Prof.Dr. M. Anis ul Haque
Ph.D.: Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, University
of Peshawar, 2004
Concentration: Organizational Psychology, Social and Personality
Psychology, Psychometrics
M.P.A: Masters in Public Administration, Institute of Management
Studies. University of Peshawar, 1983
Concentration: Personnel Administration, Public Policy and
Organization Theory and Behavior
M.Sc.: Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar, 1982
Concentration: Educational and Psychological Measurement, Research
Methods and Applied Statistics
- Professor and Head, Department of Applied Psychology, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. (March 2017- till date)
- Professor, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. (2010-2016)
- Associate Professor, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.(2005-2010)
- Lecturer, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.(1988-2004)
- Research Fellow, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.(1984-1987)
- Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar, (1983-1984)
- Adjunct Faculty, Department of Administrative Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, (2004-2006)
- Adjunct Faculty/Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
- Incharge (1995-2006), Psychological Testing Wing. National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University
- Seminar Incharge, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University(1994-1999)
- Research Advisor, M.Phil / Ph.D Programme, Foundation University Institute of Management and Computer Sciences, Foundation University, Islamabad.
- Member, Guidance and Examination Committee, NUST Institute of Management Sciences, National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
- (2019). General and ICT Self-Efficacy in Different Participants Roles in Cyberbullying/Victimization among Pakistani University Students. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 10, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01098. (IF: 2.089).
- (2018). Cyberbullying in Different Participant Roles: Exploring Differences in Psychopathology and Well-being in University Students. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research. Vol. 57(1), 33-39.
- (2018). Association of Autism child characteristics with Maternal and Paternal Stress. Rawal Medical Journal. Vol.43 (2), 263-266.
- (2018). Sex differences in the perception of emotional and sexual infidelity: a qualitative study (in press).
- (2018). Development and Validation of ICT Self-Efficacy scale: Exploring the Relationship with Cyberbullying and Victimization. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (IF: 2.41).
- (2018). Impact of Cyber Aggression and Cyber Victimization on Mental Health and Well-Being of Pakistani Young Adults: The Moderating Role of Gender. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment &Trauma. (IF: .547).
- (2017). Parental stress and Autism: Differences in perceived stress and coping behaviour. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Vol. 14(2), 08-11.
- (2017). Construct validation of Emotional labour scale for a sample of Pakistani corporate employees. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. Vol. 67(2), 233-238. (IF: .448)
- (2016). Leadership Styles as predictors of Decision Making Styles among Top, Middle, and Lower level managers. Pakistan Business Review. Vol. 17(4), 891-915.
- (2015). Attachment styles, Self-esteem and Rejection Sensitivity among university students. Pakistan Journal of Psychology. Vol. 46(2), 3-22.
- (2015). Internalizing and Externalizing symptoms in children of psychiatrically ill patients. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Vol. 12(3), 15-18.
- (2015). Perception of Emotional and Sexual infidelity among Married Men and Women. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. Vol. 30(2), 421-440.
- (2015). Organizational Role Stressors and Outcomes: Moderating role of Organizational Social Support. Pakistan Business Review. Vol. 17(2), 416-429.
- (2014). Leadership Styles: Relationship with Conflict Management Styles. International Journal of Conflict Management. Vol. 25(3), 214-225. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.( IF: 0.524)
- (2014 Dec). Work-family interface and its relationship with job performance: The moderating role of conscientiousness and agreeableness. South African Journal of Psychology. 44, 528-538. ( IF: 0.532)
- (2014). Teacher Academic Optimism: A Preliminary Study Measuring the Latent Construct. FWU Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 8(1). 10-16.
- (2014). Characteristics Symptoms and Adaptive Behavior of children with Autism. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons- Pakistan. Vol. 24(9). 658-662.( IF .554)
- (2014). Preliminary Development of School Climate Scale (SCS): Measuring teacher’s perception. FWU Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 8(2). 51-58.
- (2013).An investigation of relationship between Wisdom and Subjective Well-being for a sample of Pakistani Adolescent. FWU Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 7(1). 39-46.
- (2013).Bridging the gap: Assessing student’s performance through student’s academic engagement in light of national educational policies. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment. Vol. 14(1). 71-89. (Time Taylor Academic Journals International).
- (2012).Organizational Socialization: Individual and Organizational Consequences. International Journal of Academic Research. Vol. 4(3). 96-10. (Master Journal list ISI Thomson, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich Periodicals).
- (2013).Parenting Styles as predictors of Emotion Regulation among Adolescent. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. Vol. 28(1). 85-105.
- (2012).The moderating effect of Perceived Job Self-Efficacy in relation between Interpersonal Conflict at work and Job-related Outcomes. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology.Vol.38 (3), 55-61. Abstracted and Indexed in Psychological Abstract, PsycINFO & PsycALERT database,USA
- (2010). Organizational Climate as a predictor of Innovative Work Behavior. African Journal of Business Management. Vol. 4(15), 3337-3343.
- (2011). Relationship of Work-Family Conflict with Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in High-Tech Industrial Employees. International Journal of Academic Research. Vol. 3(6), 476-480.
- (2011). Mediating effect of Organizational Climate between Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 26(2), 183-199.
- (2010). Role of individual and organizational factors in decision making. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 41(1), 41-62.
- (2009). Role of individual and organizational factors in Leadership. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 40(2), 69-83.
- (2009). Interpersonal Conflict with colleagues and Superiors and its differential impact on Job-Related Outcomes. The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 15(1), 80-95
- (2006). Job Insecurity, Health, and Job Related Attitudes: A Comparison of Different Occupational Groups of Middle Level Telecom Managers. The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 14(1), 138-146.
- (2005). A Comparison of Motivational Orientations between Middle and Lower Level Bank Managers .The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. XIII, Nos. 1&2, 80-87.
- (2004).Managerial Conflict Management Styles: Public and Private Sector Differences. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 15(1-2), 25-34.
- (2001). Burnout and Organizational Sources of Social Support in Human Service Professions: A comparison of women doctors and nurses. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 27(1-2), 57-66.
- (2001). Development of a measure of developmental tasks for primary school age child. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 27(1-2), 197-204.
- (2000). Motivational orientation towards work among university students. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 11(1-2), 37-53.
- (1998). Age, gender and achievement effects on academic self-concept of high school children. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research,
- (1997). Stress, Social Support and Burnout in Nurses. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 12(3-4), 77-86.
- (1996). Job-related stress, organizational commitment and job satisfaction among government officials. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 11(304), 49-58.
- (1995). Development of an indigenous Job Knowledge Test. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 10(1-4), 27-37.
- (1994). Validation of Femininity/Masculinity Scale of California Psychological Inventory in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 9, 27-35. (This article has been acknowledged by Professor Harrison G. Gough in the 3rd edition of CPI Manual i.e., Gough & P. Bradley (Eds.) CPI Manual (1996) (pp. 147 & 411). Counseling Psychologist Press, Palo Alto; CA.
- (1993). Organizational Role Stress and Job satisfaction in public and private sector industry. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 8(3-4).
- (1992). Work values and organizational commitment in public and private sector industries. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 7(3-4), 41-51.
Technical Reports/Proceedings
- (2010). Knowledge Management Practices: Role of Organizational Culture. Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Science (Volume 17, Number1). 17th Annual Conference, Las Vegas.
- (2010). Task Analysis: Development and Implementation for C-2/PAEC. National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
- (2008). Intra-organization Comparison of Permanent and Contractual Employees: A Study of Job Related Attitudes, Job Insecurity and Health. Work, Stress and Health 2008; Healthy and Safe Work through Research, Practice and Partnerships, SOHP, American Psychological Association.
- (2007). Job Insecurity and consequences a comparative study: Contract and Permanent employees. Proceedings of the global conference on Business and Finance (pp. 83-87.). Texas: Institute for Business and Finance Research.
- (2000). Work Preferences among University Students. NIP Report. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology.
- (1999). Conflict Management Styles in Pakistan Corporate Culture. NIP Report. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology,
Quaid-i-Azam University. - (1997). Development a validation of Academic Self-concept scale. NIP Report. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University.
- (1994). Work values and Organizational Commitment in Public and Private Sector Industry. In S. Aziz (Ed.), Proceedings of the seminar on Social and Psychological Aspects of Work Environment (pp.41-49). Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University.
- (1992). A national data base of cognitive and personality variables. “Secondary School Students”. NIP Technical Report 6. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology. (ISBN 969-8022-20-1).
- (1992). Science Achievement Test for Grade 6; Development and Validation. NIP Technical Report 8. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology. (ISBN 969-8022-27-9)
- (1990). Developmental Tasks for Primary School Age Children. NIP Technical Report 5. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology. (ISBN 969-8022-19-8).
Organizational Culture, Work-related Attitudes, Knowledge Management,
Innovative Work Behavior, Conflict and Conflict management, and
Psychological Measurement
Ph.D.: Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, University
of Peshawar, 2004
Concentration: Organizational Psychology, Social and Personality
Psychology, Psychometrics
M.P.A: Masters in Public Administration, Institute of Management
Studies. University of Peshawar, 1983
Concentration: Personnel Administration, Public Policy and
Organization Theory and Behavior
M.Sc.: Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar, 1982
Concentration: Educational and Psychological Measurement, Research
Methods and Applied Statistics
- Professor and Head, Department of Applied Psychology, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. (March 2017- till date)
- Professor, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. (2010-2016)
- Associate Professor, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.(2005-2010)
- Lecturer, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.(1988-2004)
- Research Fellow, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.(1984-1987)
- Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar, (1983-1984)
- Adjunct Faculty, Department of Administrative Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, (2004-2006)
- Adjunct Faculty/Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
- Incharge (1995-2006), Psychological Testing Wing. National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University
- Seminar Incharge, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University(1994-1999)
- Research Advisor, M.Phil / Ph.D Programme, Foundation University Institute of Management and Computer Sciences, Foundation University, Islamabad.
- Member, Guidance and Examination Committee, NUST Institute of Management Sciences, National University of Science and Technology, Rawalpindi.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
- (2019). General and ICT Self-Efficacy in Different Participants Roles in Cyberbullying/Victimization among Pakistani University Students. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 10, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01098. (IF: 2.089).
- (2018). Cyberbullying in Different Participant Roles: Exploring Differences in Psychopathology and Well-being in University Students. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research. Vol. 57(1), 33-39.
- (2018). Association of Autism child characteristics with Maternal and Paternal Stress. Rawal Medical Journal. Vol.43 (2), 263-266.
- (2018). Sex differences in the perception of emotional and sexual infidelity: a qualitative study (in press).
- (2018). Development and Validation of ICT Self-Efficacy scale: Exploring the Relationship with Cyberbullying and Victimization. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (IF: 2.41).
- (2018). Impact of Cyber Aggression and Cyber Victimization on Mental Health and Well-Being of Pakistani Young Adults: The Moderating Role of Gender. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment &Trauma. (IF: .547).
- (2017). Parental stress and Autism: Differences in perceived stress and coping behaviour. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Vol. 14(2), 08-11.
- (2017). Construct validation of Emotional labour scale for a sample of Pakistani corporate employees. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. Vol. 67(2), 233-238. (IF: .448)
- (2016). Leadership Styles as predictors of Decision Making Styles among Top, Middle, and Lower level managers. Pakistan Business Review. Vol. 17(4), 891-915.
- (2015). Attachment styles, Self-esteem and Rejection Sensitivity among university students. Pakistan Journal of Psychology. Vol. 46(2), 3-22.
- (2015). Internalizing and Externalizing symptoms in children of psychiatrically ill patients. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Vol. 12(3), 15-18.
- (2015). Perception of Emotional and Sexual infidelity among Married Men and Women. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. Vol. 30(2), 421-440.
- (2015). Organizational Role Stressors and Outcomes: Moderating role of Organizational Social Support. Pakistan Business Review. Vol. 17(2), 416-429.
- (2014). Leadership Styles: Relationship with Conflict Management Styles. International Journal of Conflict Management. Vol. 25(3), 214-225. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.( IF: 0.524)
- (2014 Dec). Work-family interface and its relationship with job performance: The moderating role of conscientiousness and agreeableness. South African Journal of Psychology. 44, 528-538. ( IF: 0.532)
- (2014). Teacher Academic Optimism: A Preliminary Study Measuring the Latent Construct. FWU Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 8(1). 10-16.
- (2014). Characteristics Symptoms and Adaptive Behavior of children with Autism. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons- Pakistan. Vol. 24(9). 658-662.( IF .554)
- (2014). Preliminary Development of School Climate Scale (SCS): Measuring teacher’s perception. FWU Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 8(2). 51-58.
- (2013).An investigation of relationship between Wisdom and Subjective Well-being for a sample of Pakistani Adolescent. FWU Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 7(1). 39-46.
- (2013).Bridging the gap: Assessing student’s performance through student’s academic engagement in light of national educational policies. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment. Vol. 14(1). 71-89. (Time Taylor Academic Journals International).
- (2012).Organizational Socialization: Individual and Organizational Consequences. International Journal of Academic Research. Vol. 4(3). 96-10. (Master Journal list ISI Thomson, EBSCO, ProQuest, Ulrich Periodicals).
- (2013).Parenting Styles as predictors of Emotion Regulation among Adolescent. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. Vol. 28(1). 85-105.
- (2012).The moderating effect of Perceived Job Self-Efficacy in relation between Interpersonal Conflict at work and Job-related Outcomes. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology.Vol.38 (3), 55-61. Abstracted and Indexed in Psychological Abstract, PsycINFO & PsycALERT database,USA
- (2010). Organizational Climate as a predictor of Innovative Work Behavior. African Journal of Business Management. Vol. 4(15), 3337-3343.
- (2011). Relationship of Work-Family Conflict with Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in High-Tech Industrial Employees. International Journal of Academic Research. Vol. 3(6), 476-480.
- (2011). Mediating effect of Organizational Climate between Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 26(2), 183-199.
- (2010). Role of individual and organizational factors in decision making. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 41(1), 41-62.
- (2009). Role of individual and organizational factors in Leadership. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 40(2), 69-83.
- (2009). Interpersonal Conflict with colleagues and Superiors and its differential impact on Job-Related Outcomes. The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 15(1), 80-95
- (2006). Job Insecurity, Health, and Job Related Attitudes: A Comparison of Different Occupational Groups of Middle Level Telecom Managers. The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 14(1), 138-146.
- (2005). A Comparison of Motivational Orientations between Middle and Lower Level Bank Managers .The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. XIII, Nos. 1&2, 80-87.
- (2004).Managerial Conflict Management Styles: Public and Private Sector Differences. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 15(1-2), 25-34.
- (2001). Burnout and Organizational Sources of Social Support in Human Service Professions: A comparison of women doctors and nurses. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 27(1-2), 57-66.
- (2001). Development of a measure of developmental tasks for primary school age child. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 27(1-2), 197-204.
- (2000). Motivational orientation towards work among university students. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 11(1-2), 37-53.
- (1998). Age, gender and achievement effects on academic self-concept of high school children. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research,
- (1997). Stress, Social Support and Burnout in Nurses. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 12(3-4), 77-86.
- (1996). Job-related stress, organizational commitment and job satisfaction among government officials. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 11(304), 49-58.
- (1995). Development of an indigenous Job Knowledge Test. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 10(1-4), 27-37.
- (1994). Validation of Femininity/Masculinity Scale of California Psychological Inventory in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 9, 27-35. (This article has been acknowledged by Professor Harrison G. Gough in the 3rd edition of CPI Manual i.e., Gough & P. Bradley (Eds.) CPI Manual (1996) (pp. 147 & 411). Counseling Psychologist Press, Palo Alto; CA.
- (1993). Organizational Role Stress and Job satisfaction in public and private sector industry. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 8(3-4).
- (1992). Work values and organizational commitment in public and private sector industries. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 7(3-4), 41-51.
Technical Reports/Proceedings
- (2010). Knowledge Management Practices: Role of Organizational Culture. Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Science (Volume 17, Number1). 17th Annual Conference, Las Vegas.
- (2010). Task Analysis: Development and Implementation for C-2/PAEC. National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
- (2008). Intra-organization Comparison of Permanent and Contractual Employees: A Study of Job Related Attitudes, Job Insecurity and Health. Work, Stress and Health 2008; Healthy and Safe Work through Research, Practice and Partnerships, SOHP, American Psychological Association.
- (2007). Job Insecurity and consequences a comparative study: Contract and Permanent employees. Proceedings of the global conference on Business and Finance (pp. 83-87.). Texas: Institute for Business and Finance Research.
- (2000). Work Preferences among University Students. NIP Report. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology.
- (1999). Conflict Management Styles in Pakistan Corporate Culture. NIP Report. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology,
Quaid-i-Azam University. - (1997). Development a validation of Academic Self-concept scale. NIP Report. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University.
- (1994). Work values and Organizational Commitment in Public and Private Sector Industry. In S. Aziz (Ed.), Proceedings of the seminar on Social and Psychological Aspects of Work Environment (pp.41-49). Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University.
- (1992). A national data base of cognitive and personality variables. “Secondary School Students”. NIP Technical Report 6. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology. (ISBN 969-8022-20-1).
- (1992). Science Achievement Test for Grade 6; Development and Validation. NIP Technical Report 8. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology. (ISBN 969-8022-27-9)
- (1990). Developmental Tasks for Primary School Age Children. NIP Technical Report 5. Islamabad: National Institute of Psychology. (ISBN 969-8022-19-8).
Organizational Culture, Work-related Attitudes, Knowledge Management,
Innovative Work Behavior, Conflict and Conflict management, and
Psychological Measurement