Nasir Ali
M.Phil (Balochi)
Three Years teaching experience as Senior Instructor (Balochi) at NUML Islamabad
Mah Zameen a peshgah int (Poetry Book)
Research article "The evolution of Humor in Brahui literature" published in "Makhz" April 2024.
Reseach article "Use of Parody in Brahui literature" published in "Jahan-e-Tahqeeq" in October 2024.
Reading books and writing literary works especially poetry in Balochi language.
Tranlation of literary pieces into Balochi language and other languages
M.Phil (Balochi)
Three Years teaching experience as Senior Instructor (Balochi) at NUML Islamabad
Mah Zameen a peshgah int (Poetry Book)
Research article "The evolution of Humor in Brahui literature" published in "Makhz" April 2024.
Reseach article "Use of Parody in Brahui literature" published in "Jahan-e-Tahqeeq" in October 2024.
Reading books and writing literary works especially poetry in Balochi language.
Tranlation of literary pieces into Balochi language and other languages