Dr. Qasim Mahmood

Assistant Professor

Matric (1998)

Intermediate (2001)

BA (2003)

MA (2007)

MS (2011)

PhD (2019)

Lecturer (Govt. Gordon College Rawalpindi) Aug-2007 to Aug 2008

Lecturer (NUML) 16-08-2010 to 08-03-2016

Assistant Professor (NUML) 19-10-2017 - to present

Portrayal of US in Leading Pakistani Newspapers: An Analysis Social Media and Arab Revolts: An Appraisal Social Media and Protest Behaviours

Social Media, Communication Theory, Research Methodology,


Matric (1998)

Intermediate (2001)

BA (2003)

MA (2007)

MS (2011)

PhD (2019)


Lecturer (Govt. Gordon College Rawalpindi) Aug-2007 to Aug 2008

Lecturer (NUML) 16-08-2010 to 08-03-2016

Assistant Professor (NUML) 19-10-2017 - to present


Portrayal of US in Leading Pakistani Newspapers: An Analysis Social Media and Arab Revolts: An Appraisal Social Media and Protest Behaviours


Social Media, Communication Theory, Research Methodology,