Dr Hadia Tariq (MS/PhD Program Coordinator)

Assistant Professor(HEC Approved Supervisor)

PhD Applied Mathematics

Thesis: “Study of Peristaltic Transport of Dusty Fluids”
International Islamic University, Islamabad

November 2020

M.Phil. Applied Mathematics May, 2014
Thesis: “Solutions of Einstein field Equations with Polytropic Equations of State”
National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad

M.Sc. Mathematics January, 2004
Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad

Mathematics Lecturer in National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad.
September 2014- Present
• Visiting Lecturer in International Islamic University, Islamabad.
September 2014 - June 2015.
• Subject Specialist (Mathematics) in Hamza Army Public College, Rawalpindi.
Aug’ 05- Oct’ 2007
• Siddiq Public School, Rawalpindi
April ’04 - May’05

1. Peristaltic flow of a dusty electrically conducted fluid through a porous medium in an endoscope in SN
Applied Sciences, 2020.
2. Peristaltic transport of a second-grade dusty fluid in a tube in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research,
11(2), 11 - 25, 2020.
3. Peristaltic Flow of Second-grade Dusty Fluid through a Porous Medium in an Asymmetric Channel in
Journal of Porous Media. (Published in Journal of Porous Media. 23(9) 2020).
4. Theoretical Analysis of Peristaltic Viscous Fluid with Inhomogeneous Dust Particles in Arabian Journal for
Science and Engineering. (Published in Arab J Sci Eng (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-020-04668-3)

5. Peristaltically Wavy Motion on Dusty Walter’s B Fluid with Inclined Magnetic Field and Heat Transfer
in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. (Published in Arabian Journal of Science. 44: 7799-7808
6. Influence of wall properties on the peristaltic flow of a dusty Walter’s B fluid in Journal of the Brazilian
Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. (Published in Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical
Sciences and Engineering 40(8), 368 (2018)).
7. Exact Solutions of the Einstein equations with polytropic equations of state in Canadian Journal of
Physics. (Published in Can. J. Phys. 93: 637-640 (2015)).

Fluid Mechanics


PhD Applied Mathematics

Thesis: “Study of Peristaltic Transport of Dusty Fluids”
International Islamic University, Islamabad

November 2020

M.Phil. Applied Mathematics May, 2014
Thesis: “Solutions of Einstein field Equations with Polytropic Equations of State”
National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad

M.Sc. Mathematics January, 2004
Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad


Mathematics Lecturer in National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad.
September 2014- Present
• Visiting Lecturer in International Islamic University, Islamabad.
September 2014 - June 2015.
• Subject Specialist (Mathematics) in Hamza Army Public College, Rawalpindi.
Aug’ 05- Oct’ 2007
• Siddiq Public School, Rawalpindi
April ’04 - May’05


1. Peristaltic flow of a dusty electrically conducted fluid through a porous medium in an endoscope in SN
Applied Sciences, 2020.
2. Peristaltic transport of a second-grade dusty fluid in a tube in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research,
11(2), 11 - 25, 2020.
3. Peristaltic Flow of Second-grade Dusty Fluid through a Porous Medium in an Asymmetric Channel in
Journal of Porous Media. (Published in Journal of Porous Media. 23(9) 2020).
4. Theoretical Analysis of Peristaltic Viscous Fluid with Inhomogeneous Dust Particles in Arabian Journal for
Science and Engineering. (Published in Arab J Sci Eng (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-020-04668-3)

5. Peristaltically Wavy Motion on Dusty Walter’s B Fluid with Inclined Magnetic Field and Heat Transfer
in Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. (Published in Arabian Journal of Science. 44: 7799-7808
6. Influence of wall properties on the peristaltic flow of a dusty Walter’s B fluid in Journal of the Brazilian
Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. (Published in Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical
Sciences and Engineering 40(8), 368 (2018)).
7. Exact Solutions of the Einstein equations with polytropic equations of state in Canadian Journal of
Physics. (Published in Can. J. Phys. 93: 637-640 (2015)).


Fluid Mechanics