Ahsan Raza


MS in Media & Communication Studies from International Islamic University, Islamabad

MSc Mass Communication from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad

Bachelor of Arts from University of Punjab, Lahore

HSC Pre engineering from Rawalpindi Board

SSC Science from Rawalpindi Board

News Anchor/ Program Host SUCH TV (2018 to till date)

Researcher/Coordinator to CEO in Administration Department (2017-2O18)

Freedom of Expression & Social Responsibility of Media in Pakistan: A journalistic Perspective in Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences. http://www.joi.isoss.net/vol-7-no-4-2021/

James, A., Ummul Baneen, & Raza, A. (2024). The Impact of Instagram Influencers on Purchase Intention of Female Users. Media and Communication Review4(1), 90-114. https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/MCR/article/view/5393

Shoukat, A., Nawaz,U, M., & Raza, A. (2024). Effects of Hollywood Cinema on Pakistan’s Youth Lifestyle and Behaviour Patterns. Journal of Peace, Development and Communication, 08(03), 258- 257-274.

Community involvement

Social & Cultural activities

Writing News Articles & Reports

Reading and Current Affairs



MS in Media & Communication Studies from International Islamic University, Islamabad

MSc Mass Communication from National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad

Bachelor of Arts from University of Punjab, Lahore

HSC Pre engineering from Rawalpindi Board

SSC Science from Rawalpindi Board


News Anchor/ Program Host SUCH TV (2018 to till date)

Researcher/Coordinator to CEO in Administration Department (2017-2O18)


Freedom of Expression & Social Responsibility of Media in Pakistan: A journalistic Perspective in Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences. http://www.joi.isoss.net/vol-7-no-4-2021/

James, A., Ummul Baneen, & Raza, A. (2024). The Impact of Instagram Influencers on Purchase Intention of Female Users. Media and Communication Review4(1), 90-114. https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/MCR/article/view/5393

Shoukat, A., Nawaz,U, M., & Raza, A. (2024). Effects of Hollywood Cinema on Pakistan’s Youth Lifestyle and Behaviour Patterns. Journal of Peace, Development and Communication, 08(03), 258- 257-274.


Community involvement

Social & Cultural activities

Writing News Articles & Reports

Reading and Current Affairs