Dr. Marium Din

Assistant professor/ HEC Approved Supervisor


Passing Year




9th March, 2010

National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan





September, 2001


Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, Pakistan



(Education, Political Science,

Islamic Studies)

September, 1997

University of the Punjab





Assistant Professor




National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


(BPS- 18)



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan

Visiting Faculty Member

September 2014

January, 2015

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan

Adminstrative Incharge


June  2014

30-08- 2014

Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


BPS- 17



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan

Lecturer (Contract)



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan




Research Division, Academy of Educational Planning and Management

Coordinator, M.Phil & Ph.D Program, NUML



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan

Publications in HEC’s Recognized Journals and International Journals


Articles in HEC’s Recognized Journals in X- category

  1. Malik, H., Din, M., & Afzal, S.(2019). Constructivism in the pedagogical        practices of university faculty . Global Social Sciences Review GSSR)   Pakistan. Vol   4, Issue (P.246-259) ISSN (Print: 2520-0348,         ISSN(Online):2616-793X.
  2. Tabassum, N., Malik, A.B., & Din, M. (2019). “A Voyage of Esprit-De-Corps: A       sectorial comparison.Vol-4, Issue-2. ISSN-2616-793X (P-13-25)
  3. Ahmed, Z & Din, M. (2017). Learning disabilities (LD) in primary      schools and     their awareness among female teachers. IMJ- Isra Medical          Journal. (p-). (P.91-    95). ISSN: 2073-         8285

Articles in HEC’s Recognized Journals in Y- category

  1. Afzal, S., Din, M., & Malik, H. (2020).Psychological capital as an index of     workplace flourishing of college faculty members”. Journal of Educational          Research (JER). Vol -23 No.1. (P.  91-110) ISSN: 1027-9776.
  2. Din. M, Malik, H., & Afzal, S (2019). “Unraveling the factors affecting morale of      teachers working in private educational institutions of pakistan.” Pakistan    Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) Vol-39, Issue- 2. ( P.473-     482). ISSN: 2074-       2061
  3. Din, M., Malik, H., & Afzal, S .(2019).Influence of demographics on self-perceived   morale of public and private secondary school teachers. Journal of Educational         Research (JER.Vol -22 (1). (P.72-85). ). ISSN: 1027-9776
  4. Arif, A.h., Din, M., & Saleem, Z.(2019). Exploring gender differences in moral          intelligence     and its effects on the learning outcomes of second year college        students. Global Regional Review (GRR). Vol.4 (3). (P. 360-366). e- ISSN- 2616-955 X,    P-ISSN- 2663- 7030
  5. Naz, S., Din, M., & Malik, A.B. (2019).Examining the effect of institutional culture    in developing emotional intelligence amongst students of HEIs: An evidence from     developing regions. Global Regional Review (GRR). Vol.4 (1). (P.389-401).

            e- ISSN-2616-955 X, P-ISSN- 2663-7030

  1. Salman, A, Kahlon, T.M & Din, M (2019).Pakistan-afghanistan transboundary water governance”.ISSRA PAPERS The Journal of Governance and Public Policy.            ISSN: 2219-0562 Volume 10, Number 02 (p.113-130)
  2. Rasool, I., Haider, M., & Din, M. (2019). Micro corporate social responsibility: A      person-centric approach for meeting the grand challenges. Journal of Research in       Social Sciences .Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2019. ISSN 2306-112X (E) 2305-6533 (P)          .(P.69-82)
  3. Din, M., Malik, H., & Afzal, S.(2018).Contribution of ethical integrity in escalating    academic integrity among university students. The Journal of Humanities and        Social Sciences, Vol. XXVI, No. 2  .(P. 115-134) . ISSN: 1024-0829
  4. Din, M. (2018). Urdu bataur zarya-e-taleem kay nifaaz ki amli kaushishain.Practical measures for implementing Urdu as a medium of         instruction).     Daryaft. Vol-  19 (1) (P. 89-96). ISSN: 2616-      6038, Print: 1814-2885
  5. Afzal, S & Din, M..& Qureshi,I (2018). “Comparing the Stress Level of Teachers at   Public and       Private Universities in Pakistan” Journal of Educational Research (JER) Vol -21 (1) (P.106-121). ISSN: 1027-9776


Articles in HEC’s Recognized Journals in Z- category

  1. Din, M. (2016). The interplay of emotional intelligence and morale of university         teachers (2016). International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities.           

      Vol. 44, (P. 113-120)  ISSN # 1016-9342 

  1. Din, M (2013). Social problems of hearing impaired children in society (2013).           Journal of Research in Social Sciences(JRSS)(.P. 146-154) ISSN 2306-112X (E)      2305-6533 (P)
  2. Din, M. (2010). “Educational thoughts of Ibn-e-Khuldoon and Imam Ghazali: a          comparative study. (Ibn-e-Khuldoon aur Imam Ghazali kay  taleemi            tassawarat. Taqabli mutala. Takhleeqi-Adab (June-2010). National     University of   Modern Languages, Islamabad. Pakistan. ISSN- 1814-9030 (P)

Article in International/Peer Reviwed Journals

  1. Din, M. (2017) Book Review Inspiring the Secondary Curriculum With           Technology: Let the students do the work. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE   (July- 2017). ISSN- 1302-6488
  2. Din, M. (2017). “Emancipation of women through participative pedagogies: Role       of consciousness- raising groups in women’s praxis”. MAGNT Research Report    (ISSN- 1444-8939). JAN-2017(ISI Master List
  3. Din, M .(2017). “Let’s learn together: Peer tutoring as a pedagogical tool in     higher education”. MAGNT Research Report (ISSN-1444-8939 )  JAN-2017
  4. Din, M. & Afzal, S (2018). “Assessment of pedagogical practices of university           teachers in the context of experiential learning” Haripur Journal of Educational         Research (HJER) Vol-2 (1) (P. 31-46) ISSN-2521-5663, 2522-3283 (on-line)
  5. Din, M. (2017). Indices of discrepancy between students’ learning styles and their      grade achievement at masters’ level. (Feb 2017). British Journal of Education        (BJE). ISSN- 2054-6351 (print )
  6. Din, M. (2017). “Student engagement in social entrepreneurship: A constellation        of five case studies”. Science and Education: A New Dimension.         Feb-     2017). (P-74-76). ISSN- 2308-5258
  7. Din, M. (2017). Empirical assessment of effect of socio-demographic           factors            on       learning styles of students at masters’ level.          International Review of Humanities & Scientific Research. (March, 2017). ISSN 2519-     5336.   International
  8. Din, M. (2017).Does learning style affect academic performance of Business Administration students? International Journal of English and Education (IJEE).            Vol 6 (2). April. 2017. (P. 32-45).  ISSN. 2278-4012
  9. Din, M. (2017).Scaffolding (peer tutoring)through synchronous and asynchronous      modes of interaction: Vygotsky’s concept of zone of proximal development .       International Journal of English and            Education(IJEE).Vol 6 (2). (P.22 -    31)April2017. ISSN. 2278-4012
  10. Yasmeen, A & Din, M. (2017) “Classroom incivilities: A gender-based           comparison of uncivil behaviors of students at undergraduate level”.                International   Journal of Basic and Applied       Science.
  11. Din, M & Afzal, S  (2017) Optimistic versus pessimistic life- orientation beliefs          among university teachers” International     Journal of        Basic and Applied       Science. April, 2017
  12. Din, M (2017) “Banking pedagogy Versus Transformative Pedagogy: Application of Paulo Freire’s Transformative Learning Theory in Higher Education”.             International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies. April, 2017 (P.                    55-63)
  13. Ahmed, Z and Din, M. (2017)  Problems And Prospects Of Teachers’ Recruitment    And     Selection In Azad Jammu & Kashmir (Ajk).The          Online Journal of        New Horizons in Education. vol.7, issue 3, July,          2017.  ISSN 2146-7374         International
  14. Din, M. (2016). Experience matters: Kolb’s experiential learning model and its           application in higher education (Nov- 2016). International Journal of             Academic Research (IJAR) ISSN -2075-4124
  15. Din, M. (2017). “Students as Mavericks for change: A model for introducing educational entrepreneurship Training. International Education and             Research Journal (IERJ) (Feb-2017) .ISSN- 2454-9916


Paper Presentation in National /International Conferences

  1. Title: “Suggested assessment system for Pakistan” in National Conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Educational Assessment (NCETCEA-2018) organized by National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad (3-4 October 2018) 
  2. Title: “Student engagement in social entrepreneurship: A constellation of five case studies” in Actual problems of Science and Education (APSE- 2017) International Conference held at Budapest, Hungary. (online) (29-01-2017).
  3. Title: “Building a sustainable society: Role of social sciences in sustainable development” in International Conference on Language, Literature and Society (ICLLS- 5-8 January, 2017).    
  4. Title: “Aftermaths nationalization of all educational institutions” in Conference on National Education System (CNES-2016) held at National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad (22-23 December 2016).
  5. Title: “Higher education: A gateway to sustainable development” in International conference on Innovation in Teaching and Learning organized by The Department of education, International Islamic University Islamabad. (25-26 April, 2016).
  6. Title: Experiential Learning: A paradigmatic shift from one-fits-all (Traditional) learning to the personalized learning in higher education” at First International Research Conference of Economics, Business and Social Sciences at Penang, Malaysia April 12-13, 2016
  7. Title: “Scaffolding through Peers: Application of Vygotsky’s “Zone of proximal development” through synchronous and asynchronous on-line modes of interaction” in 3rd e-Learning and Distance Education Conference Evolution, Challenges & Solutions (14-15 March, 2016 Lahore, Pakistan)
  8. Title: “Experiential learning: Experience that matters”in International Conference on Research and Practices in Education (2-3 February 2016) organized by Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan in collaboration with USAID.
  9. Title: “Consciousness- Raising through praxis: Transformative learning as a tool for emancipation of women” in Inter-Disciplinary Conference, “Consciousness-Raising of Pakistani Women: Negotiating Differences and Building Alliances” (17th and 18th December 2015) in International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan organized by Critical Thinking Forum (CTF) of Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD).
  10. Title: “Learning together: Peer tutoring as a pedagogical tool at higher education level”. International Conference on Quality Higher Education (ICQE). (March, 26-27, 2014) 

1. Organizational Behaviour

2. Educational Psychology

3. Educational Administration and Management

4. Educational Philosophy

5. Educational Research 



Passing Year




9th March, 2010

National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan





September, 2001


Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, Pakistan



(Education, Political Science,

Islamic Studies)

September, 1997

University of the Punjab






Assistant Professor




National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


(BPS- 18)



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan

Visiting Faculty Member

September 2014

January, 2015

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan

Adminstrative Incharge


June  2014

30-08- 2014

Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


BPS- 17



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan

Lecturer (Contract)



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan




Research Division, Academy of Educational Planning and Management

Coordinator, M.Phil & Ph.D Program, NUML



National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan


Publications in HEC’s Recognized Journals and International Journals


Articles in HEC’s Recognized Journals in X- category

  1. Malik, H., Din, M., & Afzal, S.(2019). Constructivism in the pedagogical        practices of university faculty . Global Social Sciences Review GSSR)   Pakistan. Vol   4, Issue (P.246-259) ISSN (Print: 2520-0348,         ISSN(Online):2616-793X.
  2. Tabassum, N., Malik, A.B., & Din, M. (2019). “A Voyage of Esprit-De-Corps: A       sectorial comparison.Vol-4, Issue-2. ISSN-2616-793X (P-13-25)
  3. Ahmed, Z & Din, M. (2017). Learning disabilities (LD) in primary      schools and     their awareness among female teachers. IMJ- Isra Medical          Journal. (p-). (P.91-    95). ISSN: 2073-         8285

Articles in HEC’s Recognized Journals in Y- category

  1. Afzal, S., Din, M., & Malik, H. (2020).Psychological capital as an index of     workplace flourishing of college faculty members”. Journal of Educational          Research (JER). Vol -23 No.1. (P.  91-110) ISSN: 1027-9776.
  2. Din. M, Malik, H., & Afzal, S (2019). “Unraveling the factors affecting morale of      teachers working in private educational institutions of pakistan.” Pakistan    Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) Vol-39, Issue- 2. ( P.473-     482). ISSN: 2074-       2061
  3. Din, M., Malik, H., & Afzal, S .(2019).Influence of demographics on self-perceived   morale of public and private secondary school teachers. Journal of Educational         Research (JER.Vol -22 (1). (P.72-85). ). ISSN: 1027-9776
  4. Arif, A.h., Din, M., & Saleem, Z.(2019). Exploring gender differences in moral          intelligence     and its effects on the learning outcomes of second year college        students. Global Regional Review (GRR). Vol.4 (3). (P. 360-366). e- ISSN- 2616-955 X,    P-ISSN- 2663- 7030
  5. Naz, S., Din, M., & Malik, A.B. (2019).Examining the effect of institutional culture    in developing emotional intelligence amongst students of HEIs: An evidence from     developing regions. Global Regional Review (GRR). Vol.4 (1). (P.389-401).

            e- ISSN-2616-955 X, P-ISSN- 2663-7030

  1. Salman, A, Kahlon, T.M & Din, M (2019).Pakistan-afghanistan transboundary water governance”.ISSRA PAPERS The Journal of Governance and Public Policy.            ISSN: 2219-0562 Volume 10, Number 02 (p.113-130)
  2. Rasool, I., Haider, M., & Din, M. (2019). Micro corporate social responsibility: A      person-centric approach for meeting the grand challenges. Journal of Research in       Social Sciences .Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2019. ISSN 2306-112X (E) 2305-6533 (P)          .(P.69-82)
  3. Din, M., Malik, H., & Afzal, S.(2018).Contribution of ethical integrity in escalating    academic integrity among university students. The Journal of Humanities and        Social Sciences, Vol. XXVI, No. 2  .(P. 115-134) . ISSN: 1024-0829
  4. Din, M. (2018). Urdu bataur zarya-e-taleem kay nifaaz ki amli kaushishain.Practical measures for implementing Urdu as a medium of         instruction).     Daryaft. Vol-  19 (1) (P. 89-96). ISSN: 2616-      6038, Print: 1814-2885
  5. Afzal, S & Din, M..& Qureshi,I (2018). “Comparing the Stress Level of Teachers at   Public and       Private Universities in Pakistan” Journal of Educational Research (JER) Vol -21 (1) (P.106-121). ISSN: 1027-9776


Articles in HEC’s Recognized Journals in Z- category

  1. Din, M. (2016). The interplay of emotional intelligence and morale of university         teachers (2016). International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities.           

      Vol. 44, (P. 113-120)  ISSN # 1016-9342 

  1. Din, M (2013). Social problems of hearing impaired children in society (2013).           Journal of Research in Social Sciences(JRSS)(.P. 146-154) ISSN 2306-112X (E)      2305-6533 (P)
  2. Din, M. (2010). “Educational thoughts of Ibn-e-Khuldoon and Imam Ghazali: a          comparative study. (Ibn-e-Khuldoon aur Imam Ghazali kay  taleemi            tassawarat. Taqabli mutala. Takhleeqi-Adab (June-2010). National     University of   Modern Languages, Islamabad. Pakistan. ISSN- 1814-9030 (P)

Article in International/Peer Reviwed Journals

  1. Din, M. (2017) Book Review Inspiring the Secondary Curriculum With           Technology: Let the students do the work. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE   (July- 2017). ISSN- 1302-6488
  2. Din, M. (2017). “Emancipation of women through participative pedagogies: Role       of consciousness- raising groups in women’s praxis”. MAGNT Research Report    (ISSN- 1444-8939). JAN-2017(ISI Master List
  3. Din, M .(2017). “Let’s learn together: Peer tutoring as a pedagogical tool in     higher education”. MAGNT Research Report (ISSN-1444-8939 )  JAN-2017
  4. Din, M. & Afzal, S (2018). “Assessment of pedagogical practices of university           teachers in the context of experiential learning” Haripur Journal of Educational         Research (HJER) Vol-2 (1) (P. 31-46) ISSN-2521-5663, 2522-3283 (on-line)
  5. Din, M. (2017). Indices of discrepancy between students’ learning styles and their      grade achievement at masters’ level. (Feb 2017). British Journal of Education        (BJE). ISSN- 2054-6351 (print )
  6. Din, M. (2017). “Student engagement in social entrepreneurship: A constellation        of five case studies”. Science and Education: A New Dimension.         Feb-     2017). (P-74-76). ISSN- 2308-5258
  7. Din, M. (2017). Empirical assessment of effect of socio-demographic           factors            on       learning styles of students at masters’ level.          International Review of Humanities & Scientific Research. (March, 2017). ISSN 2519-     5336.   International
  8. Din, M. (2017).Does learning style affect academic performance of Business Administration students? International Journal of English and Education (IJEE).            Vol 6 (2). April. 2017. (P. 32-45).  ISSN. 2278-4012
  9. Din, M. (2017).Scaffolding (peer tutoring)through synchronous and asynchronous      modes of interaction: Vygotsky’s concept of zone of proximal development .       International Journal of English and            Education(IJEE).Vol 6 (2). (P.22 -    31)April2017. ISSN. 2278-4012
  10. Yasmeen, A & Din, M. (2017) “Classroom incivilities: A gender-based           comparison of uncivil behaviors of students at undergraduate level”.                International   Journal of Basic and Applied       Science.
  11. Din, M & Afzal, S  (2017) Optimistic versus pessimistic life- orientation beliefs          among university teachers” International     Journal of        Basic and Applied       Science. April, 2017
  12. Din, M (2017) “Banking pedagogy Versus Transformative Pedagogy: Application of Paulo Freire’s Transformative Learning Theory in Higher Education”.             International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies. April, 2017 (P.                    55-63)
  13. Ahmed, Z and Din, M. (2017)  Problems And Prospects Of Teachers’ Recruitment    And     Selection In Azad Jammu & Kashmir (Ajk).The          Online Journal of        New Horizons in Education. vol.7, issue 3, July,          2017.  ISSN 2146-7374         International
  14. Din, M. (2016). Experience matters: Kolb’s experiential learning model and its           application in higher education (Nov- 2016). International Journal of             Academic Research (IJAR) ISSN -2075-4124
  15. Din, M. (2017). “Students as Mavericks for change: A model for introducing educational entrepreneurship Training. International Education and             Research Journal (IERJ) (Feb-2017) .ISSN- 2454-9916


Paper Presentation in National /International Conferences

  1. Title: “Suggested assessment system for Pakistan” in National Conference on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Educational Assessment (NCETCEA-2018) organized by National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad (3-4 October 2018) 
  2. Title: “Student engagement in social entrepreneurship: A constellation of five case studies” in Actual problems of Science and Education (APSE- 2017) International Conference held at Budapest, Hungary. (online) (29-01-2017).
  3. Title: “Building a sustainable society: Role of social sciences in sustainable development” in International Conference on Language, Literature and Society (ICLLS- 5-8 January, 2017).    
  4. Title: “Aftermaths nationalization of all educational institutions” in Conference on National Education System (CNES-2016) held at National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad (22-23 December 2016).
  5. Title: “Higher education: A gateway to sustainable development” in International conference on Innovation in Teaching and Learning organized by The Department of education, International Islamic University Islamabad. (25-26 April, 2016).
  6. Title: Experiential Learning: A paradigmatic shift from one-fits-all (Traditional) learning to the personalized learning in higher education” at First International Research Conference of Economics, Business and Social Sciences at Penang, Malaysia April 12-13, 2016
  7. Title: “Scaffolding through Peers: Application of Vygotsky’s “Zone of proximal development” through synchronous and asynchronous on-line modes of interaction” in 3rd e-Learning and Distance Education Conference Evolution, Challenges & Solutions (14-15 March, 2016 Lahore, Pakistan)
  8. Title: “Experiential learning: Experience that matters”in International Conference on Research and Practices in Education (2-3 February 2016) organized by Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan in collaboration with USAID.
  9. Title: “Consciousness- Raising through praxis: Transformative learning as a tool for emancipation of women” in Inter-Disciplinary Conference, “Consciousness-Raising of Pakistani Women: Negotiating Differences and Building Alliances” (17th and 18th December 2015) in International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan organized by Critical Thinking Forum (CTF) of Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD).
  10. Title: “Learning together: Peer tutoring as a pedagogical tool at higher education level”. International Conference on Quality Higher Education (ICQE). (March, 26-27, 2014) 


1. Organizational Behaviour

2. Educational Psychology

3. Educational Administration and Management

4. Educational Philosophy

5. Educational Research