Sadaf Asif


Metric in arts

F.A in psychology education

B.A in psychology education

MASTERS in mass communication

M Phil in Mass communication

One year internship in NUML as internee from 1st march 2013 to 28 February 2014,

5 years teaching experience in NUML as lecturer from 1st march 2014 to date.

4 publications in Y category HEC recognized journals

research, reporting, anchoring.


Metric in arts

F.A in psychology education

B.A in psychology education

MASTERS in mass communication

M Phil in Mass communication


One year internship in NUML as internee from 1st march 2013 to 28 February 2014,

5 years teaching experience in NUML as lecturer from 1st march 2014 to date.


4 publications in Y category HEC recognized journals


research, reporting, anchoring.