2&issue=9&article=003
- Household characteristics and Home ownership in Pakistan, Elixir Mgmt. Arts,2012, 49, pp. 10094-10101. http://elixirjournal.org/past_issue.php?mo=8&yr=2012&page=2
- Importance of Performance of Expatriates in Pakistan, An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2012, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp. 60 - 88. http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:aca&volume=2&issue=8&article=006
- Do Political Determinants Explain Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan, Journal of Research in Peace, Gender and Development, 2012, Vol. 2 (2). www.interesjournal.org/JRPGD
- Foreign Debt, Dependency and Economic Growth in South Asia, South Asian Economic Review, Journal of the “Indian Institute of Economics”, 2004, 46(1), pp. 20-54. http://www.iieasia.in/six.htm
- Capital Inflow, Financial Development and Economic Growth in South Asia, International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST), 2015, Vol.42, No.42,pp. 38-48. https://studylib.net/doc/7423614/international-journal-of-advanced-information-science-and
Research Project
- Public & Social Life & Decision Making (Advance Social and Economic Wellbeing of Women in Punjab, Pakistan), Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), 2018-19, Grant amount of Rs. 510,000/- (Five Hundred Ten Thousand).
- Development Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Econometrics