Welcome to Department of International Relations

The Department of International Relations was established in the year 2003. The department offers four academic programmes; BS, M.Sc, M. Phil. & PhD.

The M Sc. IR programme was launched in 2003 while Mphil leading to PhD was launched in 2010 respectively.

The BS IR programme was launched in 2015 in order to prepare gradua ...
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Aspire to become center of excellence on creating cutting-edge knowledge, preparing future leadership through scientific research and innovative pedagogies in national and international affairs. 


Promote rigorous scholarship and academic excellence that enable potential graduates to understand the intricacies of national and international challenges and equip them with relevant skills, knowledge and competencies to handle social challenges in an apt manner and contribute towards development of enlightened society.  


  •   Room: Male Faculty Office, Near Library, Ground Floor
  •   Tel: 061-9330459
  •   Email: info-mtn@numl.edu.pk