Media And Communication Studies


Our programs are designed to develop students' interests, train and polish their skills in the media and communication, both in theoretical and practical frameworks. The department offers a range of specializations in communication and media, including Digital Media, Broadcast Media, Corporate and Strategic Communication, Drama and Film, Print Media and Communication Theory & Research. Our diverse specialized courses ensure that students have the opportunity to explore their specific areas of interest and develop their skills in a chosen field.


Our vision is to foster a diverse, independent, innovative, ethical and economically thriving media and communications sector that contributes to the creation of successful and sustainable societies in an era of technological and social change.


The department of Media & Communication Studies is determined to develop skills, creativity and innovative capacities of students that enable new generation to meet the requisites of media industry, especially the digital media. Enthusiastically, we are peering the millennials to be equipped with skills mastering them in content creation, editing, designing and publishing to capture national and international media market and to gratify the segmented audiences.  For the purpose, we impart practical expertise’s in Graphic Designing, Photography, short film making and reporting, keeping in mind the requirements of social media platforms, digital media, online journalism, events covering, web-channels and national and international media outlets. Our program will prepare students to enter this new integrated media in a globalized world